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Naomi and Atomiswave GUI


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Hi everybody, 


I have a ahk script (not in  Hyperlaunch) for each game for Naomi and Atomiswave that works pretty fine but I'd like to hide the cursor or move it in the corner.


Gui, 2: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow                                        

Gui, 2: Color, 0                                                                                 

Gui, 2: Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%, HSHIDE 

Run, E:\Sega\Atomiswave\Emulateur\demul0582\demul.exe -run=atomiswave -rom=demofist

WinWait, gpuDX11 | spg: 60 gpu: 1 | Demolish Fist, 

IfWinNotActive, gpuDX11 | spg: 60 gpu: 1 | Demolish Fist, , WinActivate, gpuDX11 | spg: 60 gpu: 1 | Demolish Fist, 

WinWaitActive, gpuDX11 | spg: 60 gpu: 1 | Demolish Fist,


Gui, 2:Destroy


Process, Close, demul.exe




Where do I have add this in the script, cursor is going in the left bottom corner to hide


MouseMove, -100, 1200


But when the game starts, cursor is trhere in the middle of the screen again.


Has someone an idea ?


Thanks and regards, 


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