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Hyperspin 1.4 and RocketLauncher


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Alright, I finally got around to updating my Hyperspin 1.3/Hyperlaunch to RocketLauncher and Hyperspin 1.4. Before updating to Hyperspin 1.4 I updated Rocketlauncher. Rocketlauncher now works fine with my hyperspin 1.3.


Now for my issues. I replaced the Hyperspin executable with the new Hyperspin 1.4 executable and ran the updater tool for hyperspin through RLauncher for 1.4. In my settings.ini it goes to the full path of the rocketlauncher.exe.


When I run hyperspin 1.4 and select a game for any system it gives me an error now saying that "No default emulator found in Rocketlauncher/settings/blah blah blah. When I look into RocketlauncherUI and look under each system it states that the correct emulators are set as default.


When I switch back to the old Hyperspin 1.3 executable, everything works as it should. Any help would be great so I can update to hyperspin 1.4. Thanks!


Yes it does have the rom name in it. Hmm I selected 1.4 in the tool. However when running it, it never said completed, after I selected my appropriate folders it just sent me right back to the "main menu" of the updater tool, never said anything else...


Side question in addition to this, do I run the tool before moving new 1.4 exe into the hyperspin folder or after?


Got it, in HyperHQ, systems that are using Rocketlauncher AND HS 1.4 need to have Hyperlaunch checked. I believe it was supposed to be checked for Normal with HS 1.3 and RL. Think it's working fine now.


Well, I tried N64 and it worked fine. Just tried MAME and it's giving me this error. "You did not supply any valid rom extensions to search for in your compressed toms, please turn off 7z support or add atleast one rom extension to Rom_Extension "zip|7z"

Hmm thoughts?


21:59:52:145 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.1.1.1 (www.rlauncher.com)
21:59:52:145 | RL | WARNING | +0 | Main - Logging level is debug or higher and will cause slowdowns to RocketLauncher's performance. When troubleshooting is finished, please lower logging level to restore proper performance.
21:59:52:145 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.setLogMode - Setting DLL log mode in thread "RL" to "1" in file "1"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Gdip.ahk"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting ".\Media"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting ".\Data"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Data"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting ".\Modules"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting ".\RocketLauncherUI"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncherUI"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe"
21:59:52:155 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getServiceStatus - Getting status of service: "Winmgmt"
21:59:52:276 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +125 | RLDLL.getSystemLocale - Getting current system locale
21:59:52:276 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFormatsLocale - Getting current locale format
21:59:52:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getWindowsUILanguage - Getting current Windows language being displayed
21:59:52:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getTextEncoding - Getting ANSI text encoding for Windows
21:59:52:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getDisplaySettings - Getting display settings for: "\\.\DISPLAY1"
21:59:52:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getDisplayScalingPercentage - Getting display scaling percentage for: "\\.\DISPLAY1"
21:59:52:286 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | Registry.Read - Reading from Registry : RootKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SubKey=System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows, ValueName=ErrorMode,RegistryVersion=32
21:59:52:286 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | Registry.Read - Registry Read finished, returning 0
21:59:52:286 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - System Specs:
RocketLauncher Dir: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher
RocketLauncher is: 32-bit
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
SKU: Professional
Total Memory: 7975.03 MB
Free Memory: 3884.12 MB
Used Memory: 4090.910 MB
SystemType: 64-bit
Physical Processors: 1
Logical Processors: 4
GPU 1 Name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
GPU 1 RAM: 1024.00 MB
GPU 1 Driver Version:
GPU 2 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
GPU 2 RAM: -2048.00 MB
GPU 2 Driver Version:
Sound 1 Device: Realtek High Definition Audio
Sound 1 Status: Enabled
Sound 2 Device: Intel(R) Display Audio
Sound 2 Status: Enabled
Sound 3 Device: NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
Sound 3 Status: Enabled
Sound 4 Device: Bluetooth Hands-free Audio
Sound 4 Status: Enabled
Sound 5 Device: NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Sound 5 Status: Enabled
OS Language: English_United_States
System Locale: en-US
Formats Locale: en-US
Windows UI Language: en-US
Text Encoding: Windows-1252
OS Admin Status: Yes
RL Compatibility Flags:
Latest .Net Version: v4.0.30319
Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1040 work) [32bit] [60hz] [Landscape] (Primary)
Current AHK Desktop Width: 1920
Current AHK Desktop Height: 1080
Monitor #1 DPI: 100
ErrorMode: 0
AutoHotkey Path:
AHK Version:
Unicode: No
21:59:52:286 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe exists
21:59:52:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe"
21:59:52:286 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
FileDescription RocketLauncher
LegalCopyright ©2016 RocketLauncher
ProductName djvj's one swell guy!
CompanyName Your favorite Front End companion! Visit us @ www.rlauncher.com
File Size: 2179584 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:34:31 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:42 PM
21:59:52:286 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Raw CLI received: "Shotgun Games area51"
21:59:52:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\QRes.exe"
21:59:52:286 | RL | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RocketLauncher.dll"
21:59:52:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RocketLauncher.dll"
21:59:52:286 | RL | INFO | +0 | File.CheckFile - Checking if "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RocketLauncher.dll" exists
21:59:52:286 | RL | TRACE | +0 | File.Exist - This file exists: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RocketLauncher.dll
21:59:52:296 | RL | DEBUG | +16 | File.CheckFile - Attributes:
FileDescription RocketLauncher Utils
InternalName RocketLauncher.dll
LegalCopyright Copyright © RocketLauncher 2013-2016
OriginalFilename RocketLauncher.dll
ProductName RocketLauncher
File Size: 68608 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:34:52 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:44 PM
21:59:52:296 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Array.ahk"
21:59:52:306 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking for CRC:8D00C309 lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Array.ahk"
21:59:52:316 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Array.ahk
21:59:52:316 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 4781 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:33 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:33 PM
21:59:52:316 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BinHexRW.ahk"
21:59:52:326 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +16 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BinHexRW.ahk"
21:59:52:326 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BinHexRW.ahk | v1.0.2
21:59:52:326 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 5077 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:13 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:13 PM
21:59:52:326 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe exists
21:59:52:336 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe"
21:59:52:376 | RL | DEBUG | +32 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 657920 bytes
Created: 6/10/2014 - 6:35:42 PM
Modified: 3/2/2014 - 12:57:11 PM
21:59:52:376 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\CLR_L.ahk"
21:59:52:376 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking for CRC:85DCE1A5 lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\CLR_L.ahk"
21:59:52:376 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\CLR_L.ahk | vInterop
21:59:52:376 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 5323 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:48 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:48 PM
21:59:52:376 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Control_AniGif.ahk"
21:59:52:386 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking for CRC:261CF718 lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Control_AniGif.ahk"
21:59:52:396 | RL | INFO | +16 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Control_AniGif.ahk | vAniGif.ahk
21:59:52:396 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 5716 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:17 AM
Modified: 9/29/2013 - 3:49:44 PM
21:59:52:396 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gdip.ahk"
21:59:52:396 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking for CRC:1528E024 lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gdip.ahk"
21:59:52:406 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gdip.ahk
21:59:52:406 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 88789 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:17 AM
Modified: 9/29/2013 - 3:49:44 PM
21:59:52:406 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gdip_alt.ahk"
21:59:52:416 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gdip_alt.ahk"
21:59:52:416 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gdip_alt.ahk | v1.0.3
21:59:52:416 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 5891 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:24 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:24 PM
21:59:52:416 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gsdll32.dll exists
21:59:52:416 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\gsdll32.dll"
21:59:52:436 | RL | DEBUG | +16 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 13090816 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:17 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:52 PM
21:59:52:436 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\itextsharp.dll exists
21:59:52:436 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\itextsharp.dll"
21:59:52:456 | RL | DEBUG | +16 | CheckFile - Attributes:
FileDescription iTextSharp
InternalName itextsharp.dll
LegalCopyright Copyright (C) 1999-2013 by Bruno Lowagie and Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved.
OriginalFilename itextsharp.dll
ProductName iTextSharp
CompanyName 1T3XT BVBA
File Size: 3743744 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:17 AM
Modified: 9/29/2013 - 3:49:47 PM
21:59:52:456 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Java.ahk"
21:59:52:476 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +31 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Java.ahk"
21:59:52:476 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Java.ahk | v1.0.0
21:59:52:476 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 7841 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:48 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:48 PM
21:59:52:476 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\JSON.ahk"
21:59:52:486 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking for CRC:9114B402 lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\JSON.ahk"
21:59:52:486 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\JSON.ahk
21:59:52:486 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 9227 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:17 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:27 PM
21:59:52:496 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Origin.ahk"
21:59:52:506 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +16 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Origin.ahk"
21:59:52:506 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Origin.ahk | v1.0.2
21:59:52:506 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 4904 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:44 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:44 PM
21:59:52:506 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RegRW64.ahk"
21:59:52:526 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +16 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking for CRC:434EECD9 lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RegRW64.ahk"
21:59:52:526 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RegRW64.ahk
21:59:52:526 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 6915 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:41 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:41 PM
21:59:52:526 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RIni.ahk"
21:59:52:526 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking for CRC:FAE7853F lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RIni.ahk"
21:59:52:546 | RL | INFO | +15 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\RIni.ahk | v1.7
21:59:52:546 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 67562 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:18 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:04 PM
21:59:52:546 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\SevenZipSharp.dll exists
21:59:52:546 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\SevenZipSharp.dll"
21:59:52:566 | RL | DEBUG | +16 | CheckFile - Attributes:
FileDescription SevenZipSharp
FileVersion 0.64.5717.6837
InternalName SevenZipSharp.dll
LegalCopyright Copyright (C) Markovtsev Vadim 2009, 2010, licenced under LGPLv3
OriginalFilename SevenZipSharp.dll
ProductName SevenZipSharp
ProductVersion 0.64.5717.6837
CompanyName Markovtsev Vadim
File Size: 167424 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:18 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:53 PM
21:59:52:566 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Steam.ahk"
21:59:52:566 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Steam.ahk"
21:59:52:566 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\Steam.ahk | v1.0.3
21:59:52:566 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 5504 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:46 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:46 PM
21:59:52:566 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\VA.ahk"
21:59:52:586 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +31 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking for CRC:23616A65 lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\VA.ahk"
21:59:52:586 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\VA.ahk
21:59:52:586 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 34688 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:18 AM
Modified: 9/29/2013 - 3:49:48 PM
21:59:52:586 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\VA_Extension.ahk"
21:59:52:596 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\VA_Extension.ahk"
21:59:52:596 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\VA_Extension.ahk | v1.0.1
21:59:52:596 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 3833 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:36 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:36 PM
21:59:52:596 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\7z.ahk"
21:59:52:606 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +16 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\7z.ahk"
21:59:52:606 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\7z.ahk | v1.1.0
21:59:52:606 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 31579 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:27 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:27 PM
21:59:52:606 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Bezel.ahk"
21:59:52:606 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Bezel.ahk"
21:59:52:606 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Bezel.ahk | v1.2.5
21:59:52:606 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 119247 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:53 PM
21:59:52:606 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade.ahk"
21:59:52:606 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade.ahk"
21:59:52:606 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade.ahk | v1.1.9
21:59:52:606 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 39542 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:02 PM
21:59:52:606 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade Init.ahk"
21:59:52:626 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade Init.ahk"
21:59:52:626 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade Init.ahk | v1.0.3
21:59:52:626 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 1130 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:36 PM
21:59:52:626 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade Animations.ahk"
21:59:52:626 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade Animations.ahk"
21:59:52:626 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Fade Animations.ahk | v1.2.4
21:59:52:636 | RL | DEBUG | +16 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 77966 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:45 PM
21:59:52:636 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Keymapper.ahk"
21:59:52:636 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Keymapper.ahk"
21:59:52:636 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Keymapper.ahk | v1.1.5
21:59:52:636 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 33668 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:45 PM
21:59:52:636 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Keymapper Init.ahk"
21:59:52:646 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Keymapper Init.ahk"
21:59:52:646 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Keymapper Init.ahk | v1.0.6
21:59:52:646 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 3956 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:07 PM
21:59:52:646 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiGame.ahk"
21:59:52:656 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiGame.ahk"
21:59:52:656 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiGame.ahk | v1.1.0
21:59:52:656 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 41541 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:20 PM
21:59:52:656 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiGame Init.ahk"
21:59:52:656 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiGame Init.ahk"
21:59:52:656 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiGame Init.ahk | v1.0.0
21:59:52:656 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 161 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 9/29/2013 - 3:49:34 PM
21:59:52:656 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiPlayer.ahk"
21:59:52:666 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +16 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiPlayer.ahk"
21:59:52:666 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\MultiPlayer.ahk | v1.0.8
21:59:52:666 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 66776 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:10 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:10 PM
21:59:52:666 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Pause.ahk"
21:59:52:676 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Pause.ahk"
21:59:52:696 | RL | INFO | +31 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Pause.ahk | v1.2.4
21:59:52:696 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 397144 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:37 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:37 PM
21:59:52:696 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Pause Init.ahk"
21:59:52:696 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Pause Init.ahk"
21:59:52:696 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Pause Init.ahk | v1.0.3
21:59:52:696 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 553 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:28 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:28 PM
21:59:52:696 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Password.ahk"
21:59:52:696 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Password.ahk"
21:59:52:696 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Password.ahk | v1.0.4
21:59:52:696 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 10121 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:43 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:44 PM
21:59:52:696 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\DLL\RocketLauncher.ahk"
21:59:52:696 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\DLL\RocketLauncher.ahk"
21:59:52:706 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\DLL\RocketLauncher.ahk | v1.7.1
21:59:52:706 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 26345 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:41 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:41 PM
21:59:52:706 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Log\Logger.ahk"
21:59:52:706 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Log\Logger.ahk"
21:59:52:706 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Log\Logger.ahk | v1.1.0
21:59:52:706 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 3098 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:31 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:31 PM
21:59:52:706 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\MiscUtils.ahk"
21:59:52:716 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +16 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\MiscUtils.ahk"
21:59:52:716 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\MiscUtils.ahk | v1.1.1
21:59:52:716 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 6725 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:40 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:40 PM
21:59:52:716 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\Registry.ahk"
21:59:52:736 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\Registry.ahk"
21:59:52:736 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\Registry.ahk | v1.0.0
21:59:52:736 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 1549 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:01 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:01 PM
21:59:52:736 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\StringUtils.ahk"
21:59:52:736 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\StringUtils.ahk"
21:59:52:736 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\StringUtils.ahk | v1.5.1
21:59:52:736 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 7797 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:33 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:33 PM
21:59:52:736 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\TimerUtils.ahk"
21:59:52:736 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\TimerUtils.ahk"
21:59:52:736 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Environment\TimerUtils.ahk | v1.0.0
21:59:52:746 | RL | DEBUG | +16 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 2963 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:10 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:10 PM
21:59:52:746 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\File.ahk"
21:59:52:746 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\File.ahk"
21:59:52:746 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\File.ahk | v1.6.0
21:59:52:746 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 9146 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:59 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:59 PM
21:59:52:746 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Folder.ahk"
21:59:52:756 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +16 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Folder.ahk"
21:59:52:756 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Folder.ahk | v1.0.0
21:59:52:756 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 648 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:18 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:18 PM
21:59:52:756 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\IniFile.ahk"
21:59:52:776 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\IniFile.ahk"
21:59:52:776 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\IniFile.ahk | v1.0.0
21:59:52:776 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 4412 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:13 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:13 PM
21:59:52:776 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\RIniFile.ahk"
21:59:52:776 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\RIniFile.ahk"
21:59:52:776 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\RIniFile.ahk | v1.1.1
21:59:52:776 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 3741 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:30 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:30 PM
21:59:52:776 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Process.ahk"
21:59:52:776 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Process.ahk"
21:59:52:776 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Process.ahk | v1.5.0
21:59:52:786 | RL | DEBUG | +16 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 9584 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:18 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:18 PM
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Emulator.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Emulator.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\File\Emulator.ahk | v1.1.0
21:59:52:786 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 1220 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:12 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:12 PM
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Input\KeyUtils.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Input\KeyUtils.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\Input\KeyUtils.ahk | v1.0.1
21:59:52:786 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 5520 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:16 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:16 PM
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\Control.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\Control.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\Control.ahk | v1.2.0
21:59:52:786 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 4561 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:09 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:09 PM
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\Window.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\Window.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\Window.ahk | v1.2.0
21:59:52:786 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 22846 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:01 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:01 PM
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\WindowTitle.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\WindowTitle.ahk"
21:59:52:786 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Classes\Util\UI\WindowTitle.ahk | v1.0.0
21:59:52:796 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 1156 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:24 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:24 PM
21:59:52:796 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Rom Mapping Launch Menu.ahk"
21:59:52:806 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +15 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Rom Mapping Launch Menu.ahk"
21:59:52:806 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Rom Mapping Launch Menu.ahk | v1.0.7
21:59:52:806 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 72261 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:11 PM
21:59:52:806 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shader.ahk"
21:59:52:886 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +78 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shader.ahk"
21:59:52:896 | RL | INFO | +16 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shader.ahk | v1.0.1
21:59:52:896 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 3943 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:47 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:47 PM
21:59:52:896 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shader Init.ahk"
21:59:52:896 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shader Init.ahk"
21:59:52:896 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shader Init.ahk | v1.0.0
21:59:52:896 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 397 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:59 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:59 PM
21:59:52:896 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shared.ahk"
21:59:52:926 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +16 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shared.ahk"
21:59:52:926 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Shared.ahk | v1.4.7
21:59:52:926 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 175721 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:28 PM
21:59:52:926 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Statistics.ahk"
21:59:53:226 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +312 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Statistics.ahk"
21:59:53:226 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Statistics.ahk | v1.0.4
21:59:53:226 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 26810 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:03 PM
21:59:53:226 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Statistics Init.ahk"
21:59:53:226 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Statistics Init.ahk"
21:59:53:226 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Statistics Init.ahk | v1.0.1
21:59:53:226 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 33 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:21 PM
21:59:53:226 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Virtual Drive.ahk"
21:59:53:236 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Virtual Drive.ahk"
21:59:53:236 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\Virtual Drive.ahk | v1.0.5
21:59:53:236 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 19148 bytes
Created: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:46 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:46 PM
21:59:53:236 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\XHotkey.ahk"
21:59:53:236 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\XHotkey.ahk"
21:59:53:236 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\XHotkey.ahk | v1.0.4
21:59:53:236 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 26540 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:05 PM
21:59:53:236 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\XHotkey Init.ahk"
21:59:53:236 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for lib file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\XHotkey Init.ahk"
21:59:53:236 | RL | INFO | +0 | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\XHotkey Init.ahk | v1.0.2
21:59:53:236 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 1063 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:02 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:23 PM
21:59:53:236 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | Main - Received this dbName with no path via CLI: "area51"
21:59:53:236 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | Main - dbName: area51
21:59:53:236 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "RocketLauncherUI"
21:59:53:236 | RL | TRACE | +0 | Process.__New - Creating new process object for: "D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe"
21:59:53:236 | RL | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe"
21:59:53:236 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe"
21:59:53:236 | RL | INFO | +0 | Process.Process - "Exist" "HyperSpin.exe"
21:59:53:236 | RL | TRACE | +0 | Process.GetProcessID
21:59:53:246 | RL | INFO | +15 | Main - Detected HyperSpin.exe is currently running
21:59:53:246 | RL | TRACE | +0 | Window.__New - Created: "ahk_pid 5772"
21:59:53:246 | RL | TRACE | +0 | Window.Get - ID is "0x5a084e" from "ahk_pid 5772"
21:59:53:246 | RL | TRACE | +0 | Window.GetPos - Retrieved x:0 y:0 w: 1920 h: 1080 from "ahk_id 0x5a084e"
21:59:53:246 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - HyperSpin.exe coordinates are x0 y0 w1920 h1080
21:59:53:246 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - RocketLauncher received "Shotgun Games" and "area51"
21:59:53:246 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Did not find a "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\Shotgun Games\Game Options.ini" file, skipping any game-specific options.
21:59:53:246 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - area51 is using the default emulator: MAME
21:59:53:246 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Checking for a [MAME] section in D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\Shotgun Games\Emulators.ini
21:59:53:246 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Checking for a [MAME] section in D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
21:59:53:246 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Found [MAME] in D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
21:59:53:246 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "MAME.ahk"
21:59:53:246 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk"
21:59:53:246 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk"
21:59:53:246 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk exists
21:59:53:246 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk"
21:59:53:276 | RL | DEBUG | +31 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 77860 bytes
Created: 2/19/2014 - 1:35:40 PM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:55 PM
21:59:53:276 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.checkModuleCRC - Checking CRC for module file: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk"
21:59:53:276 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module.
21:59:53:276 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - area51 will use module: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk
21:59:53:276 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting ".\Profiles"
21:59:53:276 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles"
21:59:53:276 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe"
21:59:53:276 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +16 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting ".\Module Extensions\7z.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting ".\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "..\Tools\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\Tools\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "C:\Windows\Utilities\VJoy\VJoy.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "C:\Windows\Utilities\VJoy\VJoy.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "C:\Windows\Utilities\VJoy\VJoy.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "C:\Windows\Utilities\VJoy\VJoy.exe"
21:59:53:286 | RL | WARNING | +0 | RIniLoadVar - Created missing Global ini key: "Fade_Click_Through " in section: "Fade" in "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global RocketLauncher.ini"
21:59:53:286 | RL | WARNING | +0 | RIniLoadVar - Created missing System ini key: "Fade_Click_Through " in section: "Fade" in "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\Shotgun Games\RocketLauncher.ini"
21:59:53:296 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "..\cache"
21:59:53:296 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\cache"
21:59:53:306 | RL | INFO | +16 | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extension" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks.
21:59:53:306 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "..\Mame\roms"
21:59:53:306 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\Mame\roms"
21:59:53:306 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "..\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"
21:59:53:306 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"
21:59:53:306 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"
21:59:53:306 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe exists
21:59:53:306 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"
21:59:53:326 | RL | DEBUG | +15 | CheckFile - Attributes:
FileDescription Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
FileVersion 0, 155, 0, 0
InternalName MAME
LegalCopyright Copyright Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team
OriginalFilename MAME
ProductName MAME
ProductVersion 0.155
CompanyName MAME Team
File Size: 91944960 bytes
Created: 10/30/2014 - 9:48:40 AM
Modified: 10/15/2014 - 5:15:09 AM
21:59:53:326 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - INI Keys read
21:59:53:326 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe"
21:59:53:336 | RL | INFO | +16 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
21:59:53:336 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe"
21:59:53:336 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
FileDescription 7-Zip Console
FileVersion 15.06 beta
InternalName 7z
LegalCopyright Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Igor Pavlov
OriginalFilename 7z.exe
ProductName 7-Zip
ProductVersion 15.06 beta
CompanyName Igor Pavlov
File Size: 262144 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:17 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:37:26 PM
21:59:53:336 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
21:59:53:336 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll"
21:59:53:346 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
FileDescription 7z Plugin
FileVersion 15.06 beta
InternalName 7z
LegalCopyright Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Igor Pavlov
OriginalFilename 7z.dll
ProductName 7-Zip
ProductVersion 15.06 beta
CompanyName Igor Pavlov
File Size: 1012224 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:17 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:59 PM
21:59:53:346 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - "area51" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side
21:59:53:346 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Started
21:59:53:346 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: D:\Arcade\Mame\roms\area51.zip
21:59:53:366 | RL | INFO | +31 | CheckPaths - Found rom: D:\Arcade\Mame\roms\area51.zip
21:59:53:366 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckPaths - Current romName: area51
21:59:53:366 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckPaths - Current romPath: D:\Arcade\Mame\roms
21:59:53:366 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | CheckPaths - Current romExtension: .zip
21:59:53:366 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Ended
21:59:53:366 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - User Variables:

