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Changing theme and other media doesnt work!


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He guys,

I have the mame theme installed on my setup, but i want to switch to the Arcade Classics theme.

However, when i choose it in Hypersync and start sync, there is no new media to be found accordeons to Hypersync. Hoe can i change stuff?

I did replaced the theme manually, but for some reason the next day it reverted back to the MAME theme again? Strange...

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To change themes you simply put the new theme in the right folder. For example for a Main Menu theme it would go in HyperSpin>Media>Main Menu and need to be named and capitalized exactly right for the name of the system (or game) it goes to: MAME.zip. If it were for a MAME game (such as Spy Hunter) it would go in HyperSpin>media>MAME> and be named spyhunt.zip etc...

Hypersync is good to use the very first time to download all the media for a system, but to update individual themes or wheels do it manually.

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