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Genre category not appearing in genre wheel


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Hi HS Forum,

I'm currently running Hyperspin 1.3.3 with the 1.4 upgrade patch installed.

My Hyperspin has been setup and configured and is functioning fine. The issue I have is with the Mature Games genre not appearing in genre wheel. The Mature Games.xml was not included by default in the 1.3.3 package. I've downloaded the Mature Games.xml from the Hyperlist URL (http://hyperlist.hyperspin-fe.com/genrexml.php?system=263) and have copied this xml file to the Hyperspin\Databases\MAME folder. I've also made sure that the Hyperspin\Media\MAME\Images\Genre\Wheel folder contains the Mature Games.png image.

Is there anything else I need to do to make the Mature Games genre visible in the genre wheel?

Please advise if you need any further information to assist.




Hi JoyStickKilla and agent47,

Thank you for the feedback. I do have a genre.xml file, however if I try to open it, it appears to be corrupt.

I'll try to use the Split Hyperlist app from Don's HS Tools to generate the genre.xml file.




Hi JoyStickKilla and agent47,


I've used Don's tools to create new genre.xmls from the Genre XML for MAME on the Hyperspin site. The genre.xml is created, however there are too many sub categories e.g. Casino - Card, Casino - Racing, Casino - Reels etc.. this is the same for all other categories.

Is there a way to create just one category per genre instead of multiple sub categories for each genre?






Hi agent47,


I'm using MAME + 0.119.


I just edited genre.xml that was created and manually entered genres I wanted to appear and this seems to work fine, however this is a long way to do it.


Where can I get the official databases from?






Thanks agent47.


Yes, I'm using quite an old version of MAME. I'll have a look for the latest version and rom sets. What is the advantage on being on the latest version besides unplayable games becoming playable?


Adding the genres manually to the newly created genre.xml file resolved my issue.


Thank you for your assistance.






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