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SendMode, Event
0 = 2
rlPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher
pluginPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Plugins
pluginName = RocketLauncherUI
pluginExt = .plugin
contextOnExit =
rlMode =
rlTitle = RocketLauncher
rlVersion =
rlAuthor = djvj
rlURL = www.rlauncher.com
langFile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Data\Language\Localization.ini
primMonitor = 1
frontendPID = 5772
frontendPath = D:\Arcade
frontendExe = HyperSpin.exe
frontendExt = exe
frontendName = HyperSpin
frontendDrive = D
exitEmulatorKey = ~Esc
restoreFE = false
exitScriptKey = ~q & ~s
toggleCursorKey = ~e & ~t
emuFullPath = D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe
emuPath = D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME
emuName = MAME
emuExt = exe
baseRomPath =
romPath = D:\Arcade\Mame\roms
romPathFromIni = D:\Arcade\Mame\roms
romExtension = .zip
romExtensionOrig = .zip
romExtensions = zip|7z
executable = mame64.exe
systemDbName = Shotgun Games
systemName = Shotgun Games
dbPath =
dbName = area51
dbExt =
romName = area51
romMapPath =
romMappingEnabled = false
romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled = false
romMappingFirstMatchingExt = false
romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive = true
romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen = 7
romMappingHideParent = false
romMappingMenuWidth = 300
romMappingMenuMargin = 50
romMappingTextFont = Bebas Neue
romMappingTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Bold
romMappingDisabledTextColor = ff888888
romMappingTextSizeDifference = 5
romMappingTextMargin = 10
romMappingTitleTextFont = Bebas Neue
romMappingTitleTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold
romMappingTitle2TextFont = Bebas Neue
romMappingTitle2TextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s15 Bold
romMappingGameInfoTextFont = Bebas Neue
romMappingGameInfoTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s15 Regular
romMappingGameNameTextFont = Bebas Neue
romMappingGameNameTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Regular
romMappingBackgroundBrush = aa000000
romMappingColumnBrush = 33000000
romMappingButtonBrush1 = 6f000000
romMappingButtonBrush2 = 33000000
romMappingBackgroundAlign = Stretch and Lose Aspect
romMappingMenuFlagWidth = 40
romMappingMenuFlagSeparation = 5
romMappingDefaultMenuList = FullList
romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch = false
altArchiveNameOnly =
altRomNameOnly =
altArchiveAndRomName =
altArchiveAndManyRomNames =
altRomNamesOnly =
romMapScenario =
skipchecks = false
romMatchExt = true
blockInputTime = 0
blockInputFile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe
errorLevelReporting = false
lockLaunch = false
lockLaunchGame =
screenRotationAngle = 0
screenRotationAngleGame =
setResolution =
logFile =
logLabel := [" INFO"," WARNING"," ERROR"," DEBUG"," TRACE"]
logLevel = 10
logShowDebugConsole = false
logShowCommandWindow = false
logCommandWindow = false
logIncludeModule = true
logIncludeFileProperties = true
logIncludeDLLLogs = true
errorSounds = true
rlDebugConsoleStdout =
sysLang = English_United_States
sysType = 64-bit
broadcastWindowTitle =
navUpKey = Up
navDownKey = Down
navLeftKey = Left
navRightKey = Right
navSelectKey = 1
navP2UpKey = R
navP2DownKey = F
navP2LeftKey = D
navP2RightKey = G
navP2SelectKey = 2
originalWidth = 1920
originalHeight = 1080
vdEnabled = true
vdFullPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe
vdUseSCSI = true
vdDriveLetter =
vdDriveLetterScsi =
vdAddDrive = true
demulShooterPath =
servoStikEnabled = false
servoStikExitMode = false
ledblinkyEnabled = false
ledblinkySystemName =
ledblinkyFullPath =
ledblinkyProfilePath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky
ledblinkyRLProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky\RocketLauncher
winIPACFullPath =
ultraMapEnabled = false
ultraMapFullPath =
emuIdleShutdown = 0
launchPasswordHash = zQJHGuIBD6bt2rEoPola0Rbrl81Ci3lgdm1mxbcm+QfXe+SDPHV0ig==
hideCursor = true
hideEmu = false
hideFE = false
suspendFE = false
fadeIn = true
fadeInDuration = 500
fadeInTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeIn
fadeInDelay = 0
fadeInExitDelay = 0
fadeOutExitDelay = 0
fadeOut = false
fadeOutExtraScreen = false
fadeOutDuration = 500
fadeOutTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeOut
fadeOutDelay = 0
fadeLyrInterpolation = 7
fadeMuteEmulator = false
fadeUseBackgrounds = false
fadeClickThrough = false
fadeSounds = true
fade7zProgressMode = extraction
fadeWidthBaseRes = 1920
fadeHeightBaseRes = 1080
fadeLyr1Color = FF000000
fadeLyr1AlignImage = Align to Top Left
fadeLyr2Pos = Bottom Right Corner
fadeLyr2X = 300
fadeLyr2Y = 300
fadeLyr2W =
fadeLyr2H =
fadeLyr2Adjust = 1
fadeLyr2PicPad = 0
fadeLyr2Prefix = Extra Layer 1 - Console
fadeLyr3Pos = Center
fadeLyr3X = 300
fadeLyr3Y = 300
fadeLyr3W =
fadeLyr3H =
fadeLyr3Adjust = 0.75
fadeLyr3PicPad = 0
fadeLyr3Speed = 750
fadeLyr3Animation = DefaultFadeAnimation
fadeLyr37zAnimation = DefaultFadeAnimation
fadeLyr3Type = imageandbar
fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = true
fadeLyr3Repeat = 1
fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency = 30
fadeLyr3StaticPos = No Alignment
fadeLyr3StaticX = 0
fadeLyr3StaticY = 870|1575
fadeLyr3StaticW =
fadeLyr3StaticH =
fadeLyr3StaticAdjust = 1
fadeLyr3StaticPicPad = 0
fadeLyr3StaticPrefix = Info Bar
fadeLyr4Adjust = 0.75
fadeLyr4X = 100
fadeLyr4Y = 100
fadeLyr4W = 128
fadeLyr4H =
fadeLyr4Pos = Above Layer 3 - Left
fadeLyr4FPS = 10
fadeLyr4PicPad = 0
fadeTranspGifColor = FFFFFF
fadeBarWindow = false
fadeBarWindowX =
fadeBarWindowY =
fadeBarWindowW = 600
fadeBarWindowH = 120
fadeBarWindowR = 20
fadeBarWindowM = 20
fadeBarWindowHatchStyle = 8
fadeBar = 7zOnly
fadeProgressDuration = 0
fadeBarBack = true
fadeBarBackColor = FF555555
fadeBarH = 20
fadeBarR = 5
fadeBarColor = DD00BFFF
fadeBarHatchStyle = 3
fadeBarPercentageText = true
fadeBarInfoText = true
fadeBarXOffset = 0
fadeBarYOffset = 100
fadeRomInfoDescription = text
fadeRomInfoSystemName = text
fadeRomInfoYear = text
fadeRomInfoDeveloper = disabled
fadeRomInfoPublisher = disabled
fadeRomInfoGenre = text
fadeRomInfoRating = text
fadeRomInfoOrder = Description|SystemName|Year|Manufacturer|Genre|Rating
fadeRomInfoTextPlacement = topRight
fadeRomInfoTextMargin = 5
fadeRomInfoText1Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeRomInfoText2Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeRomInfoText3Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeRomInfoText4Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeRomInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeRomInfoText6Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeRomInfoText7Options = h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular
fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played = text with label
fadeStats_Last_Time_Played = text with label
fadeStats_Average_Time_Played = text with label
fadeStats_Total_Time_Played = text with label
fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time = text with label
fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time = text with label
fadeStatsInfoOrder = Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time
fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement = topLeft
fadeStatsInfoTextMargin = 5
fadeStatsInfoText1Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeStatsInfoText2Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeStatsInfoText3Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeStatsInfoText4Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeStatsInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeStatsInfoText6Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeText1X = 0
fadeText1Y = 0
fadeText1Options = cFFFFFFFF r4 s20 Right Bold
fadeText1 = Loading Game
fadeText2X = 0
fadeText2Y = 0
fadeText2Options = cFFFFFFFF r4 s20 Right Bold
fadeText2 = Extraction Complete
fadeText3 = Loading Game
fadeText4 = Loading Complete
fadeFont = Arial
fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly = false
fadeExtractionTime = disabled
fadeExtractionTimeTextX = 0
fadeExtractionTimeTextY = 0
fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
fadeInterruptKey =
detectFadeErrorEnabled = true
fadeImgPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade
RLDataPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Data
RLMediaPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media
RLErrSoundPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Sounds\Error
modulesPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules
moduleFullName = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk
moduleName = MAME
modulePath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME
moduleExtension = ahk
moduleExtensionsPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions
libPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib
sevenZEnabled = true
sevenZPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe
sevenZDllPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll
sevenZExtractPath = D:\Arcade\cache
sevenZExtractPathOrig =
sevenZAttachSystemName = false
sevenZDelTemp = true
sevenZFormats = .zip|.rar|.7z|.lzh|.gzip|.tar
sevenZFormatsNoP = zip|rar|7z|lzh|gzip|tar
sevenZFormatsRegEx = \.zip|\.rar|\.7z|\.lzh|\.gzip|\.tar
7zExtractPath = D:\Arcade\cache
mgEnabled = false
mgKey = ~NumpadSub
mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
mgSidePadding = 0.2
mgWidthBaseRes = 1920
mgHeightBaseRes = 1080
mgYOffset = 500
mgFont = Arial
mgText1Options = x10p y30p w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic
mgText1Text = Please select a game
mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic
mgText2Offset = 70
mgUseSound = true
mgSoundfreq = 300
mgExitEffect = none
mgSelectedEffect = rotate
mgUseGameArt = false
mgCandidate =
mgValidTypes = \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side
mgOnLaunch = false
pauseEnabled = true
pauseKey = H1100:NumpadAdd
pauseBackToMenuBarKey = X
pauseZoomInKey = C
pauseZoomOutKey = V
pauseScreenshotKey = ~PrintScreen
pauseHiToTextPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe
pauseSaveStateKeyCodes = {shift down}{F7 down}{F7 up}{shift up}
pauseLoadStateKeyCodes = {shift down}{F7 down}{F7 up}{shift up}
keyboardEncoder =
keyboardEncoderEnabled = false
keymapperEnabled = false
keymapperAHKMethod = false
keymapper = ahk
xpadderFullPath = D:\Arcade\Tools\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe
joyToKeyFullPath = C:\Windows\Utilities\VJoy\VJoy.exe
profilePath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles
keymapperProfilePath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\ahk
keymapperFrontEndProfileName = HyperSpin
keymapperFrontEndProfile = false
keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled = false
joyIDsEnabled = false
joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal =
joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem = use_global
joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit =
CustomJoyNamesEnabled = false
CustomJoyNames =
rotateMethod = false
FEProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\ahk\HyperSpin
defaultProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\ahk\_Default
systemProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\ahk\Shotgun Games
xPadderSystemProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\ahk\Shotgun Games\_Default
emuProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\ahk\Shotgun Games\MAME
romProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\ahk\Shotgun Games\area51
RocketLauncherProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\ahk\RocketLauncher
blankProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\ahk\blank
ahkFEProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\HyperSpin
ahkDefaultProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\_Default
ahkSystemProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Shotgun Games
ahkEmuProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Shotgun Games\MAME
ahkRomProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Shotgun Games\area51
ahkRocketLauncherProfile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncher
bezelEnabled = false
bezelICEnabled = false
shaderName = false
shaderColor =
shaderTransparency =
statisticsEnabled = true
pressDuration = -1
emuVolume = 1
dxwndIni = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini
dxwndFullPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe
qResFullPath = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\QRes.exe
mon1O =
pacDrivedllFile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll
userFadeAnimIniFile = D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Fade Animations.ini
testFile =
testDuration =
initialErrorMode = 0

