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About This File

This will change any folder or text string that you want just edit at the end of the script what you want . So if your hyperspin contains a folder called Emulateur and you want that folder renamed add Emulator in the second example ..

@echo on
# CD %~dp0
for %%x in (ini ahk cfg xml ink lnk) do (
set extension=%%x
for /r %%a in (*.%extension%) do (
fart -i "%%a" "Emulator" "Emulateur"

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you can run on any file or folder on a pc make sure its in the base directory in which you need to be at.




3 hours ago, Raging_Daemon said:

Fart File? That a typo?

Hehe its an acronym for Find And Replace Text. 



Uso la herramienta Fart hace años voy a testear  streetmedic, me supongo que es para todas las carpetas y sub-carpetas (Es muy similar o igual a lo que se compartió en ArcadeSpain hace ya años)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      @echo off
CD %~dp0
for %%x in (ini txt ahk cfg xml ink bat) do (
set extension=%%x
for /r %%a in (*.%extension%) do (
fart -i "%%a" "(Aqui tu Sistema)" "Mame"
for /r %%a in (*.%extension%) do (
fart -i "%%a" "(Aqui tu Sistema)" "Mame"
for /r %%a in (*.%extension%) do (
fart -i "%%a" "(Aqui tu Categoria)" "Arcade"




sorry i had to translate your text but yes it will scan all files in a directory that you choose as root and by replacing test in 2 spots it will automatically chanfge the first  to second 

 @echo on
# CD %~dp0
for %%x in (ini ahk cfg xml ink lnk) do (
set extension=%%x
for /r %%a in (*.%extension%) do (
fart -i "%%a" "C:\HyperSpin\" "H:\Hyperspin\"


(ini ahk cfg xml ink lnk)

the above is what it currently scans and will edit the file types

.ini ,ahk .cfg .xml.ink .lnk

red = from or what you dont want

blue = to new

the red text being what you dont want any more to be 

Blue is the new path or name or what ever..

put in the root directory of a folder such as Hyperspin and it scan all files in that directory

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