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4 files

  1. Some minor changes. Now at revision 2.1
  2. Files included
    Acorn BBC Micro - [all].xml; Acorn BBC Micro - [all] [bootfile].xml; Acorn BBC Micro - [all] [start].xml; Acorn BBC Micro - [bootfile].xml; and Acorn BBC Micro - [bootfile].xml
    [all] contains all the roms I dumped - 4698 ssd's [all] [bootfile] contains just the [bootfile] ssd's [all] [start] contains just the [start] ssd's (alternative publishers / programmers kept) [bootfile] contains just the [bootfile] ssd's with duplicates removed (alternative publishers / programmers kept) [start] contains just the [start] ssd's with duplicates removed
    How to
    Rename your choice to the name of your system. i.e. Acorn BBC Micro - [bootfile].xml to Acorn BBC Micro.xml Make sure your roms match up

  3. Updated database for Acorn BBC Micro. This follows the recently published guidelines for "proper" databases.

  4. Acorn BBC Micro HyperBase Database (Official)

  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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