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Cable for Tornado Spinner control

DJ Wheels

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I recently had an accident dropping my control panel and my spinner cable was severed. The 5 wires are so tiny I can't even strip and solder them back together. The other end, not shown, has a connector (PS2 ?) that plugs into the mouse port. I would like to buy a new cable, but I have no idea what this cable is called. I have searched the internet for hours looking at all differnet types of cables, but can't find this particular one. Can anyone tell me the name of this cable or direct me somewhere that sells these. Thanks in advance.


  • 2 weeks later...

Why do I feel like I was robbed?


As you searched the internet, you might have noticed that this exact picture and similar problems were used in the top results in google in posts on arcadecontrols.com and arcade-museum.com forums back in July and August 2014. http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=140284.0 and http://forums.arcade-museum.com/showthread.php?t=317665


The person posting (Janey/Janey6152) was advised that since this was a purpose built cable it would not likely be available for sale. Therefore, that person was advised to use a multimeter and the original cable as a color template to crimp or solder molex style pins onto the existing cable and connector. The people over at arcadecontrols.com even provided wiring schematics (granted, it looked like it was drawn on a napkin) to help that person. The person helping on arcade-museum.com posted the scematics for the pcb chip and related the gpio pins to usb pinouts by following the traces on the back of the pcb. http://html.alldatasheet.com/html-pdf/84210/CYPRESS/CY7C63723/1766/7/CY7C63723.html


The original poster on those sites then posted additional photos (including the napkin pic) after attempting both that solution and also what appeared to be a usb mouse to spinner hack. He said neither solution worked. I think smoke, a burning smell and possibly fire was mentioned. On the other forum, the OP posted that the usb to pcb solution did not work and was advised that the chip was likely burned out.


I don't know what else anyone on this forum can do other than to direct you to those posts.


Okay, maybe someone could post the link to the product mentioned which is still being sold and point out the individual parts breakdown for sale at bottom of the page,including three for PS/2 to USB cables and Game Control Interfaces. https://na.suzohapp.com/products/arcade_game_parts/95-2657-00#slide1 Also a link for support questions about the products. Theoretically though, one could possibly suggest that with the combination of those results (smoke/burning/advice that chip was likely burned out), that if you are potentially in a similar situation, then replacing the wiring will likely never work. Possibly a link to the full replacement usb and PS/2-USB pcb interface for trackballs which in a separate unrelated post the experts at arcadecontrols.com have assured is the exact same interface and will also work with slikstik tornado spinners. https://na.suzohapp.com/products/trackballs/56-0113-00K


But since a person presumably in a similar situation to yours, might have had subsequent issues with smoke/fire/utter failure after being offered expert advice, I don't think I have anything to say. <checks for wallet again>


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