Fantasy is a little mouse looking for delicious cheeses. But it has to kill its enemies (rats and beetles) with mines exploding after a few seconds. Fantasy uses rotating wood doors and activated metal doors to follow its way escaping from sparks or ice. Really funny, "Cheese Chase" is a mix of reflex and strategy.
Listen, if you don't like it, then make your own. No one else did, so this is what you get.
This game's similar to xevious
Filling in another gap! Tomahawk 777 is a little bit like Space Invaders but with a few twists. The theme is designed with the marquee in mind. Wheel art is included. Enjoy
I wanted to create this gap-filling theme based on the flyer art for Konami's NBA Play By Play. I'm also including the video snap for download, since Emumovies does not have one. Enjoy, and don't on the shroom (and then click on flying Mario!)
Filling in another gap for MAME with this cool shooter. *NEW THEME 2.0! See version notes
Another game without theme
Content inside : wheel, game video and theme
And another one complete. Not the best artwork but the closest I was able to do with what I could find
One more artless theme complete. Enjoy
Another gap filler is here! Data East's World Cup Volleyball '95! This is a really great volleyball title. Wheel art is also included. Enjoy, and don't forget to click on the mushroom!
Fancy World - Earth of Crisis is a 2D single-screen platform game - a clone of Snow Bros with a girl as the main heroine who must save the Earth. The player must eliminate all enemies on screen (the heroine uses energy balls to shoot). After clearing the board, the player goes to the next level. Bosses appear every few levels. The player can find the hidden treasures in each level.
Another gap filler is here! Wonder Momo is a great little Japanese arcade game that needed a theme. Wheel art is also included. Enjoy, and don't forget to click on the mushroom!
One more game without a theme crossed off the list.
If you like please click the mushrooms
If you don't like click the mushroom as well lol
Mr. Kicker - mrkicker (MAME) (4:3)
This one had no artwork to go from, so I had to get creative and redraw the logo. I also drew over an existing character from another game (can you guess who it is?) And no desert is complete without blowing sand, so i got that to work with the particle effects too! Enjoy, and don't on the shroom (and then click on flying Mario!)
Yet another game without art now has a theme, enjoy
Please click the mushroom
Here's an awesome 3d dog-fighting game that's a lot like Namco's more famous franchise (Ace Combat was the successor)
PLEASE NOTE: Since MAME says that this game doesn't work (which, it does, and it works well at that), I included a video snap that I made because Emumovies does not have it. Also, you may have to edit your MAME database and add the game. That being said, it's worth it!
*Please click on the shroom if you want to continue receiving my MAME themes, and I'll keep making them!
I actually noticed that there was an existing theme for this one, but it was taken from the marquee, which didn't have the main character from the game, or the proper logo that is featured on the game's main title screen. This version does! It's a better solution to the marquee, imo. Enjoy the theme!
Theme for 'All American Football" (aafb). I'm not so good in creating themes as other users, but it is just to fill some gaps.
Another game without theme
Content inside : wheel, game video and theme
A 2D fighting game featuring a unique special move system (where players have to "charge up" their special moves, leaving them open to attacks).
1 more game now has a theme, enjoy.
Remember if you like to click the mushroom
You use the fire button to swing your sword & activate any switches. At a certain point in the game, you will receive a new power. You hold down the attack button to charge up this power & release to use.
One more theme crossed off the list of missing.
Remember to click the mushroom if you like
Gunstar Heroes (Mega Play) - mp_gunhe (MAME) (4:3)
Thanks to @hellsing001 for input of background and @hamurades for cleaning up the Raccoons we bring another missing theme into existence.
If you like please click the mushroom if you hate it click the super mushroom ...... lol