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Setting multiple keys for a command in HyperSpin


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Is it possible to set multiple keys for a command in Hyperspin?


My example is to select a menu item I have <Enter> setup. My control panel has a dedicated 'Select' key and I have that mapped to <Enter>.


But I would also like the Player 1 Start (1), Player 2 Start (2) and possibly some of the control panel buttons to be able to select a menu item as well. This isn't a huge issue, but I feel usability for guests would be better if they could 'Start' a game or hit the first button on the control panel to select games as well.


In HyperHQ you can only set one per player (for a total of 2 keys per command). Is there any way to edit the settings.ini to allow for more commands?


The closest I have come when searching the forums is using an AHK script from RocketLauncher. But based upon what I'm reading that would only work after I've started the first game.


Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.


what kind of controller are you using? I have player 1 set to keyboard player 2 set to the left side of a tank stick and I use the startup script for xbox 360 controllers


I'm using an arcade cabinet controller, minipac controller... commands come through as keystrokes. So my Select button sends <Enter>, P1 Start sends 1, first button sends <left control>, etc. What I'd like is for all 3 of these keystrokes to select an item in hyperspin.


I could remap the minipac controller to send <enter> for multiple keys, but then I would have to remap the controller when launching each game. This might be possible through RocketLauncher, but seems too fragile and hacky.


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