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Key Combinations Question - Savestate, Loadstate, etc...


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Hey Guys,

I'm trying to make my build as non-reliant on the keyboard as is possible, but I'm having trouble figuring out how.

Here is what I'm looking to do:

Exit Emulator = L+R+Start
Save-state = L+R+A
Load-state = L+R+B


I'll probably think of more in the future, but that's what I have for now.

There is 2 issues I'm having.

1.) The exit command in RL only works if I use the keyboard, not the controller.

By that I mean, I use xpadder and have L set to Q, R set to E, and Start set to V. If I set all three of those in RL it will only work if I push it on the keyboard, but not use the controller... It doesn't make sense to me. The computer clearly thinks I'm pushing those keys because they light up properly in Xpadder...

2.) I can't even remotely find a setting for doing something like this with save states.... What do you guys use?


Thanks in advance for any tips you can give me.


I'll certainly do that if that's where my issue is coming from, but I didn't think there'd be an issue asking here. Pretty much everyone using Hyperspin uses RL or HL on their build, and I've previously gotten a great deal of help with issues that turned out to be things in RL here on the boards.

Besides, I don't know if there's a way to setup a save/load state keys like this via RetroArch, or maybe via Xpadder? There's been a number of issues I've had where it turned out to be a setting in an emulator, or an XML file somewhere that I didn't even know about.

Come to think of it, if all anyone asked here was strictly about HyperSpin, wouldn't the only questions be "where does my art go?" Should I only post questions for my hyperspin build about xpadder on Xpadder's site? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but simply point out that it seems frivilous to splinter the community when all of us here are doing the same things, using the same programs, for essentially the same end result.

I figured this was something people have commonly setup on their hyperspin cabinets/consoles, as I don't see many (if any) builds using a dedicated keyboard.


Well, as I said. I don't know if it's a RocketLauncher issue, do you even know if it's a RocketLauncher issue? Seems to me RocketLauncher recognizes the Q+E+V command just perfectly.

Then there's the save/load state issue, since I don't even see that option in HyperHQ, RocketLauncher, RetroArch, or Xpadder. 2 of which I don't know alot about, but all of which is part of my Hyperspin build, where should I go for that issue?

Thought maybe someone here would be able to relate to my issue and set me in the right direction, instead of telling me to go elsewhere because it MIGHT be a problem with one out of the several programs I'm using.


That's the thing though, the keys combination does work. If I push Q+E+V on the Keyboard it works fine.

But if I push L+R+Start (which are mapped to Q+E+V) it doesn't go. I know they work in Xpadder, because those light up on the Xpadder window, and I can play games using those buttons just fine.

That's why I'm not sure what's going on, or where the issue lies.

But maybe there are alternative solutions I haven't come across? Like making Xpadder think when I push L+R+Start, that I am pushing Escape on the Keyboard... That would be lovely. or even Alt+F4, which would accomplish the same thing and not rely on RL at all. 



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