21:59:53:366 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
21:59:53:366 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Fade Init.ahk scripts
21:59:53:366 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Pause Init.ahk scripts
21:59:53:366 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts
21:59:53:366 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded User Functions Init.ahk script
21:59:53:366 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | BuildScript - Module starts on line: 2
21:59:53:376 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Validating module
21:59:53:376 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Validation complete
21:59:53:376 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Module:
MEmuV = v0.166
MURL = http://www.mame.net/
MAuthor = djvj,faahrev,brolly,Tomkun
MVersion = 2.3.7
MCRC = 5C737136
iCRC = 25E2CCF
mId = 635746812784197028
MSystem = "AAE","Aamber Pegasus","Acorn Electron","Amstrad CPC","Amstrad GX4000","APF Imagination Machine","Apple II","Apple IIGS","Applied Technology MicroBee","Atari 8-Bit","Atari 2600","Atari 5200","Atari 7800","Atari Classics","Atari Jaguar","Atari Lynx","Bally Astrocade","Bandai Super Vision 8000","Bandai WonderSwan","Bandai WonderSwan Color","Bit Corporation Gamate","Camputers Lynx","Capcom","Capcom Classics","Capcom Play System","Capcom Play System II","Capcom Play System III","Casio PV-1000","Casio PV-2000","Cave","Coleco ADAM","ColecoVision","Commodore 64","Commodore MAX Machine","Creatronic Mega Duck","Data East Classics","EACA EG2000 Colour Genie","Emerson Arcadia 2001","Entex Adventure Vision","Epoch Game Pocket Computer","Epoch Super Cassette Vision","Exidy Sorcerer","Fairchild Channel F","Fujitsu FM-7","Funtech Super Acan","GamePark 32","GCE Vectrex","Hartung Game Master","HBMAME","Interton VC 4000","Irem Classics","JungleTac Sport Vii","Jupiter Ace","Konami Classics","LaserDisc","Magnavox Odyssey 2","MAME","Matra & Hachette Alice","Mattel Aquarius","Mattel Intellivision","MGT Sam Coupe","Midway Classics","Milton Bradley MicroVision","Namco Classics","Namco System 22","NEC PC-8801","NEC PC Engine","NEC PC Engine-CD","NEC SuperGrafx","NEC TurboGrafx-16","NEC TurboGrafx-CD","Nintendo 64","Nintendo 64DD","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Nintendo Classics","Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System","Nintendo Game Boy","Nintendo Game Boy Advance","Nintendo Game Boy Color","Nintendo Pokemon Mini","Nintendo Satellaview","Nintendo Super Famicom","Nintendo Super Game Boy","Nintendo Virtual Boy","Othello Multivision","PacMAME","Philips CD-i","Philips VG 5000","Philips Videopac Plus G7400","RCA Studio II","Sega 32X","Sega CD","Sega Classics","Sega Game Gear","Sega Genesis","Sega Master System","Sega Mega Drive","Sega Model 1","Sega Pico","Sega Saturn","Sega SC-3000","Sega SG-1000","Sega ST-V","Sega VMU","Sharp X1","Sinclair ZX81","SNK Classics","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo CD","SNK Neo Geo MVS","SNK Neo Geo Pocket","SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color","Sony PlayStation","Sony PocketStation","Sord M5","Soundic Victory MPT-02","Super Nintendo Entertainment System","Taito Classics","Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer","Texas Instruments TI 99-4A","Tiger Game.com","Tomy Tutor","VTech CreatiVision","Watara Supervision","Williams Classics"
; Notes:
; This module now includes everything from the legacy MAME and MESS modules, but combined to match the merge of the 2 emulators that occured on version 0.162.
; Exit fade will only work correctly if you don't have Esc, the default MAME exit key, as your exit key. If you use Esc, turn off the ExitScreen
; This module will set your rom paths on the fly via CLI, but you must make sure the RLUI module setting for this module "MAME_BIOS_Path" is correctly set. It defaults to your roms subfolder where MAME.exe is found.
; This module assumes you have bios zip in your MAME "roms" directory, which might be different than your actual roms directory, for each system you need this module for. All tested systems listed below
; If MAME has a problem reading the bios zips, try archving them with "no compression"
; This site can help a ton with details for the various systems supported: http://www.progettoemma.net/mess/index.html
; You may get a black screen or MAME may close w/o notice if you do not have a bios rom for your system when one is needed.
; If you use bezel, it is recommended to set the module bezel mode to normal, and go to your MAME.ini file, on your emulator folder, and choose these options: artwork_crop 1, use_backdrops 1, use_overlays 1, use_bezels 0
; Command Line Options - http://easyemu.mameworld.info/mameguide/mameguide-options.html
; High Scores DO NOT SAVE when cheats are enabled!
; HLSL Documentation: http://mamedev.org/source/docs/hlsl.txt.html
; If you use MAME for AAE, create a vector.ini in mame's ini subfolder and paste these HLSL settings in there: http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=309968&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&vc=1
; Be aware that several systems will require a BIOS zip with their roms inside. They all come bundled in the MAME set so make sure you add your MAME roms folder to the
; roms path for that system. If you have doubts about their filenames check the mTypeVar module variable content.
; Following systems will also require some specific files to operate properly:
; APF Imagination Machine - apfimag (tape games), apfm1000 (cart games)
; Camputers Lynx - lynx64k, lynx96k, lynx128k
; Coleco ADAM - adam, adam_ddp, adam_fdc, adam_kb, adam_prn, adam_spi
; NEC PC Engine-CD - "Super CD-ROM2 System V3.0 (J).pce" [262,656 bytes] (placed in the roms subfolder in the emuPath)
; NEC TurboGrafx-CD - "Super CD-ROM2 System V3.01 (U).pce" [262,144 bytes] (placed in the roms subfolder in the emuPath)
; Sega CD - segacd, megacd, megacd2j (megacd2j seems to be more compatible over megacdj)
; Sony PlayStation - psa, pse, psj, psu
; Tape Control:
; MAME tape/cassette emulation is terrible because normally it means you need to manually start and stop the tapes yourself so it's highly suggested that you use another emulator for such systems.
; Tape control commands are accessible through the UI, press tab and then select Tape Control and you can start/stop the loaded tape from there.
; The following hotkeys can also be used:
; F2 - Start Tape
; Left Shift + F2 - Stop Tape
; Insert - While held, runs the game with throttling disabled and with the maximum frameskip. Useful to speedup the long tape loading process.
; Be aware that tape games are normally used on PC systems therefore it's likely that full keyboard emulation is enabled which means that you'll need to disable it in order to use any of the above
; hotkeys. To disable it press the Scroll Lock key, press it again to enable it back.
; 7z Support:
; Make sure you have 7z disabled for all MAME Arcade systems. Their roms are supposed to be archived, if you have 7z enabled then your games will fail to load. It's
; fine to enable 7z to non-arcade systems.
; Custom Configuration Files:
; If you want to use custom configuration files (.cfg files) for some games you will need to store them inside your MAME cfg folder using the following structure:
; cfg\mame_system_name\database_rom_name\mame_system_name.cfg
; An example of a game that requires specific settings is ICBM Attack for the Bally Astrocade, in this case special cfg file should be:
; cfg\astrocde\I.C.B.M. Attack (USA) (Unl)\astrocde.cfg
; Ini Files:
; Module will set most settings through command line which will override any settings you might have on your MAME ini files. Everything else will be read from
; those. MAME supports a hierarchical ini file structure and will load settings from several ini files following a specific order:
;- mame.ini
;- <mymame>.ini (i.e. if MAME was renamed mame060.exe, MAME parses mame060.ini here)
;- debug.ini (if the debugger is enabled)
;- <parent>.ini (for clones only, may be called recursively)
;- <gamename>.ini
;- vertical.ini (for games with vertical monitor orientation)
;- horizont.ini (for games with horizontal monitor orientation)
;- vector.ini (for vector games only)
;- <driver>.ini (based on the source filename of the driver)
; The settings in the later ini's override those in the earlier ini's.
; It's highly recommended that you set skipchecks to 'Rom Only" for MAME otherwise RocketLauncher won't be able to launch several games due
; to the way MAME roms are packaged. This will be even more noticeable for those using merged sets.
; Bally Astrocade:
; ICBM requires a soft reset (even on the real hardware) to launch. You can read about it here: http://www.ballyalley.com/ballyalley/articles/Playing_ICBM_Attack_Using_MESS.pdf
; Other games might require this as well, you can enable this in the module's settings so the machine is reset automatically on launch, otherwise you need to press F3 to start the game.
; Also ICBM Attack uses different controls then the rest of the games. Make sure you follow the procedure explained above under "Custom Configuration Files" to create such file.
; GCE Vectrex:
; Requires a vectrex.lay and a png overlay for each game. These all need to be placed in the MAME\artwork\vectrex folder.
; You can download all these pngs and the lay file in my ftp folder. You need to use the HyperList XML to match the pngs.
; Jupiter Ace:
; Set mame to 48k ram
; Magnavox Odyssey 2:
; Euro games should use the videopac bios instead of the odyssey2 one or you'll get some timing issues.
; Use the systemName ini file in the folder with this module for this, example:
; [Moto-Crash (France)]
; Bios=videopac
; RCA Studio 2:
; Most of the games require you to press a button to start the game, like 1 or 2 (refer to the game's manual).
; The game screen will be black until you do.
; Texas Instruments TI 99/4A:
; This system requires full keyboard emulation to work properly
; Split cart dumps are not supported since MESS .145 so you'll have to convert them to RPK format or use an earlier version of MESS (and a different module)
; You can check how to convert split cart dumps to RPK here:
; http://www.ninerpedia.org/index.php/MESS_multicart_system
; For floppy games make sure you have a RPK dump of an extended basic rom on your roms folder. It should be named "extended_basic.rpk"
; This system requires you to use a MAME build with Direct Input enabled in order to auto start the games. Most games will require commands to be typed to start
; and it's normally too complex to be able to do it through the -ab switch so SendCommand is used instead which means a Direct Input enabled MAME version is required.
; Bezels:
; Module settings control whether RocketLauncher or MAME bezels are shown
; In the bezel normal mode only RocketLauncher Bezels will be show and the MAME use_bezels option will be forced disbaled
; In the bezel layout mode, RocketLauncher Bezels will be drawn only when you do not have a layout file on your MAME folders for the current game
; ServoStik:
; The module will automatically control any connected ServoStiks found on the system.
; It does this by reading the xml info from MAME. If that XML info has directional info at 4 or less, 4-way mode will be enabled. All others get 8-way mode.
; Per game controller types:
; MAME allows you to change the controller type for each game by using slot devices. Slot devices are highly customizable and vary greatly from system to
; system so to avoid adding a huge complexity to the module this must be done through the Parameters settings.
; Slot devices are stored in the MAME ini file you are using, so the best way to find the command line you need to use is to start your game set the slot devices
; through the MAME UI (Press tab while in MAME) exit and then open the MAME ini file and search for a section named SLOT DEVICES.
; This is an example for Atari 2600 for a game using wheel controllers on both joy ports:
; #
; #
; joyport1 wheel
; joyport2 wheel
; The suggested method is to set the desired controllers you want to use by default in the Module Global Settings, in this case under the Atari 2600 tab you would
; set Parameters=-joyport1 joy -joyport2 joy
; And then for specific games do the same under Module Specific Settings for that system, if a game requires the wheel controller you'd set
; Parameters=-joyport1 wheel -joyport2 wheel
; Another option is to set the default values in the MAME ini file and make sure you also set writeconfig to 0.
; Swapping slot devices wipes out SYSTEM custom configs on the unplugged controllers, so to avoid any customised controls getting erased everytime you change slot devices,
; ensure you set your controls in the main MAME config file (MAME.ini), not the system one (ex. Atari 2600.ini).
; Linking/NetPlay:
; The module will automatically set correct network ports for linked games.
; Up to 8 players on the same PC are supported. Multiple copies of MAME will be launched.
; Placement of the screens are automatic but can be controlled in RocketLauncherUI MAME module settings. Windowed mode is required when more than one copy of mame is launched and is set automatically.
; Each player will use a different cfg and nvram folder in your MAME folder. Player 1 will always use .\cfg and .\nvram.
; Players 2 through 8 will use .\cfg2, .\cfg3, etc and .\nvram2, .\nvram3, etc
; These folders and cfg/nvram files will be automatically created for you on launch so you do not need to create them manually.
; Global inputs is automatically turned on for you but it is your job to setup individual controls for each instance. MAME only supports raw-input in this mode however.
; Over a LAN/WAN connection only 2 players are supported due to the way the ports are designated, it's impossible to automate port allocation because there is no 1 server where all hosts connect to.
; Default starting port for the Master is 15111 and consecutively goes up from there upto 15119 for 8 players. You can change the default starting port in the module settings if it conflicts with used ports on your network.
; There are other network related settings in the module settings to assist with starting IPs and connectivity, so check them out as well.
; NVRAM Automation for linked games:
; When launching linked games on the same pc NVRAM settings are automatically set for you so each player will be unique.
; For instance, in Virtua Racing, Player 1 is red, player 2 is blue, player 3 is yellow, etc.
; To do this, some other options are also set automatically for you as well, like region, difficulty, countr, course, etc
; I set these to defaults, but prefer USA region. If you do not like these, you will have to disable NVRAM automation in the module settings in RocketLauncherUI.
; Additional Link info that may be of some importance:
; The original Model-1 has a max Bandwidth of 6 MBit/s (TOTX173/TORX173).
; One Board sends about 20 KByte/s.
; So bandwidth CLIENTSIDE is like...
; 2 Boards - 20 KByte/s inbound and 20 KByte/s outbound.
; 3 Boards - 40 KByte/s inbound and 20 KByte/s outbound.
; 4 Boards - 60 KByte/s inbound and 20 KByte/s outbound.
; etc.
; Some good info on Linking: http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=297577&page=0
; also http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,130136.msg1331485.html

dialogOpen := i18n("dialog.open") ; Looking up local translation
primaryExe := new Emulator(emuPath . "\" . executable) ; instantiate emulator executable object
emuPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("","MAME")) ; instantiate primary emulator window object
emuOpenWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle(dialogOpen,"ConsoleWindowClass"))
emuConsoleWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("","ConsoleWindowClass"))
emuDebugWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("","MAMEDebugWindow"))
emuOutputWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("","MAMEOutput"))

