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Game Themes (16:9)

1,119 files

  1. Custom wheel available

    366 0
  2. Custom wheel available

    272 0
  3. KOF 2001 Theme with Fatal Fury Team and Blue Mary ()
    201 1
  4. This time it's with the women's team.
    (Because MAI Shiranui could not be left out )
    This is my KOF 2000 theme.
    172 0
  5. This is a Samurai Shodown 2 test theme, where I used animated background transforming an animated GIF into Flash. Still need improvement.
    But for those who want, you can test there.
    105 0
  6. Theme Samurai shodown 2 16:9
    61 0
  7. I would like to give the credits to @ashurax for BG

    153 0
  8. The King of Fighters 2003 Theme in 16:9.
    228 2
  9. I would like to give the credits @ashurax and @Zomboided due to the idea of the theme and composition, but as the @ashurax theme was never published, so I decided to do it

    165 0
  10. 198 0
  11. My theme for The King of Fighters 96.
    205 0
  12. My KOF95 Game Theme.
    204 0
  13. 209 0
  14. wheels included

    460 2
  15. 162 0
  16. 198 4
  17. 285 1
  18. wheel available

    300 1
  19. i didn't find any art about this game

    357 2
  20. 281 0
  21. another variation based on a flyer

    163 0
  22. another theme with some changes and modifications, and the other theme was having problems of positioning
    I decided to create this one using some elements of the other theme, credits to @Hypnoziz

    187 2
  23. 234 1
  24. another variation

    193 2
  25. another missing theme

    175 2
  • emumovies partner.png

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