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Xml Generator Released


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This is a xml database generator from our rom folders.

First type the rom extension without a dot

Second select origin folder to read

Third select the name of database xml file and location

Fourth Enjoy it!!!!

Thanks to Fuents from marcianitos.org to make it possible

Download link

If you want a comman line version made by Peterpunk make a txt file and name it xml.bat.

Then edit it and copy the next instructions

@echo off

echo ^<menu^> > lista.xml

if %1. EQU . (goto act_carp)

for %%i in (%1/*) do (call:comun "%%i" >> lista.xml)


echo ^</menu^> >> lista.xml



for %%i in (./*) do (

if /i not %%i==listar.bat (

if /i not %%i==lista.xml (call:comun "%%i" >> lista.xml)))

goto final


echo ^<game name="%~n1"^>

echo ^<description^>%~n1^</description^>

echo ^<crc^>^</crc^>

echo ^<manufacturer^>^</manufacturer^>

echo ^<year^>^</year^>

echo ^<genre^>^</genre^>

echo ^</game^>

put it in the rom folder and run, it will generate a xml file "lista.xml" rename it and place in the database folder.

Look tht it will generate a xml with all the archives in folder.


Sounds good thanks. Will this also populate the list just like in HS? With the name of the game (not just the file name) The year the game was released, etc?
No, it does not appear that it does input the information about the game. This looks like it is another dir2xml program. What we really need is an app that that you can take an existing .dat file, compare to your rom directory, and output to a completed HyperSpin database xml with the information input.



That's right Dazz but there isn't any official xml or dat file that contain this information.

For example you want to obtain a list of your nintendo vrtual boy roms, you can download the dat file in no-intro format from the web and obtain the following

clrmamepro (

name "Nintendo - Virtual Boy"

description "Nintendo - Virtual Boy"

version 20081108

comment "no-intro | www.no-intro.org"


game (

name "3-D Tetris (USA)"

description "3-D Tetris (USA)"

rom ( name "3-D Tetris (USA).vb" size 1048576 crc BB71B522 md5 ECF1218706E9B547EAB9E4BE58D54E21 sha1 5177015A91442E56BD76AF39447BCA365E06C272 )


game (

name "Galactic Pinball (Japan, USA)"

description "Galactic Pinball (Japan, USA)"

rom ( name "Galactic Pinball (Japan, USA).vb" size 1048576 crc C9710A36 md5 85260599FDADA2E137053A8647AA0D06 sha1 93A25ABF4F86E71A49C1C3A470140BB40CB693D6 )


if you download the xml file you obtain this

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE datafile PUBLIC "-//Logiqx//DTD ROM Management Datafile//EN" "http://www.logiqx.com/Dats/datafile.dtd">



<name>Nintendo - Virtual Boy Parent-Clone</name>

<description>Nintendo - Virtual Boy Parent-Clone</description>






<game name="3-D Tetris (USA)">

<description>3-D Tetris (USA)</description>

<rom name="3-D Tetris (USA).vb" size="1048576" crc="BB71B522" md5="ECF1218706E9B547EAB9E4BE58D54E21" sha1="5177015A91442E56BD76AF39447BCA365E06C272"/>


<game name="Galactic Pinball (Japan, USA)">

<description>Galactic Pinball (Japan, USA)</description>

<rom name="Galactic Pinball (Japan, USA).vb" size="1048576" crc="C9710A36" md5="85260599FDADA2E137053A8647AA0D06" sha1="93A25ABF4F86E71A49C1C3A470140BB40CB693D6"/>

As you can see there is no information about year the game was released or company made the game info, only mame xml has this, as far I konw the no-intro project members are getting this information to use later.

At now you need to implement this information manually in your xml or dat archive.

By other way if you want to make your rom list in the no-intro format, the correct form would't be "Galactic Pinball (Japan, USA)", the correct form will be "C9710A36".

In fact all files (videos, artworks,roms... ) should be renamed to the crc description and we have to do is an app to do waht exactly you say, extract the name of the game and all the information we can need to show by the frontend.

i'll work on it to make it possible.

Regards and sorry for my english

  • 2 years later...

when i use this and try and save over the original MAME.xml it deletes the file but doesnt replace it with an updated one :( can not get this to work and desperatly need to make a list of my actual roms and not these pre set lists.... why cant hyperspin scan a rom folder and generate list ? that would make it perfect

when i use this and try and save over the original MAME.xml it deletes the file but doesnt replace it with an updated one :( can not get this to work and desperatly need to make a list of my actual roms and not these pre set lists.... why cant hyperspin scan a rom folder and generate list ? that would make it perfect
Umm, this thread is over 2 years old and this app hasn't been updated in just about as long. There are other apps around that would help you better than this one.

We have several reasons as to why HyperSpin doesn't simply scan a ROM folder. For one HyperSpin pulls additional information, such as manufacture and year the game was released. Roms have to be named exactly like they are in our databases (no-intro based) to keep all of the artwork and themes named correctly.


  • 4 months later...

I think MAMEFILTER is the best tool around... It will scan against a Mame.XML FILE, and most importantly it will audit against your roms flder to include ONLY the roms you own.

I think it should be made a sticky!!! GREAT TOOL.

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I was bored and created a version using html and VBscript using the .hta extension so it would run as a desktop executable on any windows computer.

You type in the name of the console/system and select the folder with all your roms in it. It does the rest as long as there's nothing but your rom files in that folder.

Granted it doesn't generate any information about the files. It just creates a blank database entry for each file using the filename without an extension as the name and description.

It's not designed to grab all the information. Just to get all the files you have listed in Hyperspin and ready to launch.

Note: It also does not automatically replace the ampersand (&) symbol. a simple find "&" and replace with "&" will fix it after it has been generated though. Still simpler than renaming all your files one by one.

Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/76107282/Dir2HyperSpinXMLDB.hta

  • 5 months later...
This is a xml database generator from our rom folders.

First type the rom extension without a dot

Second select origin folder to read

Third select the name of database xml file and location

Fourth Enjoy it!!!!

Thanks to Fuents from marcianitos.org to make it possible

Download link

If you want a comman line version made by Peterpunk make a txt file and name it xml.bat.

Then edit it and copy the next instructions

put it in the rom folder and run, it will generate a xml file "lista.xml" rename it and place in the database folder.

Look tht it will generate a xml with all the archives in folder.


love your work guys

i was wondering if you could advise to tailor above batch to insert folder names instead of file names into the rom title position. i will elaborate

i have made a dosbox wheel in hyperspin. The games are in folders and i would like the name of the game to appear as it is written as the current folder name .

i would do this manually but there are something like 2000 games / 40gb of dosgames hence my wanting to adapt your nice batch file.

any help is much appreciated :)

@echo off

echo ^<menu^> > lista.xml

if %1. EQU . (goto act_carp)

for %%i in (%1/*) do (call:comun "%%i" >> lista.xml)


echo ^</menu^> >> lista.xml



for %%i in (./*) do (

if /i not %%i==listar.bat (

if /i not %%i==lista.xml (call:comun "%%i" >> lista.xml)))

goto final


echo ^<game name="%~n1"^>

echo ^<description^>%~n1^</description^>

echo ^<crc^>^</crc^>

echo ^<manufacturer^>^</manufacturer^>

echo ^<year^>^</year^>

echo ^<genre^>^</genre^>

echo ^</game^>


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