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Custom Mortal Kombat II Scale Bartop

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Kind of jumping the gun on this, but I just placed the order for the side art, marquee and CPO and figured I'd share. Long way from being done, but the idea for this project was to build from scratch a one player Mortal Kombat II bartop cab that looks like a full-sized stand up with the bottom chopped off. Most bartops are really wide, but I wanted one that matched an original MKII cab, so I used an original MK cab to get the dimensions right. If you remove the bottom section (below the CP), an old-school MK cab would be 39" tall, so I scaled it down to 52.5% vertically and 54% horizontally to accommodate a 15" 4:3 monitor. For the side art, I had to heavily modify the original MKII scan because it was made to fit a full cab. Moved the MKII logo to the right and recreated the lightning at the top, and also had to modify some of the lightning at the bottom because the original cuts it off to accommodate the front of the cab. I also upped the vibrance in Photoshop because the original looks kind of dull. Modified the two player CPO to a one player config, and also added a run button. In any event, here's the mockup of my side art and CPO. I've cut all the MDF, now I just need to assemble it all and add the innards. Will post more build pics as they come!



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