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Daphne singe and Kat5200 bezel support?


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I cant run Daphne singe in rl... 


Script D:\Roms\Daphne SINGE\hjohnnyrock.singe does not exist.
Unknown command line parameter or parameter value:

As to ALG, likely not a bezel issue unless you introduced a problem editing the module. BTW, what's with that "h" peeking out from in front of "johnnyrock.singe". SHOOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok, i will try to explain what i think is the problem.


I can't run Daphne singe in rocketlauncher, i can run the games if i select PCLauncher.

So i put the bezels in the RL media folders in PCLauncher and Daphne singe.


No luck, so what do i do wrong because i think i am doing something wrong with the PCLauncher Daphne Singe setup.


Also i cant really i just cant get Atari5200 to work with Retroarch or MAME i really dont know why..


For Atari 5200, for me personally I have-


     standalone emulator- Kat5200

     Atari 5200 roms (No-Intro)

     official HyperSpin 5200 XML (with rom names matching my set of roms)

     Kat5200 HyperSpin AHK (unedited)


As Agent47 said, the module already supports bezels, but don't even think about bezels until you get the emulator working, first outside of HyperSpin/RocketLauncher (emulator launches, loads a game, video appears OK on your screen, controls work) and only then by launching with HyperSpin/RocketLauncher. After that, bezels should be only one setting away. But only after everything else works.


For American Light Games and Daphne Singe, I'm sorry to say, but I don't think your even in the ballpark of fixing what's wrong. I think you desperately need to start over again.

Please for the love of God, go to this link- http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2139-complete-guide-for-american-laser-gameswow-actionmax-in-hypespin-and-RL/ instead of the link you posted. You will have to make sure you have the proper files first, then carefully follow the instructions. Daphne Singe is an interesting (read difficult) system. If you miss a step or make one misspelling, you are screwed. And if you are worried about bezels before getting the system working, then you definitely missed quite a few steps.

Also know that you have altered your AHK file, from the sound of it maybe two or three of them (Kat 5200, Daphne Singe, PCLauncher- only you know for sure). This may cause you problems before you get to the gate. You might want to address that before you get into anything more complex. Rules for AHK- 1.do not edit them unless you know what you are doing; 2.if you know what you are doing, keep a backup of the original file; 3.when you mess it up (and you will) revert to the original file; 4.(at least for now) do not mess with your AHK files.

Lastly, next time- one problem at a time. Get one system working, then move to the next (or stop and play a game for a while).


Yeah your almost right :wallbash:

I have everything runing perfect, just not the bezels.

Daphne singe runs perfect only i need to run it with PCLauncher and Atari5200 with Kat5200 instead off Retroarch (Can't get it done).

So if someone knows how i can get my bezel to work with Daphne singe while running it in RocketLauncher with PCLaucnher that would be great.


I will never touch a AHK file in my life :thumbsup:


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