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Launching Games in the Mini-Screen/Window? (Newbie Question!)


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Hi guys, girls, whoever else...?


First of all, love the program and idea, I've recently ordered the parts for my first gaming PC and plan on using it as a full-on home entertainment system (demanding modern games, older games via Hyperspin, movies, TV, streaming services, etc all via Mediaportal) which are due to all arrive within the next three days - excited as hell about that! :)


So yesterday I finally got around to trying to configure Hyperspin. I only plan on having 5-6 consoles, and maybe between 10-50 games per console (e.g. more for SNES, less for N64 which had some absolute classics, but infamously not too much quantity). After almost smashing my face into the wall out of frustration for several hours, I finally got the hang of it and how to edit down the lists, connect emulators and ROMs, etc.


I have only got the SNES9XE emulator up and running with one random game I renamed '123test' in the wheel but feel I know what I am doing there between the .xml and .ini files, so I reckon I am past the most frustrating part of the install.


Except for one thing...

I have fiddled about with it for quite a bit, but every time I click in and launch the game... it launches it, along with the emulator, in a brand new, full-screen window, as opposed to opening it in the small screen within Hyperspin as seen in videos like this - - that allows you to scroll up and down between games for extremely quick access, and maybe most importantly for me, allows you to bypass the start screen and pick up exactly where you left off.


This is a pretty important feature, because I primarily plan on using Hyperspin during commercial breaks on shows, or during half time in sporting events, so loading up from the start screen kind of takes away from the 'quick access' aspect that appealed to me. I've got a feeling this might be a bit of a dumb question with an easy fix, but I just can't find it anywhere! :P


Apologies if this has been asked before, but I've searched and Google'd all over and can't seem to find the answer, I'm guessing I'm wording it wrong! Any help would be very much appreciated.



Billy! :)


I think that might be it, yes... though going by your wording I might be an idiot who thought they were watching people jump between games on the wheel, when all it was, was the example snap videos of those games!? :P


Essentially like seen here - 


...I'm getting a feeling now that those are only video snaps and not the user actually playing the game? I'm hoping that's not the case but have a worrying feeling that it might be now haha!


If you really want to launch a game in the mini game window you could. You just have to set up a bezel that looks like it. Then to start a game where you left off use an emulator that supports save states.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


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