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About This File

Credit goes to Tonesmalone, chex, and Retro Goonie. Special thanks goes to Kondorito for already having box art for the entire database - that made my job a lot easier. :)

Game names were not changed at all - if you were already using the development thread database, switching to this one should not break anything, and you will get the benefit of improved meta data.

I have taken the development thread [Official] database, and done the following

1. Corrected errors in the <manufacturer> field. I am primarily concerned with the name reflecting what is written on the box - and I tried to be as accurate as possible. So if one game uses the typical 'Taito' logo, but another one uses 'Taito Corporation,' I entered the data accordingly. Sometimes there is no logo, and I had to use the small print on the back of a box or the cartridge. And some cases, I had to use the title screen. I tried to give respect to any situations where there were multiple names on the box. In that situation, I entered the data in the format of developer/publisher, or in some cases, developer 1/developer 2/publisher.

2. Re-added two games that were taken out of HyperList - Super Mario Bros (25 Anniversary Edition) (Japan) and Super Maruo (Japan) (Unl) (Translated En). Super Maruo has the enabled="0" feature activated, and if you want it in your collection, you will have to manually alter the database and either change it to enabled="1" or delete it, so that it it is the same as the other entries. It is not just an 'adult' game, it is also pornographic and vulgar. It should be in the list, simply because it exists - but it's also trash in every sense of the word.

3. Changed the Shufflepuck Cafe rating back to HSRS - GA. This game is harmless. There were rumors back in the Amiga days that the scantily clad female would flash you but they are bogus as far as I can tell. And I personally played the Famicom version - there's no nudity.

4. Added 4 new games.
Downtown - Nekketsu Koushinkyoku - Soreyuke Daiundoukai (Japan) (Translated En)
Gimmick! (Japan) (Translated En)
USA Ice Hockey in FC (Japan)
Venus Senki (Japan) (Translated En)

USA Ice Hockey is not a translation obviously, but any Japanese game with 'USA' in the title fascinates me.

I've included a genres.zip download, that includes custom manufacturer genres for every single developer/publisher, years, ratings (even though Super Maruo is the only 'Adult' game), and two custom genres - Translations, and Sports Complete.

That about covers it. 

If you have any suggestions/improvements to offer, please visit the following thread:


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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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