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[EmuMovies] Another Game Boy Video Snap Update (Version 2.1)


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We just released the new version 2.0 Nintendo Game Boy video snap set a week ago and we already have an update to the set bringing it to version 2.1.  We have 2 more video snaps for you guys both recent translation, which are always awesome. (Where are the Dreamcast translations???)  Thanks again to @DamnedRegistrations, who we are keeping locked in a dark basement and the only way he gets fed is to play old games... Your welcome people!  Anyway he did the initial captures and edits for these videos.  We have also added the Standard Quality videos to the website for the 2.x videos.  Continue past the samples for info on exactly what is new.  


High Quality Sample


Standard Quality Sample


Videos Added - 2 @DamnedRegistrations

  • Battle of Kingdom (Japan) (Translated En)
  • Nangoku Shounen Papuwa-kun - Ganmadan no Yabou (Japan) (Translated En)


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EmuMovies Website (SQ Only)

Directly through your front-end or our app using EmuMovies Sync (HQ & SQ)

EmuMovies File Server (FTP) (HQ & SQ)


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