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How to launch pdf files.


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I need some help as my setup is almost functional. I did not want to come here and ask, but I know the majority of experienced users of FEs are here.But I having a problem of launching pdf files in 3D Arcade (as members of the community we all try to help each other out). The problem is when I press the 3 key this brings up a info screen, (it does not matter, whatever game I'm on in it going to bring up game info for that title) In this screen I could put art work and html links. The tutorial says I could embed the pdf file into a htm file. In the skinner I can not edit it except location. So I have to edit the emulator config. ( this has to be done for every emulator) Given the numerous pdf files creating a htm file for each one is out of the question. (also requires plugin files to be installed as it uses the browser to launch them). My solution for this is to launch a pdf viewer (xchange) to launch the pdf files by command line giving different paths but searhing same name. (like all other media assets).

so the format of command lines would look like so


Console History: xchange.exe (path to $10 repsents emulator( This is heading) This has to be hidden 3DO.pdf

Console Manual Info: xchange.exe (path to $10 repsents emulator ( This is heading) This has to be hidden 3DO.pdf

Manual Info: xchange.exe (path to $02 ( $02 represents the file name) This has to be hidden    Alone in the Dark.pdf

Title Info: xchange.exe (path to $02 ( $02 represents the file name) This has to be hidden         Alone in the Dark.pdf

Guide Info: xchange.exe (path to $02 ( $02 represents the file name) This has to be hidden      Alone in the Dark.pdf




--3do emulator configuration file
--Paths starting with @ are considered to be relative paths to the frontend folder. The fe will replace the @ with the frontend path.
--End paths allways with \.
--1. Emulator related paths
emupath|@\emulators\3DO\4DO_1.3.2.3\|#folder|Path that contains the executable.|
gamepath|@\emulators\3DO\3do\|#folder|Path to the items that have to be launched (for mame keep this empty and use the paths in mame.ini).|
workingdir|@\emulators\3DO\4DO_1.3.2.3\|#folder|Set the working directory to this path. In most cases that will be the same as the emupath.|
shortnamepath||#folder|Some, mostly dos based, emulators can't lauch games with long file names. For those set this path to the location you keep the games. For all others keep this empty. The fe will search this path for the filename and then it will use the shortname to launch it. Keep this also to false when you don't have the complete filename with extension in the gamelist!|
--2. Artwork and information associated with emulator related paths
cabinets|@\emulators\3DO\3DO - CD Scans (U)(EmuMovies)\|#folder||
glvideodir|@\emulators\3DO\Videos mp4 480\|#folder|Path for video's unzipped to be displayed on the 3d models|
qtvr|@\dummys\|#folder|Use any format supported by quicktime, like mov, mpg, mpeg2, mp4 etc. to be displayed in the information-, intro- and exit screens. By adapting a skin this can also be used to play movies fullscreen without launching an external player.|
gameinfo|@\emulators\3do\info\|#folder|Path for text and html files to be shown in the information menu.|
helppath|@\emulators\3do\help\|#folder|Path for bitmaps like controlpanel layouts. The frontend will search for them and when nothing is found show the general layout bitmap setup in the cfg file for the current skin.|
--3. Emulator specific options
mame|4DO.exe/emualt.exe|#selectexe|The executable to launch and an alternative executable that can be used with the altmame option.|
emuoption| --StartFullScreen -StartLoadFile |#editable|Some executables need an additional parameter between the exe and the item to be launched. If that is the case you can use this option. For example '-play -' for visual pinball or 'coleco -cart ' for mess's colecovision emulation. Notice the additional space after the last letter in these examples. Emuoption and commandline options accept variables (field 2= $02) that reference the contents of fields of a gamelist entry.|
altmame||#editable|The alternative emulator executable is chosen if one of these entry's corresponds to the 2,5,6 and 21 position from an entry of a game in a gamelist, that is for mame the rom name, rom of...neogeo etc., or driver...cps2.c etc. For other emulators you can create your own... I suggest using entry position 21 with something like usealtemu...|
runmethod|normal|normal,hidden,minimised,maximised|Options are normal, hidden, maximised, minimised. Use hidden to hide those dos/commandline boxes...for example for mame...|
runstopsound|true|#boole|When set to true the background sound will stop while you run a game. I like to keep the background sound running while I play mame games. Use the win32 not the dos version. It gives the feel of being in an arcade while playing :-)|
runstopmusic|true|#boole|When set to false the jukebox mp3's will continue playing after launching a game.|
runbefore||#fullexe|Format: commandline/runmethod/wait. Run an executable before the emulator to be launched by using normal,hidden, minimised or maximised and either wait (true) or don't wait (false) for its execution to be finished. The commandline accepts variables (field 2= $02) that reference the contents of fields of a gamelist entry.|
runafter| |#fullexe|Format: commandline/runmethod/wait. Run an executable after the emulator to be launched by using normal,hidden, minimised or maximised and either wait (true) or don't wait (false) for its execution to be finished. The commandline accepts variables (field 2= $02) that reference the contents of fields of a gamelist entry.|
runexe||#editable|When the krunexe key is hit the fe will launch the application that is setup in this property. Format: commandline/runmethod/wait/runstopmusic. The commandline will be launched by using normal,hidden, minimised or maximised and either wait (true) or don't wait (false) for its execution to be finished. When runstopmusic is set to true the background sound will stop until the fe gets focus again. The commandline accepts variables that reference the contents of fields of a gamelist entry. For example $02 will add the romname of the selected game to the commandline. c:\cpviewer.exe $02 for donkey kong will become  c:\cpviewer.exe dkong.|
noquotes|false|#boole|When the emulator does not like the game name wrapped in quotes set this option to true.|
outputcl|true|#boole|When this item is set to true, the frontend will output the commandline to lastcloutput.txt in the frontend folder.|
txtformat|$01|#editable|Used to format the text message when you select a game, for example $01 made by $03. $01 will be replaced with the contents of field 1 and $03 will be replaced with the contents of field 3 of the selected games gamelist entry. Use $br to insert line breaks.|
speechformat|$01|#editable|Used to format the speech message, overrules txtformat, when you select a game, for example txtformat,$01 made by $03. $01 will be replaced with the contents of field 1 and $03 will be replaced with the contents of field 3 of the selected games gamelist entry.|