; This object controls how the module reacts to different systems. MAME can play a lot of systems, but needs to know what system you want to run, so this module has to adapt.
mTypeVar := "
( LTrim
Aamber Pegasus|pegasus
Acorn Electron|electron
Amstrad CPC|cpc664
Amstrad GX4000|gx4000
APF Imagination Machine|apfimag
Apple II|apple2ep
Apple IIGS|apple2gs
Applied Technology MicroBee|mbeeic
Atari 8-Bit|a800
Atari 2600|a2600
Atari 5200|a5200
Atari 7800|a7800
Atari Jaguar|jaguar
Atari Lynx|lynx
Bally Astrocade|astrocde
Bandai Super Vision 8000|sv8000
Bandai WonderSwan|wswan
Bandai WonderSwan Color|wscolor
Bit Corporation Gamate|gamate
Camputers Lynx|lynx128k
Casio PV-1000|pv1000
Casio PV-2000|pv2000
Coleco ADAM|adam
Commodore 64|c64
Commodore MAX Machine|vic10
Creatronic Mega Duck|megaduck
EACA EG2000 Colour Genie|cgenie
Emerson Arcadia 2001|arcadia
Entex Adventure Vision|advision
Epoch Game Pocket Computer|gamepock
Epoch Super Cassette Vision|scv
Exidy Sorcerer|sorcerer
Fairchild Channel F|channelf
Fujitsu FM-7|fmnew7
Funtech Super Acan|supracan
GamePark 32|gp32
GCE Vectrex|vectrex
Hartung Game Master|gmaster
Interton VC 4000|vc4000
JungleTac Sport Vii|vii
Jupiter Ace|jupace
Magnavox Odyssey 2|odyssey2
Matra & Hachette Alice|alice32
Mattel Aquarius|aquarius
Mattel Intellivision|intv
MGT Sam Coupe|samcoupe
Milton Bradley MicroVision|microvsn
NEC PC-8801|pc8801
NEC PC Engine|pce
NEC PC Engine-CD|pce
NEC SuperGrafx|sgx
NEC TurboGrafx-16|tg16
NEC TurboGrafx-CD|tg16
Nintendo 64|n64
Nintendo 64DD|n64dd
Nintendo Entertainment System|nes
Nintendo Famicom|famicom
Nintendo Famicom Disk System|fds
Nintendo Game Boy|gameboy
Nintendo Game Boy Advance|gba
Nintendo Game Boy Color|gbcolor
Nintendo Pokemon Mini|pokemini
Nintendo Satellaview|snes
Nintendo Super Famicom|snes
Nintendo Super Game Boy|supergb
Nintendo Virtual Boy|vboy
Othello Multivision|omv1000
Philips CD-i|cdimono1
Philips Videopac Plus G7400|g7400
Philips VG 5000|vg5k
RCA Studio II|studio2
Sega 32X|32x
Sega CD|segacd
Sega Game Gear|gamegear
Sega Genesis|genesis
Sega Master System|sms
Sega Mega Drive|megadriv
Sega Pico|pico
Sega Saturn|saturn
Sega SC-3000|sc3000
Sega SG-1000|sg1000
Sega VMU|svmu
Sharp X1|x1turbo40
Sinclair ZX81|zx81
SNK Neo Geo AES|aes
SNK Neo Geo CD|neocdz
SNK Neo Geo Pocket|ngp
SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color|ngpc
Sony PlayStation|psx
Sony PocketStation|pockstat
Sord M5|m5
Soundic Victory MPT-02|mpt02
Super Nintendo Entertainment System|snes
Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer|coco3
Texas Instruments TI 99-4A|ti99_4a
Tiger Game.com|gamecom
Tomy Tutor|tutor
VTech CreatiVision|crvision
Watara Supervision|svision
mType := Object()
Loop, Parse, mTypeVar, `n, `r
obj := {}
Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, |
If (A_Index = 1)
obj.System := A_LoopField
Else ; 2
obj.mameID := A_LoopField
mType.Insert(obj["System"], obj)
RLLog.Debug("Module - Finished building the " . MEmu . " object")
; For easier use throughout the module
mameSystem := mType[systemName].System
mameID := mType[systemName].mameID

If !mameSystem {
RLLog.Warning("Module - """ . systemName . """ is not a known console or computer system. Defaulting to MAME's Arcade mode for the remainder of this " . MEmu . " module.")
mameSystem := systemName
mameID := "MAME"

Fullscreen := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Fullscreen","true","",1) ; Set fullscreen mode
legacyMode := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem . "|Settings", "LegacyMode","false","",1)
mameBiosPath := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "MAME_BIOS_Path", emuPath . "\roms","",1)
Videomode := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Videomode","d3d","",1) ; Choices are gdi,ddraw,d3d. If left blank, MAME uses d3d by default
pauseMethod := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "PauseMethod",1,"",1) ; set the pause method that works better on your machine (preferred methods 1 and 2) 1 = Win7 and Win8 OK - Problems with Win XP, 2 = preferred method for WinXP - Problems in Win7, 3 and 4 = same as 1 and 2, 5 = only use If you have a direct input version of mame, 6 = suspend mame process method, it could crash mame in some computers
bilinearFilter := moduleIni.Read(mameSystem . "|Settings", "BilinearFilter","false","",1)
hlsl := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem . "|Settings", "HLSL","false","",1)
glsl := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem . "|Settings", "GLSL","false","",1)
bezelMode := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem . "|Settings", "BezelMode","layout","",1) ; "layout" or "normal"
verticalRotationMode := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem . "|Settings", "VerticalRotationMode","none","",1)
cheatMode := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "CheatMode","false","",1)
cheatModeKey := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "CheatModeKey","","",1) ; user defined key to be held down before launching a mame rom.
UseSoftwareList := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem, "UseSoftwareList","false","",1)
sysStaticParams := moduleIni.Read(mameSystem, "StaticParameters", "","",1)
sysParams := moduleIni.Read(mameSystem, "Parameters", "","",1)
romParams := moduleIni.Read(romName, "Parameters", sysParams,"",1)
mameRomName := moduleIni.Read(romName, "MameRomName", "","",1)
autosave := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem, "Autosave", "false","",1)
volume := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem . "|Settings", "Volume","","",1)
Artwork_Crop := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem, "Artwork_Crop", "true","",1)
Use_Bezels := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem, "Use_Bezels", "false","",1)
Use_Overlays := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem, "Use_Overlays", "true","",1)
Use_Backdrops := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem, "Use_Backdrops", "true","",1)
Use_Cpanels := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem, "Use_Cpanels", "false","",1)
Use_Marquees := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . mameSystem, "Use_Marquees", "false","",1)
inipath := moduleIni.Read(mameSystem, "IniPath", "","",1)
hashpath := moduleIni.Read(mameSystem, "HashPath", "","",1)
UseControllerRemap := moduleIni.Read(mameSystem . "|Settings", "UseControllerRemap", "true","",1)
ControllerRemapPath := moduleIni.Read(mameSystem . "|Settings", "ControllerRemapPath", emuPath . "\ControllerRemap\ControllerRemap.exe","",1)
CtrlRemapFile := new File(ControllerRemapPath)
ControllerRemapConfigPath := moduleIni.Read( mameSystem . "|Settings", "ControllerRemapConfigPath", CtrlRemapFile.FilePath . "\ctrlr\","",1)
MAMECtrlrPath := moduleIni.Read(mameSystem . "|Settings", "MAMECtrlrPath", emuPath . "\ctrlr","",1)

mameBiosPath := GetFullName(mameBiosPath)

; Loop, 8
; car%A_Index%Color := moduleIni.Read(romName, "Car_" . A_Index . "_Color","","",1)

enableLinkPlay := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Link/Network", "Enable_Link_Play", "false","",1)
networkSession := ""
If (enableLinkPlay != "false") {
RLLog.Info("Module - Link/Network Multi-Player is an available option for " . romName)
getWANIP := moduleIni.Read("Link/Network", "Get_WAN_IP","false","",1)
myIP := If getWANIP = "true" ? GetPublicIP() : "" ; use local ip by default if user does not want to get the WAN IP as MAME needs this for linked games
networkPlayers := enableLinkPlay ; Max amount of networkable players
localLink := 1 ; Tell Multiplayer menu to enable menu option for local linking

enableNVRAMAutomation := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Link/Network", "Enable_NVRAM_Automation","true","",1)
maxPlayersPerMonitor := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Link/Network", "Max_Players_Per_monitor","1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1","",1)
splitScreen2PlayersMode := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Link/Network", "SplitScreen_2_Players","Horizontal","",1) ;horizontal or vertical
splitScreen3PlayersMode := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Link/Network", "SplitScreen_3_Players","P1top","",1) ; For Player1 screen to be on left: P1left. For Player1 screen to be on top: P1top. For Player1 screen to be on bottom: P1bottom. For Player1 screen to be on right: P1right.
localPort := moduleIni.Read("Link/Network", "Local_Port","15111","",1)

defaultServerIP := moduleIni.Read("Link/Network", "Default_Server_IP", myIP,"",1)
defaultServerPort := moduleIni.Read("Link/Network", "Default_Server_Port","15111","",1)
lastIP := moduleIni.Read("Link/Network", "Last_IP", defaultServerIP,"",1) ; also known as the Remote IP in mame. Does not need to be on the ISD
lastPort := moduleIni.Read("Link/Network", "Last_Port", defaultServerPort,"",1) ; also known as the Remote Port in mame. Does not need to be on the ISD

MultiplayerMenu(lastIP, lastPort, networkType, networkPlayers,,,,,,localLink,"ipAndPort")

;MultiPlayer Menu Result
; If !(networkType)
; MsgBox, % "Single Player Game"
; Else If (networkType="localLink")
; MsgBox, % "Local Link selected with the number of players equal to: " . networkPlayers
; Else If (networkType="server")
; MsgBox, % "WAN IP Address=" . networkIP . " | LAN IP Address=" . localIP[1,2] . " | Port=" . networkPort . " | networkPlayers=" . networkPlayers . " | networkRequiresSetup=" . networkRequiresSetup
; Else If (networkType="client")
; MsgBox, % "NetworkIP=" . networkIP . " | Port Number=" . networkPort . " | networkRequiresSetup=" . networkRequiresSetup

If networkSession {
RLLog.Info("Module - Using a Network for " . romName)
multiPlayerObj := Object() ; initialize object to store the multiplayer options
If (networkType="localLink") {
RLLog.Info("Module - Setting remote host to to support local link mode as it is running on this PC.")
linkEnabledGame := 1
If networkPlayers > 1
{ RLLog.Info("Module - Local link mode was selected and " . networkPlayers . " sessions will be launched.")
fullscreen := "false" ; must turn off fullscreen if running multiple MAMEs on the same machine
Loop % networkPlayers {
multiPlayerObj[A_Index,"Player"] := A_Index
multiPlayerObj[A_Index,"CfgDir"] := " -cfg_directory cfg" . (If A_Index = 1 ? "" : A_Index)
multiPlayerObj[A_Index,"NvramDir"] := " -nvram_directory nvram" . (If A_Index = 1 ? "" : A_Index)
If (A_Index = 1) { ; Player 1
initialLocalPort := localPort ; must be stored for last player
multiPlayerObj[A_Index,"LocalHost"] := " -comm_localhost"
multiPlayerObj[A_Index,"LocalPort"] := " -comm_localport " . localPort
multiPlayerObj[A_Index,"RemotePort"] := " -comm_remoteport " . localPort
} Else { ; Players 2+
multiPlayerObj[A_Index,"LocalPort"] := " -comm_localport " . localPort
multiPlayerObj[A_Index,"RemoteHost"] := " -comm_remotehost"
multiPlayerObj[A_Index,"RemotePort"] := " -comm_remoteport " . (If A_Index = networkPlayers ? initialLocalPort : localPort) ; must set remote port to first port on last player

; msgbox % "Player: " . multiPlayerObj[A_Index]["Player"] . "`nLocalHost: " . multiPlayerObj[A_Index]["LocalHost"] . "`nLocalPort: " . multiPlayerObj[A_Index]["LocalPort"] . "`nRemoteHost: " . multiPlayerObj[A_Index]["RemoteHost"] . "`nRemotePort: " . multiPlayerObj[A_Index]["RemotePort"] . "`nCfgDir: " . multiPlayerObj[A_Index]["CfgDir"] . "`nNvramDir: " . multiPlayerObj[A_Index]["NvramDir"]
} Else
RLLog.Info("Module - Local link mode was selected but user only chose 1 player. Launch will be a normal session.")
} Else If (networkType = "client") {
RLLog.Info("Module - Remote host is running on another PC, module will use remote link mode.")
moduleIni.Write(networkIP,"GlobalModuleIni","Link/Network","Last_IP") ; Save last used IP and Port for quicker launching next time
linkType := "Slave"
networkPlayers := 1
multiPlayerObj[1,"Player"] := 1
multiPlayerObj[1,"CfgDir"] := " -cfg_directory cfg"
multiPlayerObj[1,"NvramDir"] := " -nvram_directory nvram"
multiPlayerObj[1,"LocalHost"] := " -comm_localhost" ; don't really need to set this but just in case
multiPlayerObj[1,"LocalPort"] := " -comm_localport " . localPort
multiPlayerObj[1,"RemoteHost"] := " -comm_remotehost " . networkIP
multiPlayerObj[1,"RemotePort"] := " -comm_remoteport " . networkPort
} Else { ; server
RLLog.Info("Module - This PC is acting as the host, telling mame to listen for incoming connections on port: " . localPort)
moduleIni.Write(networkIP,"GlobalModuleIni","Link/Network","Last_IP") ; Save last used IP and Port for quicker launching next time
linkType := "Master"
networkPlayers := 1
multiPlayerObj[1,"Player"] := 1
multiPlayerObj[1,"CfgDir"] := " -cfg_directory cfg"
multiPlayerObj[1,"NvramDir"] := " -nvram_directory nvram"
multiPlayerObj[1,"LocalHost"] := " -comm_localhost" ; don't really need to set this but just in case
multiPlayerObj[1,"LocalPort"] := " -comm_localport " . networkPort
multiPlayerObj[1,"RemoteHost"] := " -comm_remotehost " . networkIP
multiPlayerObj[1,"RemotePort"] := " -comm_remoteport " . networkPort
RLLog.Info("Module - Starting a network session using the IP """ . networkIP . """ and PORT """ . networkPort . """")
} Else {
RLLog.Info("Module - User chose Single Player mode for this session")


If inipath
inipath := AbsoluteFromRelative(EmuPath, inipath)
If hashpath
hashpath := AbsoluteFromRelative(EmuPath, hashpath)

artworkCrop := If (Artwork_Crop = "true") ? " -artwork_crop" : " -noartwork_crop"
useBezels := If (Use_Bezels = "true") ? " -use_bezels" : " -nouse_bezels"
useOverlays := If (Use_Overlays = "true") ? " -use_overlays" : " -nouse_overlays"
useBackdrops := If (Use_Backdrops = "true") ? " -use_backdrops" : " -nouse_backdrops"
useCpanels := If (Use_Cpanels = "true") ? " -use_cpanels" : " -nouse_cpanels"
useMarquees := If (Use_Marquees = "true") ? " -use_marquees" : " -nouse_marquees"
autosave := If autosave = "true" ? " -autosave" : ""
volume := If volume != "" ? " -volume " . volume : ""
inipath := If inipath != "" ? " -inipath """ . inipath . """" : ""
hashpath := If hashpath != "" ? " -hashpath """ . hashpath . """" : ""

If (verticalRotationMode = "none")
verticalRotationMode := ""

; Process mame's ListXML for certain features
If (bezelEnabled = "true" || servoStikEnabled = "auto" || verticalRotationMode || UseControllerRemap = "true") {
ListXMLObject := Object()
ListXMLObject := ListXMLInfo(If mameRomName ? mameRomName : romName)

