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Hyperspin Wheel Won't Stop Spinning!


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Hello everyone I just want to say thanks in advance for any help I might get with this. Hers's the issue I own an I-PAC 4 with a 4 player Control Panel and every time i launch Hyperspin the wheel starts spining out of control and i can't get it to stop. I've done some research and so far I've disabled the Joystick, Trackball and Spinner in HyperHQ with the same result. I know the I-PAC is working because I'm able to launch Mame and other emulators and the control panel works perfectly its just Hyperspin won't stop spinning!! It's driving me nuts. I'm HP version 1.4. Thanks again!!


You need to have speakers plugged into the computer. It is one of the weirdest bugs of hyperspin, wheel will go crazy if you don't. If you have maybe an old pair of earbuds/headphones you could even just cut off the connector and plug it in.


Yeah I was mistaken earlier, the comp I'm running Hyperspin is my main PC. I have an HDMI cable running to a 50 inch TV and that has the sound bar. The audio works just fine there. Thanks for responding bro.


'm using the on board green audio jack on the back of the PC so I'm assuming that it does. I do hear sound when I play PC games.


I just thought of something, sorry. When I unplug the USB leading to my Control panel the Hyperspin wheel works like normal. It's only when the I-pac is plugged in that it goes nuts and won't stop spinning.


Thanks for all the help guys, at least to my issue I found the problem... I had a startup program listed under Start/up/Exit in HyperHQ once I removed it the wheel stopped spinning! Question what is this usually used for anyways? Now I have a new issue I'm dealing with... I launch Hyperspin select my wheel and then select my game but it won't launch... The games launch just fine in RocketLauncher with no problem but not in Hyperspin.


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