dpickl01 Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 ok so i have this pac led board and i can not get it to fire, i have read the manual, emailed the guy over in the uk and i still cant get it, he even sent me a new board, i have my jumber wire pluged into the + on the board on the left and right ( top) ( the usb port is facing down) the p1 buttons 1-7 and the start are assigned to the left side of the board, and vis versa on the p2 side, each have their own set of jumppers, the board appears to have a led light that does not light up but i dont know? downloaded led blenkey and im not sure what is going on but like i said nothing works i dont know if the board has power the pc make noise when it connected and it made me restart after the first time i pluged it in. any help would be great , [04/22/2014 15:55:56] Missing value in Settings.ini: [Mame_cfg_folder]
rfancella Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 can anyone help ????? Sounds like you have not setup the MAME config in LEDBlinkey? Do you have these settings and are the files there? Thanks, Ron Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them. And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!
arzoo Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 Try the SimpleLEDTest app in the LEDBlinky folder - that will at least tell you if your hardware is working.
dpickl01 Posted April 28, 2014 Author Posted April 28, 2014 not getting anything ill have to check mame settings
dpickl01 Posted April 28, 2014 Author Posted April 28, 2014 mame config folder C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\hyperspin\Emulators\MAME\cfg colors ini C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\hyperspin\LEDBlinky_5_1_0_3um\LEDBlinky\Colors.ini no mame xml game list ???? or controls ini ???? not sure where these are ? I looked into the other folders also this is the first time I have tried to set up led ?
rfancella Posted April 28, 2014 Posted April 28, 2014 mame config folder C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\hyperspin\Emulators\MAME\cfg colors ini C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\hyperspin\LEDBlinky_5_1_0_3um\LEDBlinky\Colors.ini no mame xml game list ???? or controls ini ???? not sure where these are ? I looked into the other folders also this is the first time I have tried to set up led ? The MAME xml game list is generated with MAME by running the command line: mame64.exe -listxml > gamelist.xml And the controls.ini has to be downloaded of the web: http://controls.arcadecontrols.com/controls/controls_dat.php Thanks, Ron Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them. And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!
dpickl01 Posted April 29, 2014 Author Posted April 29, 2014 any more info on how to do this ? "The MAME xml game list is generated with MAME by running the command line: mame64.exe -listxml > gamelist.xml"
rfancella Posted April 29, 2014 Posted April 29, 2014 any more info on how to do this ? "The MAME xml game list is generated with MAME by running the command line: mame64.exe -listxml > gamelist.xml" Using Windows Explorer (if you have Vista or better), navigate to your MAME folder. In an open area on the screen, hold down the shift key and right-click. In that pop-up menu you will get an option to "Open Command Window Here". Left click on that option. It will open a black command window (dos screen). In that box type mame.exe or what ever your MAME executable is, space and then type: -listxml > gamelist.xml Hit enter. Thanks, Ron Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them. And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!
rascaluk Posted April 29, 2014 Posted April 29, 2014 To be fair. This is exactly where I got stumped.... Then I read the instructions Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
dpickl01 Posted April 30, 2014 Author Posted April 30, 2014 settings ;For exclusive use with LEDBlinky – Arcade LED Control Software. [GameOptions] LightGameControls=0 GamePlayLWAFile=<Random> GamePlayAniJukeboxOnly=0 GamePauseLWAFile= GamePauseSpeakControls=0 UseMameOutputs=0 LightPlayerStartCoin=0 GameStartLWAFile= GameStartSpeakControls=0 GameStartSpeakPrimaryControls=0 GameStartSpeakName=0 GameStartStrobeName=0 GameStartSpeakText= GameStartStrobeText=0 AbortSpeechAnyKey=0 SpeakControlsPrefix= SpeakPrimaryControlsPrefix=If you want to play you have to pay me . baby [FEOptions] FE=hyperspin LightFEControls=1 DemoGameControls=0 DemoScrollDelay=0 DemoDuration=5 FELWAFile= FEScreenSaverLWAFile= FEScreenSaverRandomText=0 FEScreenSaverRandomTextDelay=60 FEScreenSaverRandomTextBerzerkMode=0 FEStartLWAFile=Pattern01.lwax FEStartSpeakText= FEStartStrobeText=0 FEQuitLWAFile= FEQuitSpeakText= FEQuitStrobeText=0 FESpeakControlsKey=0 FEListSelectedLWAFile= FEButtonFlash=1 FEButtonFlashSpeed=50 FESettingsFile=C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\hyperspin\Settings\settings.ini HLActive=0 HLExeName=HyperLaunch [MAMEConfig] Colors_ini=C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\hyperspin\LEDBlinky_5_1_0_3um\LEDBlinky\Colors.ini Mame_cfg_folder=C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\hyperspin\Emulators\MAME\cfg MameControllerFile= UseMameDefaultForOtherEmulators=1 MameOutputBufferSize= MameControlsFile=C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\hyperspin\Emulators\MAME\controls.ini MameXmlFile=C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\hyperspin\Emulators\MAME\gamelist.xml UseMameToTriggerGameStart=0 [RandomText] Text0=Get The Intruder Text1=Intruder Alert! Text2=I detect coin in pocket. [speech] SpeechRate=0 SpeechVolume=100 Voice=Microsoft Anna - English (United States) [AudioAnimation] AudioDevice=-1 AudioInput=-1 SampleRate=30 AmplitudeMultiplier=0 AutoAmpMultTargetAvgLow=8 AutoAmpMultTargetAvgHigh=14 AutoAmpMultUpdateRate=2000 AAMode=1 AAGamePlayLWAFile= AAGamePauseLWAFile= AAFEActiveLWAFile= AAFEScreenSaverLWAFile= AACabAttractLWAFile= TriggerMode=2 TriggerThreshold=25 TriggerFrequency=1 TriggerDeadZone=5 ControlFrequencyList=P1B1|1,P1B2|2,P1B3|3,P1B4|4,P1B5|5,P1B6|6,P1B7|7,P1START|8,P2B1|9,P2B2|10,P2B3|11,P2B4|12,P2B5|13,P2B6|14,P2B7|15,P2START|16 ControlThresholdList=P1B1|16,P1B2|15,P1B3|14,P1B4|13,P1B5|12,P1B6|11,P1B7|10,P1START|9,P2B1|8,P2B2|7,P2B3|6,P2B4|5,P2B5|4,P2B6|3,P2B7|2,P2START|1 LockTriggerFrequency=0 LockTriggerThreshold=1 Decay=4 SpectrumMode=1 SpectrumColor1=clBlue SpectrumColor2=clFuchsia SpectrumColor3=clFuchsia SpectrumColor4=clRed SpectrumSingleAmpRange=1 [CabLEDs] CabLEDsMode=0 CabLEDDevices= CabFEStartLWAFile= CabFEQuitLWAFile= CabFEActiveLWAFile= CabFEScreenSaverLWAFile= CabGameStartLWAFile= CabGamePlayLWAFile= CabGamePauseLWAFile= CabFEListSelectedLWAFile= [JDR] UseGPWiz49=0 UseUltraStik=0 UltraStikRestrictorType=0 UseServoStik=0 [OtherSettings] MaxPlayers=4 CocktailMode=0 RandomAniExcludeSelected=0 PreloadAudioLib=0 GameStartDelayTimeout=20 LogFile= Verbose=0 DisplayErrorsOnExit=0 ZipDebugFiles=1 DeviceListOverride= JDROverride=0 NoLEDs=0 SaveUnknownGames=1 SingleDebugSession=0
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