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Theme Problem - Artworking not loading correctly


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I have noticed a slight problem with themes on Hyperspin since it was repackaged for the downloads section (About the same time as Hyperlaunch3 was released, the main Hyperspin.zip and the Update were merged and old launching methods removed etc...) and was wondering if anyone knows how to correct it?

Basically, certain themes don't seem to show correctly but did before Hyperspin was repackaged. I have opened them up in HyperTheme and they display correctly on there. I have also re-downloaded the themes from several sources (FTP Gold Section, Downloads Section, HyperSync, Users FTP Folders) - all exactly the same, so i don't think the Themes zip is the problem.

For example:

Dolphin Blue (Atomiswave) Theme by THK - The games logo always used to 'fade-in' with a smooth water-like effect. Now it just pauses and the logo appears out of nowhere? - Working fine in HyperTheme.

Maximum Speed (Atomiswave) Also by THK (I think?) - Used to have a smooth transition to show the title and artwork, now there is just a massive pause before it all appears suddenly without any effects. - Working fine in HyperTheme.

Blaze Blue Calamity Trigger (TTX) by THK - The games logo will not show no matter what i do - working fine in HyperTheme.

(It's not just THK's themes, those are just the ones that i can remember off the top of my head)

I have tried all the obvious things like ticking all the theme artwork options in HyperHQ (although i never had to do this before) - made no difference.

Tested on 2 different PC's, both good specs (i3 3220, GeForce GTX 650ti, 4GB DDR3, Win7 & i7 4770k, GeForce GTX 770, 16GB DDR3, Win8.1) same problem on both.

Am i missing something obvious?

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