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Mame boot curse


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hi guys,

I wanted to show you what kind of job i succeed to manage thanks to you:


Nervetheless, there is always a little "but":


Sorry for the quality, the message was quick and are to get

So, here is what's happen:

I start any little mame game, nothing happen for perhaps 1 minute...

... then i get that error message...

... then MAME showes up...

...then 5 sec after, i'm back on hyperspin, without being able to play anything.

The most weird thing is: if i boot up mame out of HS, quit and then come into HS to boot mame up, everything are OK

Hope i was clear enough, and, more important for me, hope you'll be able to give me clue to fix it all

thanks by advance


You are likely using a version of MAME that is using a different Window class/title than what the module is expecting. If you are using something like an SVN version, this can happen. What build are you using to run?

By the way, that's a pretty classy set up. Well done.


yeah thx for the clue, but that's the first thing i checked up

i was first using mame150 and then noticed that the ahk was made for 148

so i "downdated" my mame by pasting all the file in my directory

perhaps that's not the way i had to do so... must investigate more


Ok so after long investigation, the problem seems pretty simple at last...

If i choose a mame game as the windows7 boot sequence is not totally finish, it takes to long to show the mame display, and HS thinks that there was a problem...

But after few more second, mame appear, but the error message ask for coming back on HS...

dunno why the problem is only occuring with mame and not with other emulator

So, i'm looking for two tweaks to fix it:

- How can i set a longer timer before displaying error message


- how can i disable the error message


- how can i can i disable "returning back to HS" after the error message

Hope you can help me

Thanks for all


Ok so i filnally manage to fix the problem, here'is how for the archives:

- In HyperHQ, disable Hyperlaunch start (use normal start)

- in mame, map UI cancel to be able to quit mame with you pad (no need to get the keyboard for the esc button)

That's all

dunno why but hyperlaunching seems to need too cpu load usage for my device...

hope it's a long time fix.... will see

see you guys (and ladies)


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