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Touhou set up woes


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figured it out on my own but boy would have been nice for a tutorial


[1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers]


[2th - The Story of Eastern Wonderland]


System=Touhou Project

[3th - Phantasmagoria of Dim Dream]


System=Touhou Project

[4th - Lotus Land Story]


System=Touhou Project

[5th - Mystic Square]



pclauncher ini part

[6th - The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\6\Embodiment of Scarlet Devil\th06e.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil ahk_class BASE

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[7th - Perfect Cherry Blossom]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\7\Perfect Cherry Blossom\th07e.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ver 1.00b ahk_class BASE

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[7.5th - Immaterial and Missing Power]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\7.5\Immaterial and Missing Power\th075e.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou Suimusou - Immaterial and Missing Power ver1.11 (Eng 1.1) ahk_class “Œ•ûä–²‘z ` Immaterial and Missing Power. ver1.11

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[8th - Imperishable Night]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\8\Imperishable Night\th08.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou Eiyashou - Imperishable Night ahk_class BASE

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[9th - Phantasmagoria of Flower View]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\9\Phantasmagoria of Flower View\th09e.exe

ExitMethod=Process Close Application

FadeTitle=Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View v1.50a ahk_class BASE

[9.5th - Shoot the Bullet]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\9.5\Shoot the Bullet\th095.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou 9.5@` Shoot the Bullet. ver 1.02a ahk_class BASE

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[10th - Mountain of Faith]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\10\Mountain of Faith\th10e.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith ahk_class BASE

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[10.5th - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\10.5\Scarlet Weather Rhapsody\th105e.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou Hisouten - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody ver1.06 (eng v1.0) ahk_class th105_106

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[11th - Subterranean Animism]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\11\Subterranean Animism\th11e.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou Chireiden - Subterranean Animism ahk_class BASE

ExitMethod=Process Close Application

[12th - Undefined Fantastic Object]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\12\Undefined Fantastic Object\th12e.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou Seirensen - Undefined Fantastic Object ahk_class BASE

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[12.3th - Unthinkable Natural Law]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\12.3\Hisoutensoku\th123e.exe

FadeTitle=Touhou Hisoutensoku ver1.10 (eng v1.0) ahk_class th123_110

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[12.5th - Double Spoiler]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\12.5\Double Spoiler\th125e.exe

ExitMethod=Process Close Application

[12.8th - Great Fairy Wars]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\12.8\Great Fairy Wars\th128e.exe

FadeTitle=Yousei Daisensou - Touhou Sangessei ahk_class BASE

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[13th - Ten Desires]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\13\Ten Desires\th13.exe

FadeTitle=“Œ•û_—ì•_@` Ten Desires. ver 1.00a ahk_class BASE

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[13.5th - Hopeless Masquerade]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\13.5\Hopeless Masquerade\th135.exe

ExitMethod=WinClose Application

[14th - Double Dealing Character]

Application=E:\x\hyperspin\Emulators\Touhou Project\14\Double Dealing Character\th14.exe

ExitMethod=Process Close Application

you need to group 1-5 games in one folder and use an alternate emulator to run those while the rest require pclauncher

map each game and make each game full screen but specifically map the below. also some games have a config file while most you do in game

Touhou Game:



3: P1 and P2


All the rest can be configured with DirectInput Gamepads from within the game or using the config.exe configuration tool.


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