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parental rating filter


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Does anyone know a way to create databases or to set up Hyperspin/Rocketlauncher to only play roms with certain AAMA ratings?  I have a pretty decent setup 22 systems and about 40,000+ roms set up in a hyperspin cabinet and I also have a 4 and 6 year old who I like to let play the arcade (as it was built for a family fun time thing) but it has turned into a problem because they seem to always navigate to the WRONG things  (Like most kids do). I tried using the "genre" But it just doesn't work the way I would like. I would love to be able to check boxes or set up what AAMA rateings I want to let through and it would automatically filter based on info in the databases.  That way I could change it back easily, leaving all my roms intact.  Any Ideas?  Or am I missing something that will already do that and just haven't found it yet?


I think setting up a separate, kid-friendly install of HS is probably the simplest solution. If customised databases are too much hassle you could use the Wheels Only filter and make sure you only include Wheel art for suitable games.

You could launch it from the main menu of your standard install and let the kids play under supervision so they don't exit back too far.

Perhaps you could disable the ability to exit it, and use a secret hotkey combo to kill it with Alt-F4 when the kids aren't around?

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


Could something be done in a RL.?   I'm more concerned about them playing the game rather than just viewing a video snap  or the wheel     Something that once a game is chosen it would look at the info for that particular rom in the database and not allow it to launch, or kick you back To Hyperspin.   I'm still somewhat new at this.  Just a thought.  

Thanks for the replies. And suggestions  


Not sure about RL, but I think some filtering in HS is advisable (e.g. excluding Mature titles from the database) as there are a few games with sexually explicit themes.

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


use a separate mainmenu.xml with only the Nintendo family friendly type systems whenever the kids are going to be playing. at 4 and 6 Nintendo type systems should be the type of stuff they should be into I guess? I can only imagine that the Arcade and more kick butt systems like PS1/PS2 are the systems with the more mature content.


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