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Noob question. Created jukebox theme, have no background music or wheel art


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So I decided to venture in Hypertheme to create a jukebox theme. When previewing the theme in Hypertheme, everything works, including music. When I save my project, it saves it in a zip file in Hypertheme/MyThemes.

I then took that zip file and placed it in hyperspin133/Media/Main Menu/Themes. 

I then went into HyperHQ and created a new wheel named Jukebox and pointed to the jukebox executable.


So when I launch Hyperspin, I see a new wheel item named Jukebox, in plain letters, that does not display the PNG logo I designed in Photoshop. That file is present in my them zip file created by Hypertheme. I think that my wheel art has to go somewhere else, but where?

Second issue I'm having, is that when I do access my jukebox theme, the animations/transitions I specified in Hypertheme work great, and the executable launches, but I have no background music. The MP3 appears in the Extra folder of the zip file. Where should that audio file go and does it need to have a specific filename?


Missing wheel art:



Jukebox theme (My cab is Iron Maiden-themed):



So, I know I'm missing a few steps. What did I do wrong?


wheel art goes in the wheels folder. mp3s go in the sound folder. I would make it an mp4 though and use that in the theme to play the music.

Yup, the mp3 is in that folder, but still dosn't play.

Will try an mp4 and see.


Just cuz it's in that folder doesn't mean it will play. Those are really only for sound effects. That is why I said make it an mp4 and put it in the theme as a video but where it doesn't show.


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