Angle := ListXMLObject["Angle"].Value
If (bezelEnabled = "true") {
If (networkPlayers > 1) {
useBezels := " -nouse_bezels" ; force disabling MAME built-in bezels
} Else {
If (bezelMode = "layout"){
} Else { ;bezel mode = normal
useBezels := " -nouse_bezels" ; force disabling MAME built-in bezels
If (servoStikEnabled = "auto") {
ServoStik(If ListXMLObject["Ways"].Value <= 4 ? 4 : 8) ; If "ways" in the xml is set to 4 or less, the servo will go into 4-way mode, else 8-way mode will be enabled
If (verticalRotationMode && Angle) {
RLLog.Info("Setting rotation mode to " . verticalRotationMode . " - Game's angle is " . Angle)
If (verticalRotationMode = "original")
verticalRotationMode := " -norotate"
Else If (verticalRotationMode = "right")
verticalRotationMode := " -ror"
Else If (verticalRotationMode = "left")
verticalRotationMode := " -rol"
verticalRotationMode := ""
verticalRotationMode := ""

;Controller Remap
If (UseControllerRemap = "true") {
RLLog.Info("Controller Remap: Start")
romProfileName := (mameRomName ? mameRomName : romName)
romParentName := ListXMLObject["Parent"].Value

If ControllerRemapPath
ControllerRemapPath := AbsoluteFromRelative("", ControllerRemapPath)
If ControllerRemapConfigPath
ControllerRemapConfigPath := AbsoluteFromRelative("", ControllerRemapConfigPath)
If MAMECtrlrPath
MAMECtrlrPath := AbsoluteFromRelative(emuPath, MAMECtrlrPath)

ctrlrPath := ""
RLLog.Info("Controller Remap: ControllerRemapConfigPath: " . ControllerRemapConfigPath)

;~ ;1- Check for Rom. 2- Check for Rom Parent. 3- Check for System default
If (FileExist(ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\" . systemName . "\" . romProfileName . ".cfg")) {
RLLog.Info("Controller Remap: Rom Config File Found: " . ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\" . systemName . "\" . romProfileName . ".cfg")
ctrlrPath := new File(ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\" . systemName . "\" . romProfileName . ".cfg")
else if (romParentName and FileExist(ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\" . systemName . "\" . romParentName . ".cfg")) {
RLLog.Info("Controller Remap: Parent Rom Config File Found: " . ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\" . systemName . "\" . romParentName . ".cfg")
ctrlrPath := new File(ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\" . systemName . "\" . romParentName . ".cfg")
else If (FileExist(ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\" . systemName . "\_Default.cfg")) {
RLLog.Info("Controller Remap: System Config File Found: " . ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\" . systemName . "\_Default.cfg")
ctrlrPath := new File(ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\" . systemName . "\_Default.cfg")
else If (FileExist(ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\_Default.cfg")) {
RLLog.Info("Controller Remap: Global Config File Found: " . ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\_Default.cfg")
ctrlrPath := new File(ControllerRemapConfigPath . "\_Default.cfg")

; Is there a controller file?
if (ctrlrPath) {
ctrlrFile := " -ctrlr RocketLauncher"

;Replace <system name="default"> with the Right mameID in the RocketLauncher.cfg file
if(mameID != "MAME") {
rocketLauncherCfgFile := new File(MAMECtrlrPath . "\RocketLauncher.cfg")
rocketLauncherCfgFile.Append(StringUtils.Replace(ctrlrPath.Text, "<system name=""default"">", "<system name=""" . mameID . """>"))
else {
ctrlrPath.Copy(MAMECtrlrPath . "\RocketLauncher.cfg",1)

RLLog.Info("Controller Remap: Running """ . ControllerRemapPath . """ /remap:""" . MAMECtrlrPath . "\RocketLauncher.cfg""")
ControllerRemapProcess := new Process(ControllerRemapPath)
ControllerRemapProcess.Run(" /remap:""" . MAMECtrlrPath . "\RocketLauncher.cfg""","Hide")
else {
RLLog.Info("Controller Remap: No Controller config file found.")
RLLog.Info("Controller Remap: End")

winstate := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? "Hide UseErrorLevel" : "UseErrorLevel"
fullscreenParam := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? " -nowindow" : " -window"

hideEmuObj := Object(emuOpenWindow,0,emuDebugWindow,0,emuOutputWindow,0,emuPrimaryWindow,1)
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, sevenZExtractPath)

; Get MAME version from executable, this is needed since some CLI switches are not available in older MAME versions
exeAtrib := FileGetVersionInfo_AW(emuPath . "\" . executable, "FileVersion|ProductVersion", "|")
Loop, Parse, exeAtrib, |%A_Tab%, %A_Space%
A_Index & 1 ? ( _ := A_LoopField ) : ( %_% := A_LoopField )
If ProductVersion
MAMEVersion := StringUtils.Right(ProductVersion, StringUtils.StringLength(ProductVersion) - 2)
RLLog.Info("Module - Detected MAME Product Version from '" . EmuPath . "\" . executable . "' is " . MAMEVersion)

If (videomode = "opengl") {
hlsl := " -nohlsl_enable"
If (MAMEVersion > 159)
glsl := If glsl = "true" ? " -gl_glsl" : (If glsl = "ini" ? "" : " -nogl_glsl")
glsl := ""
} Else {
hlsl := If hlsl = "true" ? " -hlsl_enable" : (If hlsl = "ini" ? "" : " -nohlsl_enable")
If (MAMEVersion > 159)
glsl := If videomode = "ini" ? "" : " -nogl_glsl"
glsl := ""

If (videomode = "ini")
videomode := ""
videomode := If (Videomode != "" ) ? " -video " . videomode : ""

param1 := " -cart """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" ; default param1 used for launching most systems.
If (romExtension = ".txt") ; This can be applied to all systems
param1 := ""

If (mameID = "apfimag") ; APF Imagination Machine
If (romExtension != ".tap")
mameID := "apfm1000" ; cart games for APF Imagination Machine require a different bios to be loaded

If (UseSoftwareList != "true")
{ ; Now that we know the system we are loading, determine if we use an ini assocated with that system for custom game configs a user might need. Then load the configs associated to that game.
If StringUtils.Contains(mameID,"ti99_4a|aes|apple2gs|electron|mbeeic|odyssey2|astrocde|samcoupe|vic10|cpc664") ; these systems will use an ini to store game specific settings
If !SystemModuleIni.Exist()
SystemModuleIni.Append() ; create a blank file if it does not exist

If (mameID = "ti99_4a") ; Texas Instruments TI 99-4A
ExpansionCartLocation := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "ExpansionCartLocation", romPathOrig . "\System","",1)
ExpansionCartLocation := GetFullName(ExpansionCartLocation)
CommandWaitOffset := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "CommandWaitOffset", 0,"",1)

ExpansionCart := moduleIni.Read(romName, "Expansion_Cart","extended_basic.rpk","",1) ; user can specify a rom specific cart instead of the default basic one
Command := moduleIni.Read(romName, "Command", "","",1)

; Now set the parameters to send to MAME
If (romExtension = ".dsk") ; Expansion Disk
; If using the mainCart , send expansionLocation to MAME. This will require DirectInput to be enabled on the MAME build! Else we are loading a Disk game
param1 := " -nat -gromport single -cart1"
param2 := " """ . ExpansionCartLocation . "\" . ExpansionCart . """"
param3 := " -peb:slot2 32kmem -peb:slot3 speech -peb:slot6 tirs232 -peb:slot8 hfdc"
param4 := " -flop1"
param5 := " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
If StringUtils.Contains(romName, "\(Disk")
If (romTable.MaxIndex() = 2)
param4 := " -flop1 " . " """ . romTable[1,1] . """"
param5 := " -flop2 " . " """ . romTable[2,1] . """"
} Else If (romExtension = ".rpk") ; Cart Game (RPK Format)
param1 := " -nat -gromport single -cart1", param2:=" """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", param3:=" -peb:slot3 speech" ;-cart will also work here
param6 := " -ui_active" ;Enable partial keyboard mode at startup
} Else If (mameID = "aes") ; SNK Neo Geo AES
{ biosRegion := moduleIni.Read(romName, "BIOS_Region","asia","",1)
param1 := " -bios " . biosRegion ; can also be japan, but the asian one has english menus for most games
param2 := " -cart " . romName
}Else If (mameID = "apple2gs") ; Apple IIGS
{ externalOS := moduleIni.Read(romName, "External_OS","false","",1)
2gsSystemFile := "System6.2mg" ;For games without OS included, always force this name and error out if not found
multipartTable := CreateRomTable(multipartTable)

If (externalOS = "true")
{ CheckFile(romPath . "\" . 2gsSystemFile)
param1 := " -flop3", param2:=" """ . romPath . "\" . 2gsSystemFile . """", param3:=" -flop4", param4:=" """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
} Else {
param1 := " -flop3", param2:=" """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
If (multipartTable.MaxIndex() > 1)
param3 := " -flop4", param4 := " """ . multipartTable[2,1] . """"
param5 := " -ui_active" ;Enable partial keyboard mode at startup
}Else If (mameID = "electron") ; Acorn Electron
{ AutoBootDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "AutoBootDelay","2","",1) ; Read delay from config.
AutoBootDelay := " -autoboot_delay " . AutoBootDelay
If (romExtension = ".bin")
mediaDeviceType := "cart"
Else ; any other format
mediaDeviceType := "cass"
param1 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ -autoboot_command ""chain""""""""""""\n""" . AutoBootDelay . ""
}Else If (mameID = "sc3000") ; Sega SC-3000
{ AutoBootDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "AutoBootDelay","2","",1) ; Read delay from config.
AutoBootDelay := " -autoboot_delay " . AutoBootDelay
If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.bin|\.sg\|.sc")
mediaDeviceType := "cart"
Else ; any other format
mediaDeviceType := "cass"
param1 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ -autoboot_command ""chain""""""""""""\n""" . AutoBootDelay . ""
}Else If (mameID = "c64") ; Commodore 64
{ AutoBootDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "AutoBootDelay","2","",1) ; Read delay from config.
AutoBootDelay := " -autoboot_delay " . AutoBootDelay
If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.d64|\.g64|\.g41|\.d77|\.d88|\.1dd|\.dfi|\.imd|\.ipf|\.mfi|\.mfm|\.td0|\.cqm|\.cqi|\.dsk")
mediaDeviceType := "flop1"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.wav|\.tap")
mediaDeviceType := "cass1"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.80|\.a0|\.e0|\.crt")
mediaDeviceType := "cart1"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.p00|\.prg|\.t64")
mediaDeviceType := "quik1"
param1 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ -autoboot_command ""chain""""""""""""\n""" . AutoBootDelay . ""
}Else If mameID = mbeeic ; Applied Technology MicroBee
{ microbeeModel := moduleIni.Read(romName, "MicroBee_Model","mbeeic","",1)
If !StringUtils.Contains(microbeeModel,"mbee|mbeeic|mbeepc|mbeepc85|mbee56")
ScriptError("This is not a known MicroBee model value: " . microbeeModel)
Else If (microbeeModel != "mbeeic")
mameID := microbeeModel
If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.mwb|\.com|\.bee")
mediaDeviceType := "quik1"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.wav|\.tap")
mediaDeviceType := "cass"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.rom")
mediaDeviceType := "cart"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.dsk")
mediaDeviceType := "flop1"
Else ; .bin format
mediaDeviceType := "quik2"
param1 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "odyssey2") ; Magnavox Odyssey 2
{ param2 := " -ui_active" ;Enable partial keyboard mode at startup
If romName not contains (USA
mameID := "videopac"
}Else If (mameID = "astrocde") ; Bally Astrocade
BlueRAMBasicRom := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "BlueRAMBasicRom","Blue RAM Basic v1.1 (USA).bin","",1) ; Blue RAM Basic rom
RequiresReset := moduleIni.Read(romname, "RequiresReset","false","",1) ; Check if game requires a reset

BlueRAMBasicRomPath := new File(romPath . "\" . BlueRAMBasicRom)
If (romExtension = ".script") {
; Will require blue ram basic
If !BlueRAMBasicRomPath.Exist() {
; Blue RAM Basic games might be in their own sub-folders since they have several files, so let's try to find the Blue RAM cart in the parent folder as well
StringUtils.SplitPath(romPath,"",romBasePath) ; grab path one level up
BlueRAMBasicRomPath := new File(romBasePath . "\" . BlueRAMBasicRom)
BlueRAMBasicRomPath.CheckFile("Couldn't find " . BlueRAMBasicRom . " on any of these paths:" . romBasePath . "|" . romPath)

ScriptFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension)
param1 := " -cart """ . BlueRAMBasicRomPath.FileFullPath . """"

; Replace rompath variable in script
ScriptFile.Text := StringUtils.Replace(ScriptFile.Text, "{romPath}", romPath, "all")

; Create cmd file to send to MESS
RomCMDFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romName . ".cmd")
param2 := " -exp blue_ram_16k -debug -debugscript """ . RomCMDFile.FileFullPath . """"

closeDebugWindow := "true"
}Else If (mameID = "samcoupe") ; MGT Sam Coupe
{ AutoBootDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "AutoBootDelay","2","",1) ; Read delay from config.
AutoBootDelay := " -autoboot_delay " . AutoBootDelay

If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.mgt|\.dsk|\.d77|\.d88|\.1dd|\.dfi|\.imd|\.ipf|\.mfi|\.mfm|\.td0|\.cqm|\.cqi")
mediaDeviceType := "flop1"
param1 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ -autoboot_command ""\nBOOT\n""" . AutoBootDelay . ""
}Else If (mameID = "vic10") ; Commodore MAX Machine
{ AutoBootDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "AutoBootDelay","2","",1) ; Read delay from config.
AutoBootDelay := " -autoboot_delay " . AutoBootDelay

If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.e0|\.80")
param1 := " -cart """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.wav|\.tap")
param1 := " -cass """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.t64|\.prg|\.p00")
mediaDeviceType := "quik"
param1 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ -autoboot_command ""RUN""" . AutoBootDelay . ""
}Else If (mameID = "cpc664") ; Amstrad CPC
{ LaunchProgram := moduleIni.Read(romName, "LaunchProgram","disk","",1) ; Read command from config.
LaunchProgram := " -autoboot_command " . """RUN \""" . LaunchProgram . "\n"""
AutoBootDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "AutoBootDelay","2","",1) ; Read delay from config.
AutoBootDelay := " -autoboot_delay " . AutoBootDelay

If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.d77|\.d88|\.1dd|\.dfi|\.imd|\.ipf|\.mfi|\.mfm|\.td0|\.cqm|\.cqi|\.dsk")
mediaDeviceType := "flop1"
param1 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" . LaunchProgram . AutoBootDelay

;Use a different bios if needed (This must be done after the above if conditions since the mameID will change)
iniBios := moduleIni.Read(romName, "Bios",mameID,"",1) ; for all games, we use the default bios. Some games might require different bios like Odyssey2's Jopac games use the videopac bios instead, which should be defined in the ini
If (iniBios != "")
mameID := iniBios ; need to change the bios name for some games

