Car Polo (carpolo) by Exidy
16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video
16:9 Theme + video + wheel
Hey guys, I just made this new one. Point Blank 3 by Namco.
Bit by bit we all will complete our Namco System 10 collection in Hyperspin recently emulated with MAME .255
This is a video of how the theme suits in Hyperspin and some gameplay:
16:9 theme + video + wheel
16: 9 Theme + wheel + video
Transformers: Shadows Rising by Sega
Point Blank X by Bandai Namco
Alternative Artwork4 inside theme. Just rename or delete
Savage Quest by Interactive Light
16:9 theme + video + wheel
16:9 Theme + Wheel + flv VIdeo
Artwork by zombiekid191 (Devianart)
16:9 Theme + wheel + mp4 and flv video
Vampire Hunter 2 - vhunt2 (MAME) (CPS2) (Capcom Play System 2) 16:9 // 16:10
16:9 Theme + Wheel + mp4 and flv Video
16:9 Theme + Wheel
Vampire Savior 2 - vsav2 (MAME) (CPS2) (Capcom Play System II) 16:9 // 16:10
Vampire Savior - vsav vsavu (MAME) (CPS2) (Capcom Play System II) 16:9 // 16:10
Capcom Baseball - cbasebal (MAME) (Capcom Classics) 16:9 // 16:10
16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video + Marquee
16:9 Theme + Wheel + flv video and mp4 video
16:9 Theme + Video + Wheel
Special Forces Elite Training (specfrce) by ICE (NOT PLAYABLE YET)
Mouse Attack (mouseatk) by ICE (modified theme from @JohnFreitasSousa)
Johnny Nero Action Hero (jnero) by ICE (NOT PLAYABLE YET)
Frenzy Express by ICE / UNIANA