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Hyperspin and xarcade tank stick


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Hi everyone,


I'm having an issue with my Xarcade.  I downloaded the xarcade config file from their site and selected it in MameUI64.  I was able to play the games successfully in mame with all the appropriate buttons assigned.


When trying to configure the buttons in HyperHQ, i assigned all the buttons I needed for player one (ex. num8,num2,num4,num6), closed hyperHQ, launched Hyperspin and none of my settings were retained.  None of the buttons were assigned.


Any idea on what I missed?  What am i doing wrong, or is this a bug?


Thank you.!



"We were all newbies once...."




Still doesn't work even if I manually change it on the .ini file.  The odd thing is that i have a keyboard connected to the pc as well and all the same numpad keys work successfully. 


I have used the xarcade utility and all seems well.


Still banging my head against the wall...



"We were all newbies once...."






Instead of using the numlock keys for the arrows, i just used the regular number keys.


Does anyone know if this is a bug?





"We were all newbies once...."


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