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Turning Off Wireless Xbox 360 Controllers on Exit


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I use 4 wireless Xbox 360 Controllers for my Hyperspin HTPC setup, and it's annoying when theres 4 blinking 360 controllers after Hyperspin shuts down the HTPC. It's a minor inconvenience - but then they're left on, eat up batteries, and unplugging/plugging the battery pack isn't a pleasant way to shut down the controllers. So I figured there was something we could do about this.


Utility in Question



I've linked you guys to the program I'm using. It's simply called 'Turn Off Xbox Controller.exe' and it does just that. If you double-click it, this piece of software just shuts down all 360 controllers connected to your dongle.


  • When I set 'Turn Off Xbox Controller.exe' as the exit program in HyperHQ when Hyperspin isn't set to shutdown windows upon exit, it works just fine.
  • When I set HyperHQ to shutdown windows upon exit with 'Turn Off Xbox Controller.exe' as the exit program, it doesn't work.


I tried telling Windows through 'gpedit.msc' to run the tool when Shutdown is initiated, but that doesn't work either. My 360 controller will still blink after shutdown.


Another Utility



This utility runs at startup and will shutdown 360 controllers when your PC is shutting down. However, it also shuts down your controller when you hold "Start + Back" which is mildly annoying when you play games like Super Mario World and press Start then Select to exit a level. It's not like you can turn this feature off either because this one doesn't have options to play around with.


Does anyone have any ideas I should try? 


Thanks for any help!



[EDIT] I figured it out, I wrote a small tutorial for anyone who wants to do something like this.


Solution (Windows 7)

If you make any changes to 'gpedit.msc', you have to run 'gpupdate.exe' as well. So, I still used the first utility presented above for this.


1) Click the first link from above. Extract the program to wherever you want it on your setup, should be called 'Turn Off Xbox Controller.exe'. Rename this to one word. for example: 'Turn_Off_Xbox_Controller.exe' (I'm not sure if this actually matters, but whatever).

2) Start > type 'gpedit.msc' and hit enter.

3) Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) > Shutdown

4) You should be in "Shutdown Properties". Click 'Add...'

5) Another window should pop up and you should have two boxes you can write in. For Script Name I wrote 'Powershell'. For Script Parameters, you have to write the directory of the executable you just downloaded. For example, it could be: 'C:\Users\Jumpman311\Desktop\Turn_Off_Xbox_Controller.exe'.

6) Hit OK. Then hit Apply, then OK.

7) Start > type 'gpupdate.exe' and hit enter.

8) Let the prompt do it's thing for a few seconds, and it'll go away when it's done.


And thats it! When you shutdown your HTPC (Or windows), all your controllers will shutdown with it.


I hope this helps! :)


[Edit 2] I'm trying to figure out how to turn off controllers 2-4 individually from each respective controller. I found another program that does that, but it makes SSF crash - and again, there are no adjustable settings that came with it. If anyone has any idea on how to do this, let me know!


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