About This File
Hey Guys,
Here you can find the latest version of HyperSpeech.
Also you can find the latest MAME databases if you would like to use genre/subgenre functionality in HyperSpeech.
HyperSpeech v1.1.0.7z HyperSpeech MAME 0.210 database folder.7z
What's New in Version 1.1.0
Changelog 1.1.0:
- Added SystemMute. When selecting a muted system from the main menu, speech is muted untill you return to the main menu.
To enable this, you need to create an extra section [MutedSystems] in the HyperSpeech.ini file and place all the systems in this section that you want to be muted.
Changelog HyperSpeech 1.0.1:
- Fixed Main Menu Speech which was broken
- Pressing bio keys twice makes bio speech stop
- Implemented MAME Genre Speech and option to filter the genre wheels for horizontal/vertical on the fly.
For this you'll need to download the MAME XML Database files for your corresponding setup from http://retrofe.nl/download/ (Credits to phulshof!!!)
You need to create 4 subgenre folders in your Hyperspin\Databases\MAME folder, named "All", "Default", "Horizontal" and "Vertical" in which you
must place genre xml's that correspond to the subgenre type of the folder. Also you need to create a subgenre.xml file like below to enable
genre filtering in HyperSpin/Hyperspeech
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subgenre name="Default"/>
<subgenre name="Vertical"/>
<subgenre name="Horizontal"/>
The way it works is that every time you press the genre key, it will cycle between All-Vertical-Horizontal and copy de files from the
coresponding subfolder to the parent folder.
I also added my MAME database folder based on MAME 0.193, with my Genre databases and Horizontal and Vertical subgenres.
You can use this to check out the subgenre selection that I added in HyperSpeech, I advise you to make a backup your own folder first before extracting the archive.