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Update to my Hyperspin Cabinet


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Hi guys,

I posted a few months ago with my first video of cabinet (http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?23740-my-attempt-at-hyperspin)

Im looking at making the first steps towards RL.0 so thought I would show off latest attempts on here with the end of HL2.0

I haven't really done anything to the cab itself, it needs to be finished off around the monitor still and a big mean paint job (hopefully by end of year), but I sat back down and got stuck into this for a couple weeks to get rid of silly bugs and annoying things and took time to add Marquee Images to most my games as well as background images etc (just xbox 360,xbox original, pc games, ps2, ps3, triforce etc so far, no mame yet)

Last time I showed off early stages of Xbox 360 and PS3 intergration, not much has really changed there except for the added images and ironed out basically all annoying things which occurred.

New System added! I wanted Virtua Cop 3 so got in touch with a fella which upgrades ram etc on the old xbox 1. Needed a way to turn it on so found a place which made special IR kits for xbox which can turn it on and off from remote codes and installed that in the system then used 2 EMS Topgun III wireless gun's for gameplay! Everything again is completely automatic, not perfect but it works everytime with no problems.

The video is pretty average, screens seem too bright for iphone (should of done it during daylight)

Ive got something too that I think ill add into my cab soon which could be tough to intergrate but ill give it a shot.

Big Hint http://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=731

Has anyone else looked at doing this sorta thing?

Anyway hope you enjoy!

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