About This File
use Hypseus.exe & Daphne.ahk
For the game Time Traveler aka Hologram use the Daphne emulator & Daphne Singe.ahk
Hypseus Singe is a fork and SDL2 version of Daphne and Singe. DAPHNE is the 1st LaserDisc emulator. It runs on Windows 95/98/2000/Xp/Vista/7/8/10. It currently 11/ supports 18 games including the famous Dragon's Lair (US). Each game is divided into 2 forms: the video(s) strictly speaking coupled with a Rom which is the game itself, often very basic (display of scores, small luminous signs, or mini-space invaders (for Bega's battle for example)). These 2 parts are managed by a TXT file that DAPHNE reads. Each line of the txt corresponds to a given timing of one or more videos (a bit like a timing of a Fansub subtitle).
The following games are supported: Astron Belt v.1 Badlands v.1 Bega's Battle v.1 Cliff Hanger v.1 Cobra Command v.1 Dragon's Lair v.1 Dragon's Lair II : Timewarp v.1 Esh's Aurunmilla v.1 Galaxy Ranger v.1 GP World v.1 Interstellar v.1 M.A.C.H. 3 v.1 Road Blaster v.1 Space Ace v.1 Star Blazer Sorry it's missing in my pack will be available in HD or 2.0 version in the future Monkey 2.0 demo Super Don Quix-ote v.1 Thayer's Quest v.1 Us vs Them v.1 To launch these games just use Hypseus with the module.ahk Daphne Ninja Hayate v.1 (Bonus) Timegal v.1 (Bonus) For the 2 Arcade Monkey games below always use Hypseus with this time the module.ahk Daphne monkey
Time Traveler aka Hologram v.1: