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Game Themes (4:3)

4,070 files

  1. Yep.
    All G's are done now.
    I'm running out of ideas.
    112 left to go.
  2. Based on a low quality image of the arcade sideart.
    Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  3. Based on the arcade marquee and sideart.
    Hydra - hydra (MAME) (4:3)
    Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  4. ALL NEW 2.0 THEME!  I tried replacing the old theme, but the website won't let me upload a screenshot anymore, so here's version 2.0 in a new file.  This version features more arcade accurate artwork and revised logo, wheel art and animations!
    "Killin' it....one theme at a time!"

  5. Well this theme took forever.  Mainly because I lost interest in making it.  Austrian quiz games aren't exactly my favorite genre
    113 themes left to go.  D's are done.
    I seriously have every other Mame theme.  I'm not kidding.
  6. Filling in another theme gap for this block shifting arcade game!
    "Killin' it....one theme at a time!"

  7. No theme for Sega's Water Match, so i'm filling in the gap! 
  8. This is a great puzzle game, and it had no theme, so here you go!   Killing those MAME gaps..one theme at a time!
  9. I didn't realize that a theme for this game already existed until it was too late, but here's an alternate version!  Enjoy
  10. No artwork is available for this title, so this was created from scratch.
  11. Burnin' Rubber - brubber (MAME)
    Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  12. Bump 'n' Jump - bnj (MAME)
  13. Filling in a theme gap for this awesome Japanese variety game!
  14. This awesome Williams classic had no theme, so here you go!  I spent a ridiculous amount of time on this, so I hope everyone appreciates the time involved in projects like these. This involved a very meticulous recreation of the marquee art (from a photo that was taken of an old scratched up marquee.) Enjoy
  15. Here's a crazy little action puzzle game that needed a theme.  Enjoy
  16. This one took a while, cause I wasn't sure which direction I wanted to go.  I was going to add a animated spin wheel, but wasn't sure how lol.
    Anyway, this one goes well with the included video
    114 left to do out of 2861
    One more 'F' to go.
  17. Yet another awesome arcade game sequel without a theme, so I made one.  Enjoy!
  18. another one bites the dust...
  19. Another gap filled with this great Namco arcade racer!
  20. I also included a new versión of the Wheel label based on the cabinet marquee.
  21. This one had a theme by someone else, but I felt like it needed a new look.  Hope you like it!
  22. There is no artwork available for this game at all!  Did the best I could.
    115 left to go out of 2861
    All D's are done.
  23. No theme for this track and field game, so here you go!
  24. Another MAME gap-filler for this awesome little arcade game!   The picture doesn't really do this theme justice....watch out for the flying fruit! 
  25. I took way longer then socially acceptable to make this.  Way too long.
    May God have mercy on my soul.
    116 left to go out of 2861
    1 more 'D' to go.  
    Who wants the 'D'?
    Oh God.

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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