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DS Emulator without mouse?


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Hi guys! Is there a way to play DS's game without mouse? I would like to move the mouse with my joystick and set a button as a click.
Is it possible?

Have a nice day.


Hi guys! Is there a way to play DS's game without mouse? I would like to move the mouse with my joystick and set a button as a click.

Is it possible?

Have a nice day.

You need a keymapper like joytokey. Setting an analogue stick to mouse works well.


The best way I have got it working is through retroarch. You can set an analogue stick to be the mouse and the core even makes sure the cursor never leaves the touchscreen.


Ok, i find my solution! No way to make joytokey works, same for retroarch.

I change my Nintendo DS.ahq in my module folder for my nintendo ds emulator.

I put this inside:




; Nintendo DS
; No$GBA2.6a with No$Zoomer.exe
; by Shateredsoul
; 1.0
; Info:
; No$Zoomer is an app that lets No$GBA go fullscreen. No$GBA has not received 
; Updateds in a long time, but No$GBA has lower system requirements than 
; other Nintendo DS emulators. When you first start No$zoomer you will need to 
; direct it to the no$gba exe. Outside of HyperspinRight right click while playing 
; game and enable fullscreen and "always on top". 
Run, %executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%", %emuPath%, 
Process, WaitClose, %Executable%
~up::keyMouse( "up" )
~down::keyMouse( "down" )
~right::keyMouse( "right" )
~left::keyMouse( "left" )
esc::exitApp ; <-- press escape to exit.
keyMouse( dir ) {
  mouseGetPos, mPX, mPY
  mouseMove, % ( dir="left" ? mPX-mSpd : dir="right" ? mPX+mSpd : mPX )
 , % ( dir="up"   ? mPY-mSpd : dir="down"  ? mPY+mSpd : mPY )
; Recommended for performance
; Better and more reliable
SendMode Input
 if ( not GetKeyState("LButton" , "P") )
  Click down
q Up::Click up

So when i launch my emulator for nintendo DS, it activate the part when my mouse move with my joystick, and my button press is a click with the stilleto.
When you leave nintendo ds emulator, it'll stop this script.


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