; These systems don't use an ini, but do require parameters to be changed from the default method of launching MAME
If (mameID = "neocdz" || mameID = "cdimono1" || mameID = "segacd" || mameID = "saturn" || mameID = "psx" || (mameID = "tg16" && mameSystem = "NEC TurboGrafx-CD") || (mameID = "pce" && mameSystem = "NEC PC Engine-CD")) ; SNK Neo Geo CD, Philips CD-i, Sega CD, Sega Saturn, Sony PlayStation, NEC PC Engine-CD or NEC TurboGrafx-CD
{ If !StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.chd|\.cue")
ScriptError("MAME only supports " . mameSystem . " games in chd and cue format. It does not support:`n" . romExtension)
If (mameSystem = "NEC TurboGrafx-CD") { ; NEC TurboGrafx-CD needs an additional bios mounted as a cart to run
; tgcdBios := CheckFile(emuPath . "\roms\CD-ROM System V2.01 (U).pce") ; older bios that doesn't seem to work with many games
tgcdBios := CheckFile(emuPath . "\roms\Super CD-ROM2 System V3.01 (U).pce")
param2 := " -cart " . """" . tgcdBios . """"
} Else If (mameSystem = "NEC PC Engine-CD") { ; NEC PC Engine-CD needs an additional bios mounted as a cart to run
pcecdBios := CheckFile(emuPath . "\roms\Super CD-ROM2 System V3.0 (J).pce")
param2 := " -cart " . """" . pcecdBios . """"
} Else If (mameID = "psx") { ; Sony PlayStation
mameID := "psu" ; changing mameID sent to MAME to use the USA bios
; SelectMemCard() ; future function to swap around memcards
; Usage: mc1 "J:\MAME\software\psu\card1.mc"
} If (mameSystem = "Sega CD") { ;
If StringUtils.InStr(romName,"(Jap") ; Mega CD Japanese v2
mameID := "megacd2j"
Else If StringUtils.InStr(romName,"(Euro") ; Mega CD European (PAL)
mameID := "megacd"
param1 := " -cdrm """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "gamecom") ; Tiger Game.com
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -cart1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "genesis") ; Sega Genesis
{ If (StringUtils.InStr(romName, "(Europe") || StringUtils.InStr(romName, "(PAL")) ; if rom is from europe, tell MAME to boot a Mega Drive instead
mameID := "megadriv"
}Else If (mameID = "megadriv") ; Sega Mega Drive
{ If (StringUtils.InStr(romName, "(USA") || StringUtils.InStr(romName, "(NTSC")) ; if rom is from America, tell MAME to boot a Genesis instead
mameID := "genesis"
}Else If (mameID = "vii") ; JungleTac Sport Vii
{ If (romName = "Built-In Games (China)") ; Has some built-in games, gotta launch just BIOS for it.
param1 := ""
}Else If (mameID = "alice32") ; Matra & Hachette Alice
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -cass1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "cgenie") ; EACA EG2000 Colour Genie
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -cass1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "pockstat") ; Sony PocketStation
{ If (romExtension != ".gme")
param1 := " -cart1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "coco3") ; Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -cart """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "zx81") ; Sinclair ZX81
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -cass1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "lynx128k") ; Camputers Lynx
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -cass1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "vg5k") ; Philips VG 5000
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -cass1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "sorcerer") ; Exidy Sorcerer
{ If (romExtension = ".snp") ; Snapshot file
param1 := " -dump """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
Else If (romExtension = ".bin")
param1 := " -quik """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (messID = "jupace") ; jupiter ace
{ If (romExtension = ".ace")
param1 := " -dump """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "a800" || mameID = "fds") ; Atari 8-Bit, Nintendo Famicom Disk System
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -flop1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "vectrex") ; GCE Vectrex
{ If (romName = "Mine Storm (World)") ; MAME dumps an error if you try to launch Mine Storm using a rom instead of just booting vectrex w/o a game in it (Mine Storm is built into vectrex)
param1 := ""
}Else If (mameID = "apfm1000") ; APF Imagination Machine/APF M1000
{ If (romName = "Rocket Patrol (USA)") ; Rocket Patrol is built into the APF M1000 ROM.
param1 := ""
}Else If (mameID = "adam") ; Coleco ADAM
param1 := (If romExtension = ".ddp" ? " -cass1" : (If romExtension = ".dsk" ? " -flop1" : " -cart1")) . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """" ; Decide if tape, disk, or cart game
Else If (mameID = "pegasus") ; Aamber Pegasus
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -cart1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "gp32") ; GamePark 32
{ If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -memc """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "svmu") ; Sega VMU
param1 := " -quik """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "x1turbo40") ; Sharp X1
{ If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.bin|\.rom")
param1 := " -cart """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.wav|\.tap")
param1 := " -cass """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
param1 := " -flop1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "pc8801") ; NEC PC-8801
{ If (romExtension = ".d88")
param1 := " -flop1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "fmnew7") ; Fujitsu FM-7
{ If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.fdi|\.td0|\.imd|\.cqm|\.dsk|\.d77|\.d88|\.1dd")
param1 := " -flop1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.wav|\.t77")
param1 := " -cass """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "apple2ep") ; Apple II
{ If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.dsk|\.do|\.po|\.rti|\.edd|\.d77|\.d88|\.1dd|\.dfi|\.imd|\.i pf|\.mfi|\.mfm|\.td0|\.cqm|\.cqi")
param1 := " -flop1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.wav")
param1 := " -cass """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If (mameID = "n64dd") ; Nintendo 64DD
N64RomFile := new FIle(romPath . "\" . romName . ".n64")
If N64RomFile.Exist()
param1 := " -cart """ . N64RomFile.FileFullPath . """ -quik """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
param1 := " -quik """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
}Else If StringUtils.Contains(mameID,"studio2|mpt02") ; RCA Studio 2
If (romExtension != ".txt")
param1 := " -cart1 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
Else {
If StringUtils.Contains(romName,"Doodle")
button2 := "A 1" ; Press 1 on P1 controller
If StringUtils.Contains(romName,"Patterns")
button2 := "A 2" ; Press 2 on P1 controller
If StringUtils.Contains(romName,"Bowling")
button2 := "A 3" ; Press 3 on P1 controller
If StringUtils.Contains(romName,"Freeway")
button2 := "A 4" ; Press 4 on P1 controller
If StringUtils.Contains(romName,"Addition")
button2 := "A 5" ; Press 5 on P1 controller

; Generate a lua script to press the Clear button so games will start
ScriptFileName := GeneratePressButtonScript("Clear",button2)
bootscript := " -script """ . ScriptFileName . """ -autoboot_delay 1"
} Else { ; Use Software List
hashname := mameID
param1 := " """ . romName . """" ; param1 used for launching from software lists

If (mameID = "aes") ; SNK Neo Geo AES
{ hashname := "neogeo"
biosRegion := moduleIni.Read(romName, "BIOS_Region","asia","",1)
param2 := " -bios " . biosRegion ; can also be japan, but the asian one has english menus for most games
CheckFile(emuPath . "\hash\" . hashname . ".xml","Could not find a software list for the system " . mameID) ;Check if software list for selected system exists

If (mameID = "vectrex") { ; GCE Vectrex
VectrexArtFile := new File(emuPath . "\artwork\Vectrex\" . romName . ".png")
param2 := " -view " . (If VectrexArtFile.Exist() ? ("""" . romName . """") : "standard") ; need overlays extracted in the artwork\vectres folder. PNGs must match romName

sysStaticParams := If sysStaticParams != "" ? A_Space . sysStaticParams : "" ; tacking on a space in case user forgot to add one
romParams := If romParams != "" ? A_Space . romParams : "" ; tacking on a space in case user forgot to add one

mameRomPaths := StringUtils.Replace(romPathFromIni,"|",`"`;`",1) ; replace all instances of | to ; in the Rom_Path from RL's Emulators.ini so MAME knows where to find your roms
mameRomPaths := " -rompath """ . (If mameRomName ? romPath : mameRomPaths) . (If mameBiosPath ? ";" . mameBiosPath : "") . """" ; If using an alt rom, only supply mame with the path to that rom so it doesn't try to use the original rom. If a bios path was supplied, add it into the rom paths sent to MAME

If StringUtils.InStr(romParams,"-rompath")
ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . romName . ". The MAME module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")
If StringUtils.InStr(sysStaticParams,"-rompath")
ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . mameSystem . ". The MAME module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")

; use a custom rom name, not the one from the db
If mameRomName {
MameRomOriginalFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension)
MameRomCustomFile := new File(romPath . "\" . mameRomName . romExtension)
errLvl := MameRomOriginalFile.Move(MameRomCustomFile.FileFullPath) ; rename rom to match what mame needs
originalRomName := romName ; store romName from database so we know what to rename it back to later
romName := mameRomName
If errLvl
ScriptError("There was a problem renaming " . romName . " to " . mameRomName . " in " . romPath . ". Please check you have write permission to this folder/file and you don't already have a file named """ . mameRomName . """ in your rom folder.",8)
Else ; if rename was successful, set var so we know to move it back later
fileRenamed := 1

; use a custom cfg file if it exists and append it to param1
CustomCFGPath := new Folder(emuPath . "\cfg\" . mameID . "\" . dbName)
If CustomCFGPath.Exist()
param1 := " -cfg_directory """ . CustomCFGPath.FileFullPath . """" . param1

If (bilinearFilter = "true")
bilinearEnabled := " -filter"
bilinearEnabled := " -nofilter"

If (cheatMode = "true") {
CheatZipFile := new File(emuPath . "\cheat.zip")
Cheat7zFile := new File(emuPath . "\cheat.7z")
If (!CheatZipFile.Exist() && !Cheat7zFile.Exist())
RLLog.Warning("Module - You have cheats enabled for " . MEmu . " but could not locate a ""cheat.zip"" or ""cheat.7z"" in " . emuPath)
Else {
RLLog.Info("Module - Cheat file found in " . emuPath)
If cheatModeKey ; if user wants to use a key to enable CheatMode
cheatEnabled := If XHotkeyAllKeysPressed(cheatModeKey) ? " -cheat" : "" ; only enables cheatMode when key is held down on launch
Else ; no cheat mode key defined
cheatEnabled := " -cheat"

If (RequiresReset = "true")
{ ; Generate a lua script to send a system soft reset
ScriptFileName := GenerateSoftResetScript()
bootscript := " -script """ . ScriptFileName . """ -autoboot_delay 1"


If (legacyMode = "true")
{ RLLog.Info("Module - Running MAME in legacy Mode")
errLvl := primaryExe.Run(" " . (If mameID = "MAME" ? romName : mameID . param1 . param2 . param3 . param4 . param5 . param6) . fullscreenParam . cheatEnabled . volume . mameRomPaths . sysStaticParams . romParams, winstate,"","","",1) ; wrap quotes around exe
} Else {
RLLog.Info("Module - Running MAME in non-legacy mode")
; If (networkPlayers = 1 || !linkEnabledGame) {
If !networkSession {
RLLog.Info("Module - SinglePlayer session")
errLvl := primaryExe.Run(" " . (If mameID = "MAME" ? romName : mameID . param1 . param2 . param3 . param4 . param5 . param6 ) . ctrlrFile . mameRomPaths . sysStaticParams . romParams . fullscreenParam . hlsl . glsl . cheatEnabled . volume . inipath . hashpath . verticalRotationMode . videomode . artworkCrop . useBezels . useOverlays . useBackdrops . useCpanels . useMarquees . autosave . bootscript . bilinearEnabled . " -skip_gameinfo", winstate,"","","",1) ; wrap quotes around exe
} Else { ; multiplayer game run
RLLog.Info("Module - Network/MultiPlayer session")
BuildNVRAMObject() ; build nvram object
;screen positions
screenPos := []
screenPos := SplitScreenPos(networkPlayers,splitScreen2PlayersMode,splitScreen3PlayersMode,maxPlayersPerMonitor)
If (networkType="localLink")
globalInputs := " -global_inputs" ; tell mame to accept inputs when its window is not focused
Loop % networkPlayers
currentPlayer := A_Index
; Update NVRAM setting(s)
If (enableNVRAMAutomation = "true") {
If nvramSettings[romName]["Settings"]["Credit"]["Position"].MaxIndex() { ; If nvram settings exist for this game
NVRamFile%currentPlayer% := new File(emuPath . "\nvram" . (If currentPlayer = 1 ? "" : currentPlayer) . "\" . romName . "\" . nvramSettings[romName]["Settings"]["NVRAM"]["File"][1])
If NVRamFile%currentPlayer%.Exist() {
RLLog.Info("Module - Checking nvram file(s) for required changes")
If (networkType = "localLink") { ; only local link is supported for now
; Parse through each setting of each player and lookup the position to write new setting to the nvram file
for playerOptionLabel, selectedPlayerOption in nvramSettings[romName]["Player"][currentPlayer] ;looping on each player selected options
for index, setting in nvramSettings[romName]["Settings"][playerOptionLabel]["Position"] ;Looping through hex values of the current option
for index, playerCRC in nvramSettings[romName]["CRC"]["Player"][currentPlayer] ;looping on each player selected options
} Else If (networkType = "Server") {
RLLog.Info("Module - Converting this nvram to ""Master"" in: " . NVRamFile%currentPlayer%.FileFullPath)
; RLLog.Info("Module - NVRAM automation for ""Server"" not supported at this time") ; only idea to get this to work is to duplicate nvram edit code from local link here but only set player 1
} Else If (networkType = "Client") {
RLLog.Info("Module - Converting this nvram to ""Slave"" in: " . NVRamFile%currentPlayer%.FileFullPath)
; RLLog.Info("Module - NVRAM automation for ""Client"" not supported at this time") ; only idea to get this to work is to duplicate nvram edit code from local link here but only set player 2
} Else
RLLog.Info("Module - Did not find an NVRAM file to update for player " . currentPlayer . " (Ignore this if this is the first time you are launching this rom): " . NVRamFile%currentPlayer%.FileFullPath)
} Else
RLLog.Info("Module - This rom does not contain an entry in the NVRAM object")
;;Run Line for each of the multiplayer MAME instances using the nvramPath and cfgPath variables to the extra mames
MameMultiPlayer%currentPlayer%Exe := new Process(emuPath . "\" . executable) ; instantiate a new process for each player
errLvl := MameMultiPlayer%currentPlayer%Exe.Run(" " . (If mameID = "MAME" ? romName : mameID . param1 . param2 . param3 . param4 . param5 . param6) . ctrlrFile . mameRomPaths . multiPlayerObj[currentPlayer]["CfgDir"] . multiPlayerObj[currentPlayer]["NvramDir"] . globalInputs . multiPlayerObj[currentPlayer]["LocalHost"] . multiPlayerObj[currentPlayer]["LocalPort"] . multiPlayerObj[currentPlayer]["RemoteHost"] . multiPlayerObj[currentPlayer]["RemotePort"] . sysStaticParams . romParams . fullscreenParam . hlsl . glsl . cheatEnabled . volume . inipath . hashpath . verticalRotationMode . videomode . artworkCrop . useBezels . useOverlays . useBackdrops . useCpanels . useMarquees . autosave . bootscript . bilinearEnabled . " -skip_gameinfo", winstate,"","","",1) ; wrap quotes around exe
MameMultiPlayer%currentPlayer%Exe.Process("Exist") ; get PID
MameMultiPlayer%currentPlayer%Window := new Window(new WindowTitle("","","","",MameMultiPlayer%currentPlayer%Exe.PID))
MameMultiPlayer%currentPlayer%Window.ExcludeTitle := "MAMEOutput" ; ignore the mame debug window

Loop % networkPlayers
MameMultiPlayer%A_Index%Window.Move(screenPos[A_Index].X, screenPos[A_Index].Y, screenPos[A_Index].W, screenPos[A_Index].H)

If errLvl {
If (errLvl = 1)
Error := "Failed Validity"
Else If(errLvl = 2)
Error := "Missing Files"
Else If(errLvl = 3)
Error := "Fatal Error"
Else If(errLvl = 4)
Error := "Device Error"
Else If(errLvl = 5)
Error := "Game Does Not Exist"
Else If(errLvl = 6)
Error := "Invalid Config"
Else If StringUtils.Contains(errLvl,"7|8|9")
Error := "Identification Error"
Error := "MAME Error"
RLLog.Error("MAME Error - " . Error)


If (mameID = "ti99_4a") ; Texas Instruments TI 99-4A
KeyUtils.SendCommand("X",1000) ; To bypass the first screen
If (Command)
KeyUtils.SendCommand(Command,,,,,,CommandWaitOffset) ; Send command affect it with an offset if needed

; Close the debugger window if exists
If (closeDebugWindow = "true") {


If (networkPlayers = 1 || !linkEnabledGame) {
emuPrimaryWindow.Show() ; Show the emulator
} Else {
Loop % networkPlayers
MameMultiPlayer%A_Index%Window.Show() ; Show the emulator
MameMultiPlayer1Window.Activate() ; Activate first player window so that first player can use keyboard instead of last player


If fileRenamed { ; Rename file back to alternate name for next launch
errLvl := MameRomCustomFile.Move(MameRomOriginalFile.FileFullPath) ; Put original name back
If errLvl ; If rename was successful, set var so we know to move it back later
ScriptError("There was a problem renaming " . MameRomCustomFile.FileName . " back to " . MameRomOriginalFile.FileName)


