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5 Screenshots

About This File

Here is my complete colecovision box art set, it consists of the full no-intro series most current as of June 2010, it includes box art for every game except demos and alternate dumps. This totals at 157 games/roms. Also included is 14 select games from the goodset and tosec sets, they are the more memorable and better functioning ones, as most of the ones in those sets that do not appear in no-intro are junk and alt.dumps.


I have managed to compile an original cover for EVERY game that I believe a cover was ever originally created for. About half a dozen games that were protos and such I believe never had boxes printed and for those I have created ones using any available original art. If you happen to have other art for these please let me know.


Thanks and enjoy-please obtain persmission from me if you wish to use these in a seperate project of your own.

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