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Acetronic MPU-1000 RetroArch(MAME) complete setup 1.0.1

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3 Screenshots

About This File

A clone of Interton VC 4000 but with 1 exclusive game.

I set the controller to paddle so I could run 3 games that were not possible to control on my Interton VC 4000 setup. Control on the other games may be better or worse with the paddle controller.

So, this system is justified because it has 4 additional games and an alternate control style.

Must open Mame Menu and configure:

Machine Configuration: Treat Joystick As: Paddle

*paddle setting may already be set in mpu1000.cfg but I'm unsure

1970's Home Console Project

What's New in Version 1.0.1


fixed controls and uploaded new file: mpu1000.cfg

replace file in RetroArch\saves\mame\cfg

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