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Controls go nuts after 30secs of playing with spinner or guns WTF is going on ? Help please


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This is weird and doing my head in... I'm already going bald as it is and this isn't helping!

I'm just gonna throw this one out there...

after about 30secs or so of playing a driving game with the spinner or playing a shooting game with the aimtrack guns The car (chase hq, outrun etc) just goes nuts and does its own thing... i mean steering on its own, gas pedal on its own??? As with a light gun game,such operation thunderbolt, after about 30 secs or so the crosshair goes nuts on the screen! (I have checked the calibrate settings and it's not that)

I need to laugh at this to seriously keep my sanity or I will go insane!

My setup-

Just installed a fresh version of mame64 .171 raw input (I'm only using mame with hyperspin, nothing else)

Controls - iPac 4 for sticks etc (this is fine, no issues. A normal game runs fine with sticks



2 aimtrack lightguns

Everything is mapped fine, everything works great (at least for a small time)

All settings are as far as I know correct in the mame.ini file.

I have had issues with mame changing the device ids after rebooting etc but I'm told this is a problem across all mame versions and I've not found a cure for this. I had my machine set to boot mame straight away when windows starts and I think this was causing the ids to be changed as I'd not unplugged anything at all, but maybe Windows is starting mame before all devices have had a chance to start / log in if that's makes sense... might be wrong here. Have been by Andy at arcade world U.K. to try changing the mame.cfg file to read only to stop devices being changed but not tried this yet...

So other than this mame version I'm using being possibly knackered I've got no idea what is causing this to happen. I'm at the end of my build and it's been problem after problem as soon as I started trying to set guns and controls up.

What a pain in the arse!

So I'm really hoping someone might have a solution here. Failing that I'll try a different version of mame... or I might consider a crate of Guinness and a big hammer and try and fix it with that...

Ps - I used mameuifx.159 first off and it worked great... but it wouldn't recognise two guns, only both of them as gun#1 so I had to change but I never had half the issues I've had since. All the games worked perfect too... one or two in the different version I've used so far don't, or the sound is shite.

A mameuifx.159 raw input no nag version would be good - I'm told it needs to be raw input for the guns?

Thanks in advance guys


Hi, Im using One Aimtrack, a Push Pull Spinner and a Trackball - all as Windows HiD devices. Im also using an iPac - so my setup isnt dissimilar to yours. I had some issues with the lightgun when i realised if I left it lying around the reflections on the lens drove the mouse/spinner/trackball crazy. From the sound of it this isnt the case for you...Im using Windows 7 - and perhaps your having a Windows issue, rather than a mame issue? Effectively you have lots of mice connected to the same PC.


If it were me Id disconnect all the devices and put them in one at a time - test it for a short period and once your convinced its ok put another one in.


Hi. Thanks. Yes very similar. I'm using win7 64

I have had a few different versions of mame on there now as there always seems to be somthing wrong ie somthing works fine on one version but but another. The version I used first mameuifx .159 didn't do this. But I couldn't use two guns for some reason.

Il try what you suggested.



...just to add. When it goes off all crazy it affects other controls such as the gas pedal which is wired to the ipac. Normally in other games this is fine. The game becomes completely unresponsive.

I've cleared all other controls and shortcuts that might use the same keys also just incase it was. Also disable Windows hot keys. Nothing else on PC is running apart from LED blinky (could try turning that off) and rocket launcher.


Can I ask what version of mame your using?

So far I've tried-

Mameuifx0.159 - worked best in terms of everything else but would only see both guns as #1

Mame64 0.178 - guns worked only on certain games. Point blank the gun wouldn't register at all and operation thunderbolt you could get movement and hear gun fire but it wasnt registering shots on screen

Mame64 0.171 - everything mapped and worked straight away. - apart from when playing a driving game with spinner or a gun game, after about 30 seconds the controls go crazy and the car for example in outrun or chase hq just goes off road and drivers itself?? Or in a gun game the crosshairs goes crazy on screen after 30 secs or so (already checked calibration settings etc)

No idea there

I found a mameuifx 0.161 already set for guns and no nag etc... May try hat next.

Just wondered what everyone else uses?


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