About This File
Only 15 added/updated arcade games this month.
New Parents:
cnebula - Nebula (DECO Cassette) (UK)
decodark - DECO Cassette System ROM Multigame (Darksoft, v17)
racingj - Racing Jam (GQ676UAC)
racingj2 - Racing Jam: Chapter 2 (GQ888UAA)
thrilld - Thrill Drive (UDE)
New Clones:
bonzeadvp2 - Bonze Adventure (World, prototype)
ffightae - Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (World, hack)
gunsmokeua - Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-01-20)
pcktgalba - Pocket Gal / unknown card game
Updated Parents:
cadanglr - Angler Dangler (DECO Cassette) (US)
mpumpkin - Magical Pumpkin: Puroland de Daibouken (Japan 960712)
plegends - Gogetsuji Legends (US, Ver. 95.06.20)
pwrinst2 - Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94.04.08, set 1)
teedoff - Tee'd Off (World)
Updated Clones:
ccbootmm - Crazy Climber (ManilaMatic bootleg)
hkittymp - Hello Kitty Magical Pumpkin (Japan 960712)
Complete video and wheels
9/15 Themes
I did not make any of the themes
Previous Uploads: