Big thanks to Kondorito, and Fizen for the Artwork cleanup and ideas about framing the theme.
Happy with the theme so uploaded.
Awesome Japanese puzzle game that needed a theme, so here you go. New wheel art is included.
Original by fire10 - have fixed the video so it displays the game correctly.
Another missing theme.
Eightman Theme and Wheel
New theme for this Arkanoid style game...enjoy!
OK found a zip file from a user called Kiro04 - They did the original theme.
I have replace the game logo with a better quality logo but haven't change anything else.
Another missing theme done.
Thanks to Kondorito for the superb work to redraw part of the Robot and general cleanup.
Rabbit is an Action game, developed and published by Electronic Arts, which was released in Japan in 1997
Ultra Toukon Densetsu is an Ultraman beat 'em up game, produced by Banpresto in 1993.
Grand Striker 2 was produced by Human in 1996.
Human released 3 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1993.
Other machines made by Human during the time period Grand Striker 2 was produced include Blazing Tornado, and Grand Striker Human Cup.
The sequel of Grand Striker Human Cup, a soccer game by Human.
The Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship Theme and Wheel
Another missing theme done. Thanks for all feedback
You have to dig, avoiding contact with Spiders, Red Faces - whose contact will make you explode - watching out for rocks that can fall on you. Meanwhile, you've got to collect a number of diamonds per screen.
Other components of the game are Green Rocks - which act as mines and explode while Spiders get close to them, Red Balls - which explode when they fall upon something, and Walls - which come in two types: the ones the explosions destroy and the ones that are undestroyable.
The Diamonds are in fixed places on the screen, but they also appear when a Red Face or a Spider is destroyed.
No theme for this great japanese puzzle game, so I came up with one, complete with brand new wheel art.
Super Sidekicks 2 Theme and Wheel
Danger Zone is an Action game, developed and published by Cinematronics, which was released in 1986.
Missing theme for a great little shooter.
Lacks any artwork so just did a simple theme.
It's really hard to believe that no one made a theme for this Nintendo classic! I'm honored to make a theme for it.....Enjoy!
Super Dodge Ball Theme and Wheel
Land Sea Air Squad for the United States, and also known as Storming Party, is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game that had been released by Taito Corporation in 1986.
The player must use an 8-way joystick to take control of a soldier, with two buttons to make him fire shots and throw grenades at enemies - and he shall occasionally have to pilot helicopters, tanks, and boats in order to reach the next stage.
When the soldier is on foot, he shall only move forward when you push the joystick up like in a precursor for the second and fifth stages of Konami's Super Contra; however, when he is piloting a vehicle, he will always be moving forward, but you may direct him anywhere (like in countless other vertical shooters). There are a total of eight unique stages for this game - and once you have cleared them all, they'll repeat from the beginning, at a harder level of difficulty (like several other Taito titles).
Spin Master Theme and Wheel
Here's a theme for Sega's Ace Attacker volleyball game, complete with wheel art.
Lock On (philco) - lockonph (MAME) (4:3)
Game with F14-Tomcat or FA18-Hornet