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Game Themes (16:9)

1,196 files

  1. Car Polo (carpolo) by Exidy
    33 0
  2. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video 
    75 0
  3. 16:9 Theme + video + wheel
    32 0
  4. Hey guys, I just made this new one. Point Blank 3 by Namco.
    Bit by bit we all will complete our Namco System 10 collection in Hyperspin recently emulated with MAME .255
    This is a video of how the theme suits in Hyperspin and some gameplay:
    152 0
  5. 16:9 theme + video + wheel
    40 0
  6. 16: 9 Theme + wheel + video
    61 0
  7. Transformers: Shadows Rising by Sega
    144 0
  8. Point Blank X by Bandai Namco
    Alternative Artwork4 inside theme. Just rename or delete
    105 0
  9. Savage Quest by Interactive Light
    154 0
  10. 16:9 theme + video + wheel
    50 0
  11. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + flv VIdeo
    Artwork by zombiekid191 (Devianart)
    55 0
  12. 16:9 Theme  + wheel + mp4 and flv video
    59 0
  13. Vampire Hunter 2 - vhunt2 (MAME) (CPS2) (Capcom Play System 2) 16:9 // 16:10
    80 0
  14. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + mp4 and flv Video
    51 0
  15. 16:9 Theme + Wheel
    44 0
  16. Vampire Savior 2 - vsav2 (MAME) (CPS2) (Capcom Play System II) 16:9 // 16:10
    58 0
  17. Vampire Savior - vsav vsavu (MAME) (CPS2) (Capcom Play System II) 16:9 // 16:10 
    63 0
  18. Capcom Baseball - cbasebal (MAME) (Capcom Classics) 16:9 // 16:10
    61 0
  19. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video + Marquee
    77 0
  20. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + flv video and mp4 video
    44 0
  21. 16:9 Theme + Video + Wheel
    48 0
  22. Special Forces Elite Training (specfrce) by ICE (NOT PLAYABLE YET)
    32 0
  23. Mouse Attack (mouseatk) by ICE (modified theme from @JohnFreitasSousa)
    40 0
  24. Johnny Nero Action Hero (jnero) by ICE (NOT PLAYABLE YET)
    29 0
  25. Frenzy Express by ICE / UNIANA
    42 0

  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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