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Sega Model 2 , having trouble starting games


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Hi there Ive had the model 2 emulator working nicely in hyperspin . But today every time i load a game from  hyperspins model 2 wheel, the game appears to load for a second , then it appears to minimize from full screen into a smaller window , then the model 2 menu appears again. I can hear the game i chose running in the background but all i see is the model 2 menu with its videos and art work playing.

When i exit out of that wheel i hear the unseen games music stop.

Ive set it to full screen launch and tried restarting the computer , just cannot figure out what has happened .

Any help would be very appreciated.



Forgot to mention i can get the emulator working perfectly out of hyperspin and get it to launch from rocket launcher with no issues. Just hyperspins menu wont disappear once the game is loaded , it just stays running while the game runs in the background unseen. 


Hello wardiz, what happens if you press ALT+TAB keys for switching windows?? Does the game appear in one of the windows?

Have you tried to delete the whole system, and then add it again via Rocket Launcher? Perhaps there's a bad video-related config that make the games run in background. Perhaps erasing the system and reconfigure it solves the problem.


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