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Visual Pinball


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After some hours of trial error and reading some complicated ahk codes

i give up

and i need help to start Visual Pinball without the popup of permission to change files of windows.

And to make a clean exit of the visual pinball.

I only read something about ahk start and close scripts.

But i dont know what exactly todo.Or what/Where i should things change.

Can someone give me a hint or a advice .




The start is fine but Visual Pinball exist works not

With Esc the Visual Pinball Paused Popup appears and i can select resume,exit to editor or debug but dont Exit from the whole Visual Pinball Editor and return back to Hsyperspin.

i found this AHK Code

; =========================

; kgarlow - 07/25/2013

#IfWinActive ahk_class VPPlayer


WinClose Visual Pinball Player ; close the player

; wait 5 seconds? (may not be necessary)

; Sleep 5000

WinClose Visual Pinball ; close the editor

; =========================

But where should i write this in the module or exists another way ?

Greetings uNkeLo

  • 8 months later...

Lol...find this 3D only now...

the script for me working but i use the sleep params

#IfWinActive ahk_class VPPlayer


WinClose Visual Pinball Player ; close the player

; wait 5 seconds? (may not be necessary)

Sleep 1000

WinClose Visual Pinball ; close the editor

Add this script under VISUAL PINBALL > KEYMAPPER > AHK (add manually)


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