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Using Hash or ID for Dats instead of Game Name???


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I think the Hyperspin Stuff face a really big problem...

I try to explain what I mean:

Hyperspin allways use their own custom Dats for Games.

So you have a really mixed Dat with Dumps from redump and from other Sourced (P2P?)

If you are allways make sure, you have a good dump and just want use redump Dats, you facing a problem, because some Games can have a different Hash as the ones in your Dats.

Another Problem is the renaming of all the Stuff. Redump Dats are allways Up to Date and have all the renamed stuff in it.

Hyperspin Dats are allways a little bit behind.

I have an idea, how to improve this:

All the Hyperspin Artwork (Logo, Video's, Animations, etc.) is allways named, after the Game Title.

My Question: Wouldn't it better, if the Stuff would be named after the Game Hash (Md5) or an ID???

In that case, you could allways use the official Redump.Dat and would allways have a correct name and never again Outdated dats.

There was a discussion on redump.org about Parent-Clone Relationships.

They will use for Parent-Clone-Sets an unique ID.

I that case for example: All Games which have a Parent-Clone Relation with the Game "Final Fantasy VII" will get for example the ID 177.

In that case, Hyperspin could even use this ID's and rename all the Artwork into the Parent-Clone-ID's.

This way, everyone from all around the world, could use Hyperspin and build very easy their own Set.

For example I could use Spanish, German or French Dumps if I prefer this ones.

Since all the Stuff is named after the ID, it will be very easy to generate Dats, for specific Regions.

I think it would be much easier, to keep Hyperspin Sets up to Date, if you would use the Dats of the Dumper Site/Organisations like redump/No-Intro.


HyperSpin databases don't use Redump names, they use their own naming schema so we have no interest in having them updated to match Redump names.

Renaming artwork after a game hash it's not possible since several systems have more than 1 rom per game, named after an ID sure that would work, but think about it a bit and you'll see that doesn't make any sense. You'd have a hell lot of trouble to maintain your artwork folders with all your files names being numbers, you'd have no clue what belongs to what game just by looking at the folder.

You are also missing the point that Redump sets aren't complete (besides Redump only cataloging optical media systems...) and our databases are, so we included a lot more games than what's in the redump dats so yes mix and match is required.


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