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Shelled Hyperspin & .bat file (CMD window visibility)

Last Action Gringo

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Hi Hyperspinners,

I'm using .bat files to launch emulators at certain save states (mainly to skip hardware tests where alternate bios isn't available, users of this cab won't know what a hardware test is, so I don't want them thinking they've broken it!). This works really well running HS with windows as the shell, but when I shell HS something changes, and my perfectionism kicks in.

Due to the lack of a taskbar to minimise to, minimised CMD windows show as a tiny window header in the bottom left (over the top of HS) when I run the .bat (it's only there for a split second for most games, but like I said: perfectionism!)

Possible solutions I've seen:

I've seen people mention VB scripts to hide this but I don't know if i can get HS to run a VBS.

Does anyone else have this issue - or has anyone else already got a work around?

P.S. Apologies if this has already been covered on the forums, I find the new forum search tool doesn't always turn up stuff i'm looking for!


This all seems unnecessary though. I have 70 systems setup and working and I simply use the HyperSpin Startup Script to get things going. 


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