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[HyperLaunch v3.0.0.9 Update + HyperLaunchHQ v1.0.9]



Boujour, le nouveau hyperlaunch est maintenant disponible avec son lot de nouveautés! Attention aux neophites, car beaucoup de choses ont changés. Vous devrez lire attentivement la note ou les tutos sur les differents changements!

Hyperlaunch : 3.0http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?26022-HyperLaunch-3-Your-Favorite-Front-End-Companion :)

Edit : Mise à jour d'hyperlaunch vers la version!

v3.0.0.9 notes

Fixed - VJoy profiles, was using a variable that was removed awhile back and no vjoy profiles could be found.

Fixed - 7z bug introduced from that would try to extract a rom already found in the 7z temp folder.

Fixed - IniFileEdit was not replacing some values that got confused for regex.

Fixed - Left in some MultiGame settings I had hardcoded in to test, this prevented you from being able to customize a lot of MG's font parameters.

Fixed - MultiGame did not support multiple rom paths, it does now!

Fixed - Bug in Fade Animations.ahk that caused an ahk error in a specific scenario with MG and HP enabled and after selecting a game in MG.

Fixed - Bug in FadeInStart that would not pre-load locations of multiple discs into the table (at launch) if HP or Fade were disabled.

Fixed - Double creation of romTable when MG was enabled.

Added - Logs to show each VJoy profile HL is looking for.

Added - Logs to show your screen's current resolution and emu size before MultiGame draws it's screen.

Added - Logs added in MultiGame to show where it's scanning for background images.

Added - More MultiGame logs to give more info on what it is doing.

Added - More Rom Mapping Launch Menu logs to give more info on what it is doing.

Added - Daemon Tools now logs the file it received.

Added - Logs to show what GetFadePicFile is looking for for your Fade Layer images.

Added - Check if HyperLaunch was used correctly and sent a systemName and romName.

Added - When RestoreFE is used, will now send a mouse click to your front end on exit. Should fix issues when a simple left click was needed to put focus back to Hyperspin.

Added - Player 2 navigation keys.

Added - Support for Player 2 navigation keys in MultiGame, Rom Map Launch Menu, and HyperPause.

Added - Rom Mapping and Launch menu support for having a list of mame clones where only your parents are shown in your wheel. You would define all the clones on the rom map ini. See Example 6 here

Changed - Log now shows the actual OS language rather than a language code. I had to remove 2 language code translations as it made the expression too long for ahk: (0443 = Uzbek_Latin and 0843 = Uzbek_Cyrillic), I don't think this will be a problem lol...

Changed - Always logs errors

Bleasby's changes:


Added one line change (line 528), to reset the description value when the game is not found on the database.

Fixed the statistics reset bug, after passing 24 hours of gameplay.

Rom Mapping Launch Menu.ahk:

Added code to avoid running filters and additional info functions if there is no naming scheme defined on the rom map ini file.


Changed GetFadePicFile function to support random choice of all layer images (images should be named layer 1*.png, e.g. layer 1 - balblabla.png, layer 1 second options.png,...).


Added support for save and load state screenshot show (brownvim request - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/sh...l=1#post250127).

Added support for highscores with more then 3 columns (HillJackBob request - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/sh...-in-HyperPause).

Added support for main menu bar verticall offset (Angelus_EV request - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/sh...l=1#post250243) (controlled by Bar_Vertical_Offset ini option).

Fullscreen images now uses the most of the screen available size at 100% level of zoom (requested by DrMoney - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/sh...l=1#post255828).

Added option to hide the full screen help text after some time, or disable it completly (requested by Gikachon - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/sh...l=1#post256065) (controlled by Full_Screen_Help_Text_Timer ini option)

Added support for restoring HyperPause to exactly the same point were you left it for the last time while in the same game session (requested by lank.g01 - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/sh...l=1#post258708).

Small fixes to menu drawing bugs.

Corrected folder path on the error message when the default HyperPause font is not used.

New HyperPause keys added: (note: this will come with the next HLHQ update to v1.0.8.0)



Additional Updated Files:

Lib\Shared.ahk updated to 1.0.9

Lib\MultiGame.ahk updated to 1.0.1

Lib\Fade Animations.ahk updated to 1.0.3

Lib\Fade.ahk updated to 1.0.3

Lib\Rom Mapping Launch Menu.ahk updated to 1.0.2

Lib\HyperPause.ahk updated to 1.0.2 Last edited by djvj; 07-28-2013 at 06:20 PM. "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

HyperLaunchHQ v1.0.9 released

Here's the changelog:

* Fixed serious bug in the save/load state form. Setting weren't being loaded properly and by consequence they were being saved with the wrong values

* Added the ability to launch a game through HyperLaunch from within the module settings form

* Added support for the new admissible values for the ini key Restore_Front_End_On_Exit, it's not a boolean any longer

Toujours disponible sur Dropbox!


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Va falloir reprendre la configuration de plus de 80 system car les liens emulateur/roms saute, telecharger les dernieres version d'emulateur associé aux modules, moi j'ai reussi a lancer la genesis pour le moment

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Déja fait! Pas mal d'émulateur marche bien pour moi. HyperPause est très bon, du coup ton projet de musique de jeux risque de s'accélerer! C'est excellent, de pouvoir maintenant, regarder à tout moment les artworks, musiques, movelist, et pleins d'autres choses! Mais bon je vous laisse découvrir. La configuration est plus simple, et nous avons maintenant la possibilité de tout paramètrer. Effectivement une bonne sauvegarde s'impose!

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J'ai vraiment le temps de rien faire en ce moment. Je suis impatient de tester tout ça!! Dès que ça se calme, je m'y mets. D'ici là, je vous regarde essuyer les platres... Je suis un peu dégouté de devoir peter ma conf, ça commençait à bien rouler. Je vais faire une triple sauvegarde avant de toucher à quoi que ce soit. Pensez y aussi les gars...

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