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8 Screenshots

About This File

I created this desktop theme for Windows 10 from 33 images and 30 wave files found around the internet and use them for my arcade cabinet. I take no credit for any of the images or sounds but thought I would share the theme in case anyone's interested. I  put the two together to create a WINDOWS 10 DESKTOP THEME. Most images are 1920x1080 except for 2 that are a bit bigger and don't look that good scaled down.

1.  Place the Arcade Classics Folder containing the WAV files into your %WINDIR%/media folder.
2. ONLY if you installed an earlier version of this Arcade Classics Theme (IF NOT then skip this step), click on another theme (like Windows Default), then RIGHT-CLICK on the ARCADE CLASSICS THEME and select DELETE.
3. Double-click on the NEW ARCADE CLASSICS THEME. It should connect the sound scheme to the desktop theme.

I also included a VBS script that makes the desktop wallpaper rotate to the next random image and a shortcut to this script that makes it easy to double-click and run the script. You may need to make your own or edit the shortcut depending on where you move the VBS script but I included it for completeness. Put the VB-SCRIPT wherever you'd like then edit the shourtcut to point to the vb-script. I have my script in my c:/Hyperspin folder and the shortcut on my desktop.

Enjoy, and let me know in the comments below if you have any issues with the theme or what your favorite images are. I like Space Invaders, Star Wars, and Battle Zone the best.

What's New in Version 2.0.0


1.0.1 - Fixed a few of the image sizes so 28 of the 30 images are now 1920x1080.

2.0.0 - Added Arcade Classics Sound Scheme to go along with the Desktop Theme. Added 3 more background images for a total of 33. Included WAV files with download. 










Arcade Classics.zip

Arcade Classics.zip

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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