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Motion plunger exit button where?


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My cab is almost working. But have a problem exiting by the nanotech motion plunger buttons. At the keyboard i use the esc, works fine to texit from a table back to hypepin wheel.

But how to configure with the motionplunger kit?

At visual pinball i have the option "keys" to configure all the buttons, like start, coin, flipperbuttons,...

But no escape button to find.


Can anybody help me?

Sure, it is a simple thing, but cannot find.




Sorry, but i am not sure: in my hyperpinfolder i find fplaunch.

But there is only the settings folder, and in t the settings.ini.

For hyperpin.

Is this the correct one?

Here i can find [keyboard] and its buttons,

And [pinball wizard] and its buttons.

If i set both exit=8,

It is still the same.

And in hyperpin wheel it works as the exit, as it should.

But when i play a gane, and push the same exit button of my cab, i only get the escape of the VPinball, where i can choose e 3 options: resume, debug window, quit to editor.

So, do i have to program my cab exit button somewhere in the VPinball?

Please help me again, yes?

Thanks a lot!


FPLaunch should handle the exit process.

My my settings.ini under [FPLaunch] I have:

exitKey= joy8


I cant get ts working still :(

I use this motion plunger set, that will be calibtated in windows.

Joy8, as youwrote, is the button, that lights up, under windows, in thiscalibration setup?

So, windows7 knows this?

I have two FPlaunch in my hyperpin folder.

Fplaunch and fplaunch 4-7.

Is this ok?

And where do I find the settings.ini?

The settings.ini of hyperpin, or do I have to open the ahk files?

Sorry for stupid questions, but i am really sad...

My constellation is getting worse and worse.

Every day more problems :(


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