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Dreamcast ImgReader error


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Hi there!

While running any Dreamcast Games, I get (on all games) an error message about the imgreader_win32.dll plugin... something like : "unhandled exception while initing image reader"

This happens only in Hyperspin... if I use nullDC emulator alone, all Dreamcast games works perfectly.


Anyone has any ideas? Thanks!

  • 3 weeks later...

1 more thing try Retroarch emulator recast liberto which i find awsome and controlles configerd as well for the xbox360. i used to use demule 0.7 and it took me ages to find the bios  ( not files thu bios folders ) from some russian website .


Thanks, for the reply

For the visual cc+ I installed a bunch and the latests... still doesnt work :( same errors as before.

So I wasnt even aware Retroarch could play Dreamcast games... So I've changed the emulator in Hyperspin from nullDC to Retroarch... Now's the weird thing: Booting Hyperspin, selecting Dreamcast, and selecting any game... the Hyperspin pauses... nothing happens... no sound...until I clic again in the hypersin window where the sound resumes... if I quit and look in the runing process I still See NULLDC.EXE running... dunno why nulldc is launched even if I checked the hyperspin setting points to retroarch emulator :(


so retroarch did work ok ............so for now shut down the pc and turn it on again it happend to me 1 time due to massive underground processes.


that happens when it takes hours of configring


rebooted 3 times since then... still nulldc boots instead of retroarch in the process and nothing happens in hyperspin



the console file setting sega dreeamcast.ini had some options messed up for some reason such as:

winstate=HIDDEN (which I've set to SHOW)

hyperlaunch=false (which I set to true)


Now it works! Games boot correctly... my only problem are now the controller... somehow they always keep going up... (boot a fighting hame the character keeps jumping for no reason) But It shouldnt be too hard to fix hopefully :)


Thats great to hear

Now If you use xbox 360 that will happen 

Try calibration the controller through devices and printers 

If didn't work 

Exclude the analoge stick. 


oh it was simply the controler A was badly selected... I choosed the Xinput while the right controler was PURU (PIRI?) controler selection... all is fixed and all is done!


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