So the command lines have to be entered some where below

infoformat|Name: $01<br>Manufacturer: $04<br>Year: $03<br>Category: $07<br>Times Played: $30<br>Minutes Played: $31<br><br>Links: $29<br><a href="http://3darcade.mameworld.net/frontend/fereadme.htm">3D-Arcade and Emulaxian Manual</a><br><a href="http://www.mameworld.info/3darcade/frontend/fereadme.htm"|#editable|Used to format the information message when you select a game in the info screen or chat field, for example $01 made by $03. $01 will be replaced with the contents of field 1 and $03 will be replaced with the contents of field 3 of the selected games gamelist entry. Use $br to insert line breaks. Also supports basic html formatting. For example hyperlinks. Hyperlinks don't work when the text method is set to field.|


truncatename|[ ( .|#editable|Remove all text to the right of these characters from the descritive name. Useful to eliminate all those set names with ( then Galaga (set1) will become Galaga, or for roms renamed with the good utilites, use [, or use more then one sepetated by spaces like this ( [.|
fakemouseclick|false|#boole|If the fe does not get proper focus back after running a game this option can help by sending a fake click on the frontend window.|
renderfix|general|true,false,general|True and false overrule the general setting in fe.cfg. Set this to true when you see the renderer switch back to software mode after running a game and you can't use a different renderer. The textures will have to be reinstantiated again so you may see a slowdown until you have made a complete spin. Seems to happen only with dx and not with opengl. Alternatively keep this to false and set mame to not switch resolutions if you can live with that.|

Any help with this is very much appreciated.


After some researching I see this is not going to work as the insertions of a command line is not possible within html  also it the page is setup to be a chatbox for online and when not online it set to just use text. So given those limitations how does one go about setting up a htm file as they can embed a pdf file. In other words How to create a htm with a embedded pdf file.


If you just want to open a PDF file, I created a module for RocketLauncher using SumatraPDF as an application.


I have no problem setting it up to open pdf files as a emulator it has to function when changing screens to (info screen) to launch the appropriate title  as I change title the title pdf must change also. For example the next title would be Alone in the Dark 2 and if I hit the 3 key then I could access Alone in the Dark 2.pdf and hit 3 to return and launch game. ( very useful when getting stuck in game or wanting to find out more info about a title) you should not to have to exit and search for the info and search game again. I'll  take a look at that SumatraPDF as it might prove useful as a CBZ and CBR reader also. Thanks for replying, but still need to know how to create a htm with a embedded pdf file. (hoping that it work without being connected to internet once created).


I don't think it will work as the screen can not pass on the command line as no command line can be inputted as it will only except text and htm files.

  • 2 weeks later...

O.K  I got it to work. Found out I could create the htm files by using the browser File save as.


Also The below works
<a href="file:///Path to pdf files\$02.pdf">Manual</a>


Which I decided to use as it launched the reader.


Thanks for all the help.


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