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Game Themes (4:3)

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  1. I'm really shocked that no one has filled in all of theme gaps for some of the great Nintendo VS arcade games.  I'm working on getting some of those out when I can.  Hope you enjoy this one!  I've included the custom wheel art as well.
  2. Another Sega theme gap filled!  Enjoy
  3. Custom theme I made for Change Air Blade.  Enjoy!
  4. Theme for MK3 from the Arcade cabinet/Marquee art.....enjoy!
  5. This crazy arcade prototype needed a good theme, so here you go!
  6. This is one of the weirdest, wackiest arcade games of ALL TIME!  I'm a sucker for quirky, crazy japanese games!  Spank the creeps (smash buttons) to make the meter spin!  Also, you can "poke" them up the ass for extra points!  No joke!  LOL. 
    Wheel art included!
  7. Another gap filled for this fun MAME arcade shooter!
  8. This really great Konami arcade game needed a theme!  This game is also known as Trick Trap, but there was very little art on the logo, and honestly, the Labyrinth Runner logo is a way better design, so I went with it.  Wheel art is included
  9. Another awesome arcade game that needed a theme, so here you go!  Wheel art is included
  10. Filling in another MAME gap with this cool shooter!
  11. This one took a lot of hard work, but I think it turned out pretty awesome.   I included the full redrawn logo wheel art and video snap, in case you need them.   Enjoy!
  12. This game already had a similar theme, but I improved on it pretty significantly. Enjoy
  13. This one needed a better theme, so here you go.  Enjoy
  14. Had a bash at this one as couldn't find a theme even there are images posted.
  15. Used video template  from the other Psyvariar game and added a new background. Can't find high quality logo so used the same one as Psyvariar Medium.
  16. Another missing theme.
  17. I apologize for the poor image quality of Jago and Kim wu.
    I searched a lot for google images in higher resolution, but I did not find and to not get worse, I created the theme in 4: 3.

    If someone knows of some place where you can find better images, please send to me and  so I can improve the theme.
    Thank you!
  18. Top down racer - basic theme just to replace default.
  19. Another missing theme. Sick of racetrack / car backgrounds so used the flag as a background. Nice clean simple theme.
  20. Another missing theme. Boulderdash type game but no artwork.
  21. Another theme that no one has worked on yet, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
  22. Another missing theme. Includes a new logo to go in images folder - 300 x 175.
  23. Another missing theme.
  24. Lack of artwork for this R-type rip off - needs a pro to do a better version but its better than the default.
  25. Though I'd have a go - not a lot of artwork for this so just put this together.

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