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Gamestop Gamedownloads


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I was wondering just fair is it to spend x amount of dollars on a digital download for a piece of paper, that when your done with playing the game you cant trade back or nothing.  Im still crappy that I that I have cd disk that ill never have to beable trade in because they had to be downloaded to a gameclient and due to that it cant be transfer.  Its almost make you that usung torrents isn't such a bad idea, no money lost on that deal once the game is done just uninstall, but then again its because of the torrent people who are able to upload a pirated game is the reason why gameclients are in "business".  Anyone have a fav gameclient, mine have to be steam due to the fact that they have a game series I want terribly, the drakensang game series and the Divinity game series.


I rewritten this post because like most of my post my head gets in the way of my finger and my thought process tends to get in the way and what I want to say sounds like goggly goo.  The is a "store" here where I live its called Gamestop, its one of those places ypu buy, sell and trade games but only console game because they some might have brought it to burn or pirated the copy and distributed among and sold or traded that copy bact to them.  This is why I have a small of shelf of games I wont play any more because 1. I beat the game or 2 I cant even sell it to some on cause the game had to be uploaded to a gameclient and you know once it there its key code is gone and the only person able to use is you cause of the client have all your particulars (name, email addy...etc).  my thing is digital downloads,  once brought its now a useless piece of paper is far as a commodity.  I like gameclients I really do because at least of them have my wanted game series in stock Drakensang series and the Divinity Series.  I use all the clients I know of, steam (of course) origin, gog galaxy and uplay.  anyone here is invited to add me as a friend, except for steam they have issues with me at the moment, but send me a mail on here and we will trade "friend" info"  but other than that please weigh in on the other topic.  ya know it only makes downloading from torrent sites just that more appealing...lol


Please weigh in on this.   this the greatest collection of gamers I "know" because a lot of you all are from both worlds sort of, emus and pc and ive come to value you all opinion besides all that it seems hanging out with you guys, according my therapist, helps my major depression my therapist said and im all for that anything that will get me off so many pills.


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