ListXMLInfo(rom){ ; Returns MAME info about parent rom, orientation angle, resolution
Global emuFullPath,emuPath,RLLog
ListXMLObject := Object()
listXMLVarLog := ""
ComSpecProcess := new Process(ComSpec) ; instantiate cmd.exe process
ComSpecProcess.RunDirect(comspec . " /c " . """" . emuFullPath . """" . " -listxml " . rom . " > tempBezel.txt", emuPath, "Hide", 1) ; Run from emu's folder
TempBezelFile := new File(emuPath . "\tempBezel.txt")
StringUtils.RegExMatch(TempBezelFile.Text, "s)<(machine|game).*name=" . """" . rom . """" . ".*" . "cloneof=" . """" . "[^""""]*", parent)
StringUtils.RegExMatch(parent,"cloneof=" . """" . ".*", parent)
StringUtils.RegExMatch(parent,"""" . ".*", parent)
parent := StringUtils.TrimLeft(parent, 1)
StringUtils.RegExMatch(TempBezelFile.Text, "s)<display.*rotate=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", angle)
StringUtils.RegExMatch(angle,"[0-9]+", angle, "-6")
StringUtils.RegExMatch(TempBezelFile.Text, "s)<display.*width=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", width)
StringUtils.RegExMatch(width,"[0-9]+", width, "-6")
StringUtils.RegExMatch(TempBezelFile.Text, "s)<display.*height=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", Height)
StringUtils.RegExMatch(Height,"[0-9]+", Height, "-6")
StringUtils.RegExMatch(TempBezelFile.Text, "s)<control.*ways=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", Ways)
StringUtils.RegExMatch(Ways,"[0-9]+", Ways, "-6")
logVars := "Parent|Angle|Height|Width|Ways"
Loop, Parse, logVars, |
currentobj := {}
currentobj.Label := A_Loopfield
currentobj.Value := %A_Loopfield%
ListXMLObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
listXMLLog .= "`r`n`t`t`t`t`t" . currentobj["Label"] . " = " . currentobj["Value"]
RLLog.Info("Module - MAME ListXML values: " . listXMLLog)
If (ListXMLObject["Height"].Value > ListXMLObject["Width"].Value) {
ListXMLObject["Angle"].Value := true
RLLog.Info("Module - This game's height is greater than its width, forcing vertical mode")
Return ListXMLObject

GenerateSoftResetScript(){ ; Generates a lua script to send a soft reset to MAME
Global emuPath

SoftScriptFile := new File(emuPath . "\soft_reset.lua")
ScriptFileName := emuPath . "\soft_reset.lua"

AppendTxt :="
-- This script will reset the machine
local function reset_machine()
if resetcounter == nil then
resetcounter = 1;
if resetcounter == nil then
Return SoftScriptFile.FileFullPath

GeneratePressButtonScript(button1,button2=""){ ; Generates a lua script to send a soft reset to MAME
Global emuPath

PressScriptFile := new File(emuPath . "\press_button.lua")
If (button2) {
button2str := "`n`t`temu.wait(1);`n`t`tioport[""" . button2 . """]:write(1);`n`t`temu.wait(1);`n`t`tioport[""" . button2 . """]:write(0);"

AppendTxt :="
local function press_button()
if resetcounter == nil then
ioport[""" . button1 . """]:write(1);
ioport[""" . button1 . """]:write(0);
resetcounter = 1;" . button2str . "
if resetcounter == nil then
Return PressScriptFile.FileFullPath

BuildNVRAMObject() {
Global nvramSettings,RLLog
RLLog.Info("BuildNVRAMObject - Started")

nvramSettings := {}

nvramSettings["vr"] := {}
nvramSettings["vr"]["Settings"] := {"BiosCounter":{"Position":["248"], "Option":{0:["00"], 1:["01"], 2:["02"], 3:["03"]}}, "Cabinet":{"Position":["52"], "Option":{"Special":["00"], "Standard":["01"], "Upright":["02"], "2PLink":["03"]}}, "Color":{"Position":["68"], "Option":{"Red":["00"], "Blue":["01"], "Yellow":["02"], "Green":["03"], "Black":["04"], "Pink":["05"], "SkyBlue":["06"], "Orange":["07"]}}, "Country":{"Position":["54"], "Option":{"Japan":["00"], "USA":["01"], "Export":["02"]}}, "Course":{"Position":["66"], "Option":{"Vote":["00"], "Beginner":["01"], "Middle":["02"], "Expert":["03"]}}, "CRC":{"Position":["16","18"]}, "Credit":{"Position":["32","40"], "Option":{"1":["00","00"], "Freeplay":["1A","01"]}}, "Difficulty":{"Position":["64"], "Option":{"Easy":["00"], "Normal":["01"], "Hard":["02"], "Hardest":["03"]}}, "Link":{"Position":["24"], "Option":{"None":["00"], "Master":["01"], "Slave":["02"], "Live":["03"]}}, "Monitor":{"Position":["22"], "Option":{"Standard":["00"], "Wide":["01"]}}, "NVRAM":{"File":["nvram"]}, "Race":{"Position":["70"], "Option":{"Normal":["00"], "Grandprix":["01"]}}, "StartCoin":{"Position":["42"], "Option":{1:["01"], 2:["02"], 3:["03"], 4:["04"], 5:["05"]}}}

nvramSettings["vr"]["Player"] := {}
nvramSettings["vr"]["Player"].Insert(1, {"BiosCounter":"3", "Cabinet":"Standard", "Color":"Red", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Master", "Monitor":"Wide", "Race":"Normal", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vr"]["Player"].Insert(2, {"BiosCounter":"3", "Cabinet":"Standard", "Color":"Blue", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Monitor":"Wide", "Race":"Normal", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vr"]["Player"].Insert(3, {"BiosCounter":"3", "Cabinet":"Standard", "Color":"Yellow", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Monitor":"Wide", "Race":"Normal", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vr"]["Player"].Insert(4, {"BiosCounter":"3", "Cabinet":"Standard", "Color":"Green", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Monitor":"Wide", "Race":"Normal", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vr"]["Player"].Insert(5, {"BiosCounter":"3", "Cabinet":"Standard", "Color":"Black", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Monitor":"Wide", "Race":"Normal", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vr"]["Player"].Insert(6, {"BiosCounter":"3", "Cabinet":"Standard", "Color":"Pink", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Monitor":"Wide", "Race":"Normal", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vr"]["Player"].Insert(7, {"BiosCounter":"3", "Cabinet":"Standard", "Color":"SkyBlue", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Monitor":"Wide", "Race":"Normal", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vr"]["Player"].Insert(8, {"BiosCounter":"3", "Cabinet":"Standard", "Color":"Orange", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Monitor":"Wide", "Race":"Normal", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vr"]["CRC"] := {"Player":{1:["06","21"], 2:["3C","C7"], 3:["0E","5F"], 4:["FF","D8"], 5:["4B","7F"], 6:["BA","F8"], 7:["88","60"], 8:["79","E7"]}}

nvramSettings["vformula"] := {}
nvramSettings["vformula"]["Settings"] := {"BiosCounter":{"Position":["248"], "Option":{0:["00"], 1:["01"], 2:["02"], 3:["03"]}}, "Color":{"Position":["68"], "Option":{"Red":["00"], "Blue":["01"], "Yellow":["02"], "Green":["03"], "Black":["04"], "Pink":["05"], "SkyBlue":["06"], "Orange":["07"]}}, "Country":{"Position":["54"], "Option":{"Japan":["00"], "USA":["01"], "Export":["02"]}}, "Course":{"Position":["66"], "Option":{"Vote":["00"], "Beginner":["01"], "Middle":["02"], "Expert":["03"]}}, "CRC":{"Position":["16","18"]}, "Credit":{"Position":["32","40"], "Option":{"1":["00","00"], "Freeplay":["1A","01"]}}, "Difficulty":{"Position":["64"], "Option":{"Easy":["00"], "Normal":["01"], "Hard":["02"], "Hardest":["03"]}}, "Link":{"Position":["24"], "Option":{"None":["00"], "Master":["01"], "Slave":["02"], "Live":["03"]}}, "NVRAM":{"File":["nvram"]}, "Race":{"Position":["70"], "Option":{"Normal":["00"], "Grandprix":["01"]}}, "Sound":{"Position":["22"], "Option":{"On":["00"], "Off":["01"]}}, "StartCoin":{"Position":["42"], "Option":{1:["01"], 2:["02"], 3:["03"], 4:["04"], 5:["05"]}}}

nvramSettings["vformula"]["Player"] := {}
nvramSettings["vformula"]["Player"].Insert(1, {"BiosCounter":"1", "Color":"Red", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Master", "Race":"Normal", "Sound":"On", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vformula"]["Player"].Insert(2, {"BiosCounter":"1", "Color":"Blue", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Race":"Normal", "Sound":"On", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vformula"]["Player"].Insert(3, {"BiosCounter":"1", "Color":"Yellow", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Race":"Normal", "Sound":"On", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vformula"]["Player"].Insert(4, {"BiosCounter":"1", "Color":"Green", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Race":"Normal", "Sound":"On", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vformula"]["Player"].Insert(5, {"BiosCounter":"1", "Color":"Black", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Race":"Normal", "Sound":"On", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vformula"]["Player"].Insert(6, {"BiosCounter":"1", "Color":"Pink", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Race":"Normal", "Sound":"On", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vformula"]["Player"].Insert(7, {"BiosCounter":"1", "Color":"SkyBlue", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Race":"Normal", "Sound":"On", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vformula"]["Player"].Insert(8, {"BiosCounter":"1", "Color":"Orange", "Country":"USA", "Course":"Vote", "Credit":"Freeplay", "Difficulty":"Normal", "Link":"Slave", "Race":"Normal", "Sound":"On", "StartCoin":"1"})
nvramSettings["vformula"]["CRC"] := {"Player":{1:["F2","EB"], 2:["C8","0D"], 3:["FA","95"], 4:["0B","12"], 5:["BF","B5"], 6:["4E","32"], 7:["7C","AA"], 8:["8D","2D"]}}

RLLog.Info("BuildNVRAMObject - Ended")


If (pauseMethod = 1)
{ disableSuspendEmu := "true"
disableRestoreEmu := "true"
} Else If (pauseMethod = 2)
{ disableSuspendEmu := "true"
} Else If (pauseMethod = 3)
{ disableSuspendEmu := "true"
disableRestoreEmu := "true"
} Else If (pauseMethod = 4)
{ disableSuspendEmu := "true"
} Else If (pauseMethod = 5)
{ disableSuspendEmu := "true"
KeyUtils.Send("{P down}")
KeyUtils.Send("{P up} ")
If (pauseMethod = 1)
Else If (pauseMethod = 2)
Else If (pauseMethod = 3)
Else If (pauseMethod = 4)
Else If (pauseMethod = 5) {
disableSuspendEmu := "true"
KeyUtils.Send("{P down}")
KeyUtils.Send("{P up} ")

