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Generate a new .XML database with subfolders, is it possible?


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I am trying to setup "Commodore Amiga Demos", but all roms I have are inside different demogroup subfolders.

Example: Fairlight\Fairlight-1989Progress.zip




Is it possible to generate a .xml database with that file structure? If that is the case, what application to use?


Edit: There are 2478 subfolders in the main folder


I´d did go another way to solve the problem. First I checked the demobase.xml file which gives winuae the path and the config for every demo file, then used regex find&replace function to remove all the groupname folders in demobase.xml. So after that I had a config for winuae with filepaths pointing to the files instead of groupname folders. After that I moved all files out of their folders into a main rom folder, then I created a new database with Dir2XML.

That´s my solution to the problem, maybe not the best but worked for me.

  • 1 year later...

Hm dont think I have the files anymore since I use the WHDload demopack now. I will check when I get home if there is a backup the demobase files.


You can also find the WHDload versions of Commodore Amiga Demos in my signature =) Only 609 of them though.

Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause


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