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About This File

This is a theme for PC Game Saints Row: The Third.
Please note I have just learned this technique of animating backgrounds but wish to share. This file may change over time as I improve techniques and not sure overall if there is an impact on the application.
I am liking this one.. not sure why. :shok:

All media has been converted to 16:9 Widescreen.

The video I used is included as a separate download.

Widescreen wheel available in screenshots. 

Saints Row: The Third is an action-adventure game[6][7] played from the third-person perspective[8] in an open world,[7] such that players explore an unrestricted environment.[9] Similar to the premise of the previous Saints Rowgames, the player's goal is to lead the Third Street Saints gang to overtake its rival gangs in the city turf war.[10] While the protagonist is the same,[11] the game introduces a new setting, the city of Steelport,[a] with its new gangs: the Morningstar, Luchadores, and Deckers, together known as the Syndicate.[13] Once The Syndicate is defeated, the government's Special Tactical Anti-Gang unit (STAG) is summoned to quell the Saints.[15] The Third is the first in the series to intertwine the narratives of its three-gang structures, and also presents the player with story-altering decisions.

What's New in Version 1.0.0


Updated Background "Video" as perspective was off. Still Learning.. 

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