If (networkSession && networkPlayers > 1) {
Loop % networkPlayers {
} Else

21:59:53:456 | RL | INFO | +78 | BuildScript - Loaded Pause scripts
21:59:53:466 | RL | INFO | +16 | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts
21:59:53:466 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script
21:59:53:466 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded User Functions.ahk script
21:59:53:466 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
21:59:53:466 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Module is built
21:59:53:466 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\AutoHotkey.dll exists
21:59:53:466 | RL | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\AutoHotkey.dll"
21:59:53:496 | RL | DEBUG | +31 | CheckFile - Attributes:
FileDescription AutoHotkey_H ANSI 32-bit
InternalName AutoHotkey_H
LegalCopyright Copyright (C) 2003-2013
OriginalFilename AutoHotkey.exe
ProductName AutoHotkey_H
File Size: 802304 bytes
Created: 11/23/2013 - 10:21:00 AM
Modified: 7/23/2016 - 5:36:47 PM
21:59:53:586 | RL | INFO | +93 | Main - Starting timer to watch if Front End gets displaced and restore it if it does.
21:59:53:586 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Running module
21:59:53:776 | MD | INFO | +N/A | Module initialized
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup ~Esc not in TableKeyGroups
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 1 check
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 2 check
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Using standard Hotkey method for key(s): "~Esc" to call label: "CloseProcess"
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:53:776 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | fadeInTransitionAnimation: DefaultAnimateFadeIn
21:59:53:776 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | fadeOutTransitionAnimation: DefaultAnimateFadeOut
21:59:53:776 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | fadeLyr3Animation: DefaultFadeAnimation
21:59:53:776 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | fadeLyr37zAnimation: DefaultFadeAnimation
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup ~NumpadAdd not in TableKeyGroups ~Esc,
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 1 check
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 2 check
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Using extended Hotkey method for key(s): "~NumpadAdd" to call a group label
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup PrintScreen not in TableKeyGroups ~Esc,~NumpadAdd,
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 1 check
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 2 check
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Using standard Hotkey method for key(s): "PrintScreen" to call label: "SaveScreenshot"
21:59:53:776 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:53:776 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - Started
21:59:53:776 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - MEmu: MAME
MEmuV: v0.166
MURL: http://www.mame.net/
MAuthor: djvj,faahrev,brolly,Tomkun
MVersion: 2.3.7
MCRC: 5C737136
MSystem: "AAE","Aamber Pegasus","Acorn Electron","Amstrad CPC","Amstrad GX4000","APF Imagination Machine","Apple II","Apple IIGS","Applied Technology MicroBee","Atari 8-Bit","Atari 2600","Atari 5200","Atari 7800","Atari Classics","Atari Jaguar","Atari Lynx","Bally Astrocade","Bandai Super Vision 8000","Bandai WonderSwan","Bandai WonderSwan Color","Bit Corporation Gamate","Camputers Lynx","Capcom","Capcom Classics","Capcom Play System","Capcom Play System II","Capcom Play System III","Casio PV-1000","Casio PV-2000","Cave","Coleco ADAM","ColecoVision","Commodore 64","Commodore MAX Machine","Creatronic Mega Duck","Data East Classics","EACA EG2000 Colour Genie","Emerson Arcadia 2001","Entex Adventure Vision","Epoch Game Pocket Computer","Epoch Super Cassette Vision","Exidy Sorcerer","Fairchild Channel F","Fujitsu FM-7","Funtech Super Acan","GamePark 32","GCE Vectrex","Hartung Game Master","HBMAME","Interton VC 4000","Irem Classics","JungleTac Sport Vii","Jupiter Ace","Konami Classics","LaserDisc","Magnavox Odyssey 2","MAME","Matra & Hachette Alice","Mattel Aquarius","Mattel Intellivision","MGT Sam Coupe","Midway Classics","Milton Bradley MicroVision","Namco Classics","Namco System 22","NEC PC-8801","NEC PC Engine","NEC PC Engine-CD","NEC SuperGrafx","NEC TurboGrafx-16","NEC TurboGrafx-CD","Nintendo 64","Nintendo 64DD","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Nintendo Classics","Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System","Nintendo Game Boy","Nintendo Game Boy Advance","Nintendo Game Boy Color","Nintendo Pokemon Mini","Nintendo Satellaview","Nintendo Super Famicom","Nintendo Super Game Boy","Nintendo Virtual Boy","Othello Multivision","PacMAME","Philips CD-i","Philips VG 5000","Philips Videopac Plus G7400","RCA Studio II","Sega 32X","Sega CD","Sega Classics","Sega Game Gear","Sega Genesis","Sega Master System","Sega Mega Drive","Sega Model 1","Sega Pico","Sega Saturn","Sega SC-3000","Sega SG-1000","Sega ST-V","Sega VMU","Sharp X1","Sinclair ZX81","SNK Classics","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo CD","SNK Neo Geo MVS","SNK Neo Geo Pocket","SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color","Sony PlayStation","Sony PocketStation","Sord M5","Soundic Victory MPT-02","Super Nintendo Entertainment System","Taito Classics","Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer","Texas Instruments TI 99-4A","Tiger Game.com","Tomy Tutor","VTech CreatiVision","Watara Supervision","Williams Classics"
21:59:53:776 | MD | WARNING | +0 | StartModule - You have an unsupported System Name for this module: "Shotgun Games". Only the following System Names are suppported: ""AAE","Aamber Pegasus","Acorn Electron","Amstrad CPC","Amstrad GX4000","APF Imagination Machine","Apple II","Apple IIGS","Applied Technology MicroBee","Atari 8-Bit","Atari 2600","Atari 5200","Atari 7800","Atari Classics","Atari Jaguar","Atari Lynx","Bally Astrocade","Bandai Super Vision 8000","Bandai WonderSwan","Bandai WonderSwan Color","Bit Corporation Gamate","Camputers Lynx","Capcom","Capcom Classics","Capcom Play System","Capcom Play System II","Capcom Play System III","Casio PV-1000","Casio PV-2000","Cave","Coleco ADAM","ColecoVision","Commodore 64","Commodore MAX Machine","Creatronic Mega Duck","Data East Classics","EACA EG2000 Colour Genie","Emerson Arcadia 2001","Entex Adventure Vision","Epoch Game Pocket Computer","Epoch Super Cassette Vision","Exidy Sorcerer","Fairchild Channel F","Fujitsu FM-7","Funtech Super Acan","GamePark 32","GCE Vectrex","Hartung Game Master","HBMAME","Interton VC 4000","Irem Classics","JungleTac Sport Vii","Jupiter Ace","Konami Classics","LaserDisc","Magnavox Odyssey 2","MAME","Matra & Hachette Alice","Mattel Aquarius","Mattel Intellivision","MGT Sam Coupe","Midway Classics","Milton Bradley MicroVision","Namco Classics","Namco System 22","NEC PC-8801","NEC PC Engine","NEC PC Engine-CD","NEC SuperGrafx","NEC TurboGrafx-16","NEC TurboGrafx-CD","Nintendo 64","Nintendo 64DD","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Nintendo Classics","Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System","Nintendo Game Boy","Nintendo Game Boy Advance","Nintendo Game Boy Color","Nintendo Pokemon Mini","Nintendo Satellaview","Nintendo Super Famicom","Nintendo Super Game Boy","Nintendo Virtual Boy","Othello Multivision","PacMAME","Philips CD-i","Philips VG 5000","Philips Videopac Plus G7400","RCA Studio II","Sega 32X","Sega CD","Sega Classics","Sega Game Gear","Sega Genesis","Sega Master System","Sega Mega Drive","Sega Model 1","Sega Pico","Sega Saturn","Sega SC-3000","Sega SG-1000","Sega ST-V","Sega VMU","Sharp X1","Sinclair ZX81","SNK Classics","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo CD","SNK Neo Geo MVS","SNK Neo Geo Pocket","SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color","Sony PlayStation","Sony PocketStation","Sord M5","Soundic Victory MPT-02","Super Nintendo Entertainment System","Taito Classics","Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer","Texas Instruments TI 99-4A","Tiger Game.com","Tomy Tutor","VTech CreatiVision","Watara Supervision","Williams Classics""
21:59:53:806 | MD | INFO | +31 | PluginInit - Started
21:59:53:806 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Started - Building Table for: Name|Cloneof|Manufacturer|Year|Genre|Rating
21:59:53:806 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\Databases\Shotgun Games\Shotgun Games.xml exists
21:59:53:807 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes:
File Size: 23417 bytes
Created: 4/5/2014 - 10:40:21 AM
Modified: 10/6/2015 - 5:43:55 PM
21:59:53:807 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching for a "Game Name" in the database
21:59:53:807 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Game Name" in the database!
21:59:53:807 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Name
21:59:53:807 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Name" with a value: "Area 51 (R3000)"
21:59:53:807 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Cloneof
21:59:53:807 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Cloneof
21:59:53:808 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Manufacturer
21:59:53:808 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Manufacturer" with a value: "Atari Games"
21:59:53:808 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Year
21:59:53:808 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Year" with a value: "1996"
21:59:53:808 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Genre
21:59:53:808 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Genre" with a value: "Gun"
21:59:53:808 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Rating
21:59:53:808 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Rating" with a value: "AAMA - Red (Animated Violence Strong)"
21:59:53:808 | MD | TRACE | +0 | PluginInit - GameInfo:
GameInfo Label: Genre | GameInfo Value:
GameInfo Label: Manufacturer | GameInfo Value:
GameInfo Label: Name | GameInfo Value:
GameInfo Label: Rating | GameInfo Value:
GameInfo Label: Year | GameInfo Value:
21:59:53:809 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | BuildDatabaseTable - Ended
21:59:53:809 | MD | INFO | +0 | PluginInit - Ended
21:59:53:809 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | StartModule - Setting romName to the dbName sent to RocketLauncher: area51
21:59:53:809 | MD | INFO | +0 | SystemCursor - Hiding mouse cursor
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +31 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup ~e&~t not in TableKeyGroups ~Esc,~NumpadAdd,PrintScreen,
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 1 check
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 2 check
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Using standard Hotkey method for key(s): "~e & ~t" to call label: "ToggleCursor"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Process.__New - Creating new process object for: "D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\Shotgun Games\area51.ini"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\Shotgun Games\area51.ini"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\Shotgun Games.ini"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\Shotgun Games.ini"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ini"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ini"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.Exist - This file exists: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ini
21:59:53:842 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | RIniFile.__New - "Module" at index 1, adding "GlobalModuleIni" from: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAME\MAME.ini"
21:59:53:842 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - Ended
21:59:53:842 | MD | INFO | +0 | i18n - Started
21:59:53:842 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | i18n - Section "English_United_States" & key "dialog.open" not found, trying section "English"
21:59:53:842 | MD | INFO | +0 | i18n - Ended, using "Open" for "dialog.open"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Emulator.__New - Creating new emulator object for: "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Process.__New - Creating new process object for: "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Window.__New - Created: "ahk_class MAME"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Window.__New - Created: "Open ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Window.__New - Created: "ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Window.__New - Created: "ahk_class MAMEDebugWindow"
21:59:53:842 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Window.__New - Created: "ahk_class MAMEOutput"
21:59:53:842 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | Module - Finished building the MAME object
21:59:53:842 | MD | WARNING | +0 | Module - "Shotgun Games" is not a known console or computer system. Defaulting to MAME's Arcade mode for the remainder of this MAME module.
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +31 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - Fullscreen: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Fullscreen: true (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - LegacyMode: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - LegacyMode: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - LegacyMode: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - LegacyMode: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - MAME_BIOS_Path: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - MAME_BIOS_Path: D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\roms (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - Videomode: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Videomode: d3d (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - PauseMethod: 4
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - BilinearFilter: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - BilinearFilter: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - BilinearFilter: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - HLSL: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - HLSL: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - HLSL: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - HLSL: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - GLSL: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - GLSL: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - GLSL: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - GLSL: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - BezelMode: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - BezelMode: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - BezelMode: normal
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - VerticalRotationMode: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - VerticalRotationMode: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - VerticalRotationMode: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - VerticalRotationMode: none (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - CheatMode: true
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - CheatModeKey: Z&X
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - UseSoftwareList: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - UseSoftwareList: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - UseSoftwareList: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - StaticParameters: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - StaticParameters: (NO VALUE)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - Parameters: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Parameters: (NO VALUE)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Parameters: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Parameters: (NO VALUE)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - MameRomName: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - MameRomName: (NO VALUE)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Autosave: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - Autosave: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Autosave: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Volume: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - Volume: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - Volume: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Volume: (NO VALUE)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Artwork_Crop: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - Artwork_Crop: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Artwork_Crop: true (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Use_Bezels: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - Use_Bezels: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Use_Bezels: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Use_Overlays: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - Use_Overlays: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Use_Overlays: true (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Use_Backdrops: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - Use_Backdrops: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Use_Backdrops: true (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Use_Cpanels: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - Use_Cpanels: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Use_Cpanels: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Use_Marquees: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - Use_Marquees: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Use_Marquees: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - IniPath: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - IniPath: (NO VALUE)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - HashPath: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - HashPath: (NO VALUE)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - UseControllerRemap: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - UseControllerRemap: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - UseControllerRemap: true (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - ControllerRemapPath: Section does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - ControllerRemapPath: Key does not exist
21:59:53:872 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - ControllerRemapPath: D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ControllerRemap\ControllerRemap.exe (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:882 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ControllerRemap\ControllerRemap.exe"
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +31 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ControllerRemap\ControllerRemap.exe"
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - ControllerRemapConfigPath: Section does not exist
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - ControllerRemapConfigPath: Key does not exist
21:59:53:902 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - ControllerRemapConfigPath: D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ControllerRemap\ctrlr\ (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Shotgun Games] - MAMECtrlrPath: Section does not exist
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - MAMECtrlrPath: Key does not exist
21:59:53:902 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - MAMECtrlrPath: D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ctrlr (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\roms"
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\roms"
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [area51] - Enable_Link_Play: Section does not exist
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Link/Network] - Enable_Link_Play: Section does not exist
21:59:53:902 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Enable_Link_Play: false (DEFAULT)
21:59:53:902 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | FadeInStart - Started
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup ~NumpadAdd is in TableKeyGroups ~Esc,~NumpadAdd,PrintScreen,~e&~t,
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 10 check
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 11 check
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Disabling extended Hotkey method for key(s): "~NumpadAdd"
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 12 check
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup ~Esc is in TableKeyGroups ~Esc,~NumpadAdd,PrintScreen,~e&~t,
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 10 check
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Disabled Hotkey for: "~Esc"
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 11 check
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Disabling "CloseProcess" standard Hotkey method for key(s): "~Esc"
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 12 check
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:53:902 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | FadeInStart - No keys were set to interrupt fade so ability to interrupt fade is disabled
21:59:53:902 | MD | TRACE | +0 | FadeInStart - Fade screen scale factor: X=1.000000, Y= 1.000000
21:59:53:902 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Layer 1" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Shotgun Games\area51\Layer 1*.*
21:59:53:902 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Layer 1" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Shotgun Games\_Default\Horizontal\Layer 1*.*
21:59:53:902 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Layer 1" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Shotgun Games\_Default\Layer 1*.*
21:59:53:902 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Layer 1" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Horizontal\Layer 1*.*
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +32 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Layer 1" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.*
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Looking for Fade "Layer 1": D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.png
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Found Fade "Layer 1": D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1.png
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Looking for Fade "Layer 1": D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.gif
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Looking for Fade "Layer 1": D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.tif
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Looking for Fade "Layer 1": D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.bmp
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Looking for Fade "Layer 1": D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.jpg
21:59:53:932 | MD | INFO | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Randomized images and Fade will use D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1.png
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Extra Layer 1 - Console" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Shotgun Games\area51\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Extra Layer 1 - Console" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Shotgun Games\_Default\Horizontal\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Extra Layer 1 - Console" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Shotgun Games\_Default\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Extra Layer 1 - Console" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Horizontal\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
21:59:53:932 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | GetFadeDirPicFile - Checking if any Fade "Extra Layer 1 - Console" media exists in: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Extra Layer 1 - Console*.*
21:59:54:022 | MD | INFO | +93 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: in
21:59:54:022 | MD | INFO | +0 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Drawing First FadeIn Image.
21:59:54:552 | MD | INFO | +531 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended
21:59:54:552 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | FadeInStart - Ended
21:59:54:562 | MD | INFO | +0 | DxwndUpdateIniPath - DxwndIni set to D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini
21:59:54:562 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Starting
21:59:54:562 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Ending
21:59:54:562 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | CoverFE - Started
21:59:54:562 | MD | DEBUG | +0 | CoverFE - Ended
21:59:54:562 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Process.__New - Creating new process object for: "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
21:59:54:562 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
21:59:54:562 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
21:59:56:662 | MD | DEBUG | +2106 | Process.RunDirect - "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe" -listxml area51 > tempBezel.txt" Process ID: 7076 and ErrorLevel reported as: 0
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.__New - Creating new file object of: "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\tempBezel.txt"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.splitPath - Splitting "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\tempBezel.txt"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.Read - Read file to memory: D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\tempBezel.txt
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.TrimLeft - Trimming "" to ""
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "<display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0"" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "0" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "<display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="360"" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "360" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "<display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="360" height="240"" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "240" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.RegExMatch - Matched "" from Haystack
21:59:56:662 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - MAME ListXML values:
Parent =
Angle = 0
Height = 240
Width = 360
Ways =
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | File.Delete - Deleting: tempBezel.txt
21:59:56:662 | MD | INFO | +0 | Controller Remap: Start
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ControllerRemap\ControllerRemap.exe"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ControllerRemap\ControllerRemap.exe"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ControllerRemap\ctrlr\"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ControllerRemap\ctrlr\"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converting "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ctrlr"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE_DLL | +0 | RLDLL.getFullPathFromRelative - Converted to "D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ctrlr"
21:59:56:662 | MD | INFO | +0 | Controller Remap: ControllerRemapConfigPath: D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\ControllerRemap\ctrlr\
21:59:56:662 | MD | INFO | +0 | Controller Remap: No Controller config file found.
21:59:56:662 | MD | INFO | +0 | Controller Remap: End
21:59:56:662 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - Started, received D:\Arcade\Mame\roms\area51.zip. If rom is an archive, it will extract to D:\Arcade\cache
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup ~Esc is in TableKeyGroups ~Esc,~NumpadAdd,PrintScreen,~e&~t,
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 10 check
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Disabled Hotkey for: "~Esc"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 11 check
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Disabling "CloseProcess" standard Hotkey method for key(s): "~Esc"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 12 check
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup ~Esc is in TableKeyGroups ~Esc,~NumpadAdd,PrintScreen,~e&~t,
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 10 check
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Disabled Hotkey for: "~Esc"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 11 check
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Using standard Hotkey method for key(s): "~Esc" to call label: "CloseError"
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 12 check
21:59:56:662 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:57:222 | MD | DEBUG | +561 | ScriptError - Playing error sound: error9.mp3
21:59:59:878 | MD | TRACE | +2652 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:59:879 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup ~Esc is in TableKeyGroups ~Esc,~NumpadAdd,PrintScreen,~e&~t,
21:59:59:879 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 10 check
21:59:59:879 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Disabled Hotkey for: "~Esc"
21:59:59:879 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 11 check
21:59:59:879 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Disabling "CloseError" standard Hotkey method for key(s): "~Esc"
21:59:59:879 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 12 check
21:59:59:880 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:59:880 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Started
21:59:59:880 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - KeyGroup ~Esc is in TableKeyGroups ~Esc,~NumpadAdd,PrintScreen,~e&~t,
21:59:59:880 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 10 check
21:59:59:880 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Disabled Hotkey for: "~Esc"
21:59:59:880 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 11 check
21:59:59:881 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Using standard Hotkey method for key(s): "~Esc" to call label: "CloseProcess"
21:59:59:881 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Post loop 12 check
21:59:59:881 | MD | TRACE | +0 | XHotkeyTableCreation - Ended
21:59:59:882 | MD | ERROR | +0 | ScriptError - You did not supply any valid rom extensions to search for in your compressed roms. Please turn off 7z support or add at least one rom extension to Rom_Extension: "zip|7z". If this archive has no roms with a standard romName inside, you may need to set Skip Checks to "Rom Extension."
21:59:59:882 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Started
21:59:59:882 | MD | INFO | +0 | Starting Updating Statistics:
21:59:59:882 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Total Elapsed Time in Pause in seconds: 0
21:59:59:882 | MD | TRACE | +0 | gameSectionStartTime:20380017
21:59:59:882 | MD | TRACE | +0 | ElapsedTime:6
21:59:59:882 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Statistics cleared game name: area51
21:59:59:945 | MD | TRACE | +63 | Loaded game statistics from ini files:
Number_of_Times_Played: 100
Last_Time_Played: Saturday July 23, 2016 09:55:07 PM
Average_Time_Played: 576
Total_Time_Played: 57642
System_Total_Played_Time: 60648
Total_Global_Played_Time: 245321
21:59:59:945 | MD | TRACE | +0 | Updated Statistics: Number_of_Times_Played: 101
Last_Time_Played: Saturday July 23, 2016 09:59:53 PM
Average_Time_Played: 571
Total_Time_Played: 57648
System_Total_Played_Time: 60654
Total_Global_Played_Time: 245327
21:59:59:976 | MD | INFO | +31 | Game section statistics updated.
21:59:59:977 | MD | TRACE | +0 | CustomFunction.PostExit - Starting
21:59:59:977 | MD | TRACE | +0 | CustomFunction.PostExit - Ending
21:59:59:977 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Ended
End of Module Logs
22:00:00:096 | RL | INFO | +6506 | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally
22:00:00:096 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started
22:00:00:096 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | Registry.Read - Reading from Registry : RootKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SubKey=System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows, ValueName=ErrorMode,RegistryVersion=32
22:00:00:096 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | Registry.Read - Registry Read finished, returning 0
22:00:00:096 | RL | TRACE | +0 | Window.Get - Transparent is "" from "ahk_id 0x5a084e"
22:00:00:096 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Checking what application is currently in focus.
22:00:00:096 | RL | TRACE | +0 | Window.Active - "ahk_id 0x5a084e" is the active window
22:00:00:096 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - HyperSpin is currently active. Proceeding with exit
22:00:00:096 | RL | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.Contains - "false" does not contain "true|kill"
22:00:00:096 | RL | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.Contains - "false" does not contain "do_not_restore|kill_&_do_not_restore"
22:00:00:106 | RL | INFO | +15 | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
22:00:00:106 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Restored cursor


Got it, I'm an idiot. Didn't realize I was launching from a different system wheel that was using MAME. Not actually the MAME wheel itself. I changed the settings for MAME, but not for "Shotgun Games". Didn't realize it had its own system technically in Rocketlauncher UI. Thanks for your help. Now to just figure out which systems I need to change 7z to false for. Used Global settings for most settings when using HS 1.3 with no issues, gotta change everything now